Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2381: kneel down and beg for mercy

Remember [New] for a second,! "so horrible."

All Tianjiao was frightened and surrounded Ye Tian's body, for a while they dared not to take action.

All the guests who were watching had a storm in their hearts, but they didn't expect Ye Tian to be so powerful that he would be more than a sect leader who had lived for thousands of years.

The ending is clear, the ten arrogances have been defeated.

And Ye Tian is probably not a holy infant, but a divine infant, and at least in the middle stage of the divine infant, the peak of the divine infant is not ruled out.

If it is a peak **** infant, it will be much more terrifying, and it can be compared with the quasi-huan god, and it is the ultimate combat power of the Beichen star field.

There are even people who doubt that Ye Tian will be the reincarnation of an invincible old monster, or that he will be reborn after taking a house, so that he can have such terrifying combat power.

"Is this all your fighting power? I'm so disappointed." Ye Tian shook his head lightly, his eyes full of contempt.

It was just a warm-up just now, and now he wants to get serious.

He said that he would shoot the ten arrogances to death one by one, and naturally he would not break his promise.

Based on his current cultivation, not to mention these so-called young talents, even the suzerain-level figures behind these talents, will not be taken seriously by him. It was the ancestor who was sitting on the throne of Sendai, the ancestor of Quanhua Shenzhen, who made him look at it a few more times, with a trace of fear.

"Enough, stop. It's just a competition. Since the high and low have been distinguished, there is no need to compete any more." The old sword master of Wuji Sword Sect was the first to speak, his face was ugly, and he didn't want the swords under his door to sacrifice in vain.

"Forget it, there's no need to compare it any more, let's end it. I admit defeat in the Hall of Longevity." The Lord of the Hall of Longevity also said, shaking his head and sighing.

Next, the other suzerain-level figures behind Tianjiao also expressed their opinions one after another, wanting to stop this fight, all of them were like eating dead mice, and their faces were extremely ugly.

They have clearly said just now that they will never intervene in the fight. If Ye Tianzhen can kill ten Tianjiao, just do it. Now they renege on their promises, and they are slapped in the face.

Although the ten Tianjiao were unwilling, they had to accept this reality, and they couldn't help but step back. Now Ye Tian is seen by them as a humanoid tyrannosaurus, which cannot be provoked or defeated.

With so many big people expressing their opinions, everyone thought that Ye Tian would sell his face, open up the Internet, and get a favor, so that he could have a good relationship with the ten major forces.

Unexpectedly, I heard him say: "When you say it's over, it's over. Have you asked me for my opinion? Before the fight, you clearly said that life and death are up to you. Are you trying to break your promises and get fat?"

As soon as he said this, all the guests in the audience were stunned for a while, thinking that the ears asked the question and heard it wrong.

These ten major forces are all ancient sects that have been inherited for at least ten thousand years, and their backgrounds are unfathomable. The ten sect master-level characters are all characters who are about to reach the limit on the path of Nascent Soul. They are only one step away from becoming a god. If they join forces, they are the ancestors of the quasi-god-level demon suppression, and they can only be crushed. , cannot be an opponent.

However, Ye Tian dared to go against their will, which was simply asking for his own death.

"Little friend, you have to forgive people and forgive them." The demon-suppressing ancestor couldn't help but persuaded Ye Tian.

He called Ye Tian a little friend, which was already very polite, indicating that his attitude had changed, and he wanted to treat Ye Tian as a guest.

At his level, only a strong enough existence can impress him.

"I don't know how to praise. Don't think that you have a little ability, and you are arrogant. You must know that the rivers and lakes are sinister, and it is better to solve the enemy, or it is too late to regret it." Leng Dian, if it wasn't for the presence of the Demon Suppressing Ancestor, he couldn't help but want to take action and kill Ye Tian quickly.

Thinking of his dignified palace lord, who is famous in the Beichen Star Region, it is the first time that he has been ignored like this.

"Then what do you think?" The old sword master of Wuji Sword Sect asked with a cold face, his tone was still polite, not as aggressive as the palace master of the God King's Palace.

"It's not impossible for me to let them go. Kneel down and beg me." Ye Tian raised his eyes and glanced at a few people, and said lightly.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the audience.

It would be more uncomfortable for ten Tianjiao to kneel and beg for mercy than to kill them, thanks to him being able to figure it out. This is not only humiliating the ten arrogances, but also the sects where the ten arrogances are located, and they are also humiliated together, becoming a black spot that cannot be erased in the annals of their respective sects' cultivation, and they will be smeared for thousands of years.

"You are presumptuous. Let me kneel down and beg you, what are you? If I want to leave, who can stop me?"

The Young Palace Master of the Palace of the Gods was furious, and after speaking, he smashed a jade talisman on his chest.

Immediately, an avenue of divine light with dense void patterns enveloped him, and his figure disappeared from the place in an instant, breaking through the void.

"Void Rune!"

A guest exclaimed.

The Void Talisman, also known as the Shrinking Earth Talisman, can be teleported in space, appearing thousands of feet in an instant, or even thousands of miles away.

This kind of magical rune cannot be refined by the cultivators of the Nascent Soul, and must be familiar with the Void Avenue. It is extremely precious and will never be used until it is forced.

As soon as this talisman came out, the old palace lord of the Shenwang Palace secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the young palace lord would definitely be able to escape.

But then, a scene that shocked everyone happened.

Ye Tian didn't know what magical power to use, but a hand actually penetrated into the void, only to see an arm, but no palm.

In an instant, the void shattered, and the young palace lord of the Palace of the Gods was like a little chicken. He was grabbed by a big hand and lifted out, frightened with big feet. UU Reading

"Flesh shatters the void!"

At that moment, all the guests in the audience felt a chill.

Even the Demon Suppressing Ancestor shrank his pupils, a little surprised.

At the level of Nascent Soul, you will be familiar with some void techniques. But these Void Techniques can only be regarded as the lowest-level Void Avenue.

And what Ye Tian showed just now was the ability of the real body to smash the void. It was like finding things in a bag, effortlessly, indicating that his mastery of the avenue of the void had reached an unimaginable level, surpassing the extremity that can be achieved by the realm of Nascent Soul.

"With such ability, it seems that the person who destroyed the Great Western Star is really you, and you can't go wrong. Divine infants may not be your real realm. Who are you? Can't reincarnation be reincarnated? Or is it a higher-level cultivating civilization in the depths of the cosmic sea of ​​stars?" The goddess's eyes widened in the beginning.

She never believed that a Nascent Soul could smash a vacuum like this, at least not yet.

She looked at Xiao Shuangshuang who was sitting beside her, so happy that she was almost dancing, she suddenly had the urge to search for his soul, but she didn't do it in the end.

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