Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2380: like mill ants

Remember [New] for a second,! Bang bang bang!

How powerful is Ye Tian's physical body, comparable to the body of a god, these geniuses are all like chickens and dogs, all of them are knocked upside down and fly out, their bones are broken and tendons are broken, and blood is spitting out of the mouth.

"What a powerful body!"

Even the young master of Blood Soul Villa, Chilong, who is known for his body refinement, turned into a steel giant ten feet tall, but he was knocked back dozens of steps, and his chest was shrunk, and he could feel the piercing thorn. Pain, apparently a broken rib.

"My God, what kind of monster is this guy? The body is so powerful!"


All the spectators in the audience took a deep breath.

They thought that Ye Tian was devoured by the ten attacks just now, and he was about to die, but in the blink of an eye, they killed the ten Tianjiao by surprise.

From this confrontation alone, it can be seen that Ye Tian's combat power is more than that of the ten arrogances, and he must be invincible and invincible.

"Look, I just said, my brother will not die." Xiao Shuangshuang said with a small mouth, her eyes were bright, and she looked at a pair of senior brothers and sisters from the divine religion in the beginning.

"Is it really you? One person overwhelms one star!" The goddess of the early days of the gods of the early days muttered to herself, and she already believed a little.

Zhang Qingfeng was even more frozen in place, saying he didn't believe it, but his heart was terrified.

"I don't believe it, come again, look at my blood soul battle body!"

The young owner of the Blood Soul Villa, Chi Long, roared, and his blood soul battle body has been cultivated to the highest level.

In fact, the blood soul battle body is indeed very strong, and it can even resist the bombardment of ordinary artifacts.

In the earth-shattering roar, the 10-zhang body of the young owner of the Blood Soul Villa climbed again, turning into a height of 30 feet, nearly 100 meters, stepping on the ground, rumbling and crashing, like a steel chariot, stepping on it. Shake the ground.

Endless blood energy swirled around him, like a sea of ​​blood emerging, and finally turned into a sea of ​​blood domain, covering thousands of feet in a radius, setting the world in blood red.

Ye Tian was also covered by the blood sea domain, and the terrifying pressure fell, just like the pressure of thousands of mountains, with a terrifying power to suppress.


A mountain-opening battle axe was held by Chilong, and it fell to Ye Tian right on the head.


In an instant, the earth cracked, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the large cracks in the ancient Taoist field spread out like horned dragons.

Facing the earth-shattering blow from Chilong, Ye Tian's expression finally became solemn, and his right hand clenched his fist.


The golden fist is like a meteor falling into the atmosphere, and the fire is shining, destroying all obstacles, even if it is a small world in the field, it is not enough, and it is passed through on the spot.


A shattering sound came, and the small world of the blood sea domain was like a soap bubble, bursting, and was swept to pieces by the hurricane-like punch.


In the next second, Ye Tian's fist collided with Chilong's Tomahawk, and a dazzling light erupted between the two, like countless stars bursting, the rays of light were dazzling and dazzling, rushing in all directions.


Contrary to everyone's expectations, the tomahawk with an artifact level was kicked out by Ye Tian with one punch. Although it didn't explode, it burst out with several cracks, which was considered a waste.

Then Chilong's 100-meter-high gigantic body also vomited blood and flew out, like a rag bag, swaying in the wind and rain.

The person was still in the air, and there was a crackling sound from his body. He didn't know how many bones were broken all over his body. The blood and flesh on his chest were blurred, and a blood hole appeared through the front and back, and the blood was gushing out like a spring.

The so-called undefeated blood and soul battle body, in Ye Tian's hands, does not even have the power of unity.

"A group of ants, is this all your strength? If you don't show any real skills, this seat will kill you one by one."

In the cold voice, Ye Tian took the initiative to attack, like a chariot of the gods, rushing again in front of a group of geniuses.

Bang bang bang!

Or bombarded with iron fists, or swept with iron legs, or slammed into the flesh, the arrogance of the giants of the Beichen Starfield volleyed out one by one, just like an adult burly man who abused the children in the kindergarten. Completely effortless.


All the guests were silent, the scene was dead silent, only the sound of gasping for air could be heard.

"Is he really just a baby?"

"Impossible, it must be above the Holy Infant."

"Could it be..., Divine Baby?"

"My Beichen Star Territory's arrogant baby is very rare, have you never heard of him?"

Ye Tian's combat power was so terrifying that many people expressed doubts about his cultivation, and raised his cultivation from Holy Infant to Divine Infant.

Up to now, Ye Tian has relied on the power of the flesh, and a fairy baby still remains dormant, so that everyone can't see his profound and true cultivation.


The swordsman of Wuji Jianzong swung his long sword and turned into a dazzling sword beam that was thousands of meters long, like a divine sword from outside the sky slashing towards Ye Tian. Where the sword light passed, a bottomless sword mark was cut off the ground of the ancient dojo, and a dark crack appeared in the void.


Ye Tian backhanded a sword in his hand, and even cut the magic sword into two pieces.

Wuji Jianzi vomited blood and retreated more than a thousand feet in the void, his face pale.

Just when Ye Tian was about to catch up with him and give him a series of critical attacks, a fiery figure stood in front of him. It was the chief disciple of Jiuyang Dongtian, Gu Yangzi.

This person is fully equipped with Nine Yang Divine Physique, his fleshly body turned into pure Yang, and his body is surrounded by endless Nine Yang True Fire.

Jiuyang Divine Palm!


This palm was shot, and the heaven and earth roared along with it, shaking for a while.


Ye Tian greeted him with the chaotic golden light palm, which seemed to be a fairly equal collision, but the result was unexpected. Gu Yangzi's Jiuyang palm was smashed like glass at once, while Ye Tian's chaotic golden light **** The palm was unscathed.

"Not good! A few, save me."

Gu Yangzi's face changed wildly, he wanted to dodge and retreat, but it was too late, so he cried out for help.


Being slapped on the chest by Ye Tian's palm, Gu Yangzi's whole body was like a flaming meteor, hitting the ground, smashing a large crater-like crater, his body shattered, flesh and bones flying in all directions.

But he has not lost one of his Nascent Souls, and his spiritual soul has not been destroyed. People in the crater quickly used the secret method to reunite the body.

Although he quickly stood up from the crater, the breath on his body fell more than a bit. Obviously, this heavy injury caused him to hurt his origin, and Shouyuan did not know that he was photographed hundreds of years old.

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