Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2332: Doppelgänger

Brush brush!

Everyone's eyes turned towards Ye Tian in an instant.

Just saw, Ye Tian, ​​a vast aura, like boiling water, uncontrollably rushed up into the sky, and it was this vast aura that moved the thunderclouds in the sky.


Ye Tian's heart sank, because he had used all his strength just now to create a sympathy between heaven and man, which split the golden core and forced himself to transcend the calamity.

He was on the verge of transcending the calamity, and now he can't suppress it anymore.

But now, before the enemy, it is not the time to transcend the calamity.

Moreover, he was only half a step away from the fairy baby, and he didn't want to prove the Taoist baby, so he made a lot of his efforts in vain.

Boom boom boom!

His whole body radiated light, with thousands of divine lights, thousands of auspicious colors, tidal waves of energy, and violent ups and downs in his breath.

He suddenly sat up cross-legged, squeezed his hands together, and tried his best to suppress it.

As he pinched the seals, a chain of chaotic order divine chains emerged between his palms and fingers, and were pulled into the body to restrain the restless Jindan.

"I know, this thunder calamity was brought about by him, and he can't control Du Yuanying's catastrophe. God helped me to wait, let's go together and kill him." Mu Xiaoshen roared loudly.

There is no doubt that it was the thunder tribulation caused by Ye Tian.

All the big figures in the upper realm remaining at the scene were eager to move.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

"Patriarch, Ye Zhenjun is about to transcend the tribulation, and the big figures in the upper realm are going to take advantage of the danger, what should we do?" a Middle Tu people anxiously asked.

Although there are only a dozen people left in the upper realm, all of them are Nascent Souls, and each of them is a god-like existence. It is very possible to kill Ye Tian while people are in danger.

"I am a small god, what can I do?" Patriarch Xia Changgeng shook his head, unable to do anything, his heart was cold.


More than a dozen Nascent Souls took action, and although they were more or less injured, they were still incomparably terrifying.

A series of dozens of attacks comparable to spaceship guns bombarded Ye Tian overwhelmingly.

Ye Tian sat cross-legged, but a huge mythical beast rushed out of him, and his body became inflated and suddenly enlarged, and instantly turned into a huge mountain. And no less.

The divine beast is like a snake but not a snake, like a turtle but not a turtle, with two elephants, surrounded by an endless sea of ​​blood, and there is thunder and lightning roaring in the blood sea, like the master of the ghost.

"Xuanwu, he actually created a Xuanwu clone!" Mu Xiaoshen's eyes suddenly widened.

The law body is completely different from the law body. The law body is equivalent to another self, which has the potential to approach the real body infinitely, and can fight without the body. In order to buy Ye Tian time, suppress the impulse to cross the robbery.

Xuanwu is a kind of nine-day divine beast. It is the **** of the north in mythology, who controls the underworld and suppresses all demons.

As soon as Xuanwu appeared, it turned into a huge thousands of feet, filled with the void, making everyone's vision suddenly darkened.


Xuanwu opened his mouth and spit out, and a sea of ​​​​nether blood rushed out, and thousands of five elements of the water gods and thunders exploded in it.

The most powerful blows from more than a dozen Nascent Souls were all intercepted by this sea of ​​blood, at the cost of half of the sea of ​​blood.

And the netherworld rushed out like a torrent of blood, and also swallowed the three Nascent Souls. They were bombarded by the gods and thunder of the water, and they were directly blown into nothingness.


Seeing this scene, Mu Xiaoshen general and other big figures in the upper realm all changed color at the same time.

It is just a clone. With just one blow, it killed three Nascent Soul major repairers. What kind of terrifying combat power is this?

But this is just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, the Xuanwu clone opened its **** mouth and took a sharp inhalation. A black hole appeared in the mouth, and everything in the world was swallowed up.

The other three Nascent Souls from the upper realm were unable to escape, and were swallowed into Xuanwu's body in one bite.

How dare the remaining big figures in the upper realm dare to neglect, rushing to flee in all directions.

Even the shepherd **** general didn't dare to fight, he used a magic door escape technique and rushed to the front.


Xuanwu let out a shocking roar, and a faint light rushed out from his body, instantly covering the sky for dozens of miles, forming a small domain world.

It is the Xuanwu field!

As soon as this realm was formed, the remaining great figures from the upper realm suddenly felt that they had come to the underworld, and a sea of ​​blood spread on the ground, surging and boundless.

An oppressive breath rushed through his body in an instant.

What made the hearts of the big figures in the upper realm feel chills was that, immediately afterward, three clones of Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu, and three clones rushed out of Ye Tian's body and rushed towards them all.

Qinglong, a divine dragon, swung its tail, blasting a Nascent Soul into the void.

Suzaku opened his mouth and spit, and a torrent of thunder, the **** of fire, rushed out, like a pillar in the sky. After swallowing a Nascent Soul, it exploded to ashes in an instant.

The white tiger was even more ferocious, swallowing a Nascent Soul in one bite.

"Little beast, you can't kill us if you want to kill us? My emperor will never let you go?" Mu Xiaoshen's eyes were split open, UU reading www.uukanshu. com rampaged in the basalt field, but couldn't get out.

He unfolded the demonic image and turned into a demon with a height of 1000 meters, but before he could show his power, he was slapped on the head with a slap by the terrifying Xuanwu, disintegrating from head to toe and turning into dust.

If it weren't for a critical moment, a Titan giant transformed from Nascent Soul slashed over with an axe and slashed at Xuanwu's body, and his body might have been obliterated.

"Death!" The Titan slashed Xuanwu's back with an axe.

The power of this axe is huge, as if it is opening up the world.

However, only a white mark was cut on the back of the Xuanwu Dharma body, and then the giant axe burst into pieces, like an egg hitting a stone.


Xuanwu turned around, his eyes were like magic lamps, and he let out a roar.

The giant titan's law immediately shrank his pupils and wanted to retreat, but a wave of blood hit him and wrapped him heavily.

Then the history reappeared astoundingly, following in the footsteps of Mu Xiaoshen's magic god, the Titan giant was pressed into a piece of meat pie from beginning to end, even the Nascent Soul was shattered, the soul was turned to ashes, and he was completely dead. .

In just a moment, under the fighting of the four avatars, more than a dozen of the upper realm Nascent Soul majors were killed and injured, and only a few were left, wailing in the Xuanwu domain.

"A few help me, split the realm, or I will die!"

Mu Xiaoshen will say to the few remaining big figures in the upper realm that he will not hesitate to burn the origin of his bloodline, sublime his combat power, and turn it into a dharma that is thousands of meters high. He holds a magic sword and fights and kills.

The same is true of several other people, their bloodlines are burning, and their combat power is sublimated.

One after another, the blood light rose into the sky, blessing on the magic sword of Mu Xiaoshen general, and then slashed down into the sky, slashing towards the boundary membrane of the domain.

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