Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2331: robbery

Boom boom boom!

Hundreds of Jin Dan and dozens of Nascent Souls joined forces to strike, how terrifying the power is?

The void rumbling and rumbling, turned into a pot of energy thick porridge again, the sky and the earth were a bleak cloud, and the breath of death was overwhelming.

Just like dozens of God's Punishment main cannons bombarded at the same time, the power is enough to shatter the earth in a radius of ten thousand miles, and even sink it into an ocean.

"Little beast, die for me!"



The big figures in the upper realm roared, their eyes were split open, and they were furious.

Ye Tian alone slaughtered millions of people in the upper realm and destroyed thousands of space battleships. This is a shame that has never been seen in the ancient Western civilization. The blood debt must be paid in blood.


Facing such an earth-shattering attack and killing by the big figures in the upper realm, Ye Tian only snorted coldly, and then called out the Ziying Sword again.


In the sound of a pure and happy sword cry, a purple streamer rushed out of Ye Tian's body and fell into his palm.

It seemed that he could feel the master's inextinguishable killing intent and unyielding will, and the Ziying sword buzzed and vibrated, communicating with the master's mind.

The moment he held the sword in both hands, Ye Tian's aura suddenly changed, exhaustion and weakness were swept away, and in an instant, the sword's brows were furious, and his pupils were sharp as swords, as if he had transformed into a peerless swordsman.

"This sword should be revenge for the hundreds of millions of souls who were slaughtered to death by your Daxi on the Middle Earth star."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Tian slashed out with a sword.

I saw that this sword slashed out, and what rushed out was not a long river of purple sword energy, but a chaotic chain of order, without earth-shattering momentum, it looked very ordinary.

However, seeing this sword light, all the big figures from the upper realm in the audience were all stunned, and their expressions were all filled with fear.

This is a sword of law. It goes beyond ordinary kendo and is the ultimate meaning of kendo.

Everything comes naturally. When the flesh body is fused with the four top-quality chaotic primordial stones, and the chaotic golden body removes other laws of smelting and turns into a chaotic body, Ye Tian truly masters the purest power of chaos, and the law of chaos runs through. whole body.


As soon as the sword light formed by the divine chain of chaos order rushed out, the entire hundred-mile void was condensed into one, and time seemed to stop flowing.

It was not until it collided with the attacks of more than 100 big figures in the upper realm that the seemingly ordinary divine chain of chaotic order exploded, turning into countless sword lights that penetrated the sky and the earth, as gorgeous as the sun, like opening up the world, and transformed into a new one. world.

After the divine chain of chaotic order exploded, each strand was divided into hundreds of millions of splendid sword lights, gathered together, filled the world, and destroyed ten directions.


In the loud explosion, Tianyu was shattered, and a black hole was directly punched out.

The terrifying energy storm surged out in all directions like a tsunami in the sky, overturning the ground layer by layer, and large cracks spread out one after another, and even the ground collapsed and subsided.

The ancient mine where the Middle Tu people are located was originally a pit, but now it has become a "high mountain", because the surrounding area has sunk down for hundreds of miles. If it wasn't for the protection of the Heaven-shattering Seal, one could imagine the fate of the Middle Tu people.

But even so, the Middle Tu people in the ancient mines also shuddered, feeling like a boat in the ocean, enduring the ravages of the storm, always hanging by a thread.

All they saw in their eyes was that Tianyu was chaotic at first, nothing was visible, and after a while, it was clear.

The hundreds of figures of the great figures in the upper realm standing proudly in the void actually lost more than half of them, leaving only a few dozen figures, and they were still crippled and crippled.

There are even some people who are filled with sword energy, grinning and trying desperately to suppress, but in the end they can't suppress it. Broken into a cloud of blood.

In the end, there were only a few dozen high-ranking figures left, and half of them were left, and only a dozen or so Nascent Souls were left standing.

"Am I dreaming? Big brother killed everyone." The little girl Xia Shuangshuang murmured.

"No, darling, you're not dreaming, it's true. Your big brother is not simple, and his abilities are beyond everyone's imagination." The little girl's mother was also surprised.

"Patriarch, how do you think he is compared to the supreme **** of my clan, Xuantian Saber Lord?" Someone asked the patriarch Xia Changgeng, comparing Ye Tian to their god, Xuantian Saber Lord.

"From him, I saw the shadow of Xuantian Daojun. I even doubted whether he was the reincarnation of Xuantian Daojun?" The patriarch Xia Changgeng said, his wide eyes protruding from his sockets.

There was an exclamation from the Zhongtu people, and there was a lot of discussion. They were all excited and couldn't help themselves.

They were all despairing at first, but looking at Ye Tian's performance at this moment, it may not be possible to save them from the sea of ​​misery. It can even lead them to live a prosperous life and enjoy all the human rights that should be enjoyed as human beings.

"No, it's impossible, it's not true! How can you be so strong? Who the **** are you?" Shepherd God General roared, with two flames spurting out of his eyes.

His armor was all torn apart, and the magical image of the thousand-zhang-high Demon God behind him was withdrawn from his body for a while. UUkanshu was created by the sword energy.

"I said, if your Great Western Emperor doesn't come, just you ants want to kill me?" Ye Tian said lightly, with no sadness or joy in his eyes.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Tian shook the big sword in his hand, ready to kill the remaining cats and dogs in one go.

But at this moment, there was a clicking sound in his body.

Immediately, his expression froze.

Even if he doesn't look inward, he knows what's going on, and the golden core is cracked.


Immediately afterwards, an unparalleled wave of terror descended from the sky, making everyone in the audience tremble.

Everyone looked up and saw that a group of thunderclouds suddenly gathered in the sky.

This thundercloud, unparalleled terror, as soon as it appeared, it expanded outward at a geometric doubling speed. In just a few breaths, it enveloped the void for dozens of miles around, like the flood of the Yellow River, out of control.

In the dark thundercloud, one after another terrifying thunderbolt burst, as if thousands of thunder dragons danced and shuttled through it, making a loud roar.

"How is this going?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

This thundercloud storm came so suddenly, it was born out of thin air.

"Why do I feel like a thunder calamity? Who is going to cross the calamity?" said a Nascent Soul major from the upper realm.

"Five Elements Divine Thunder, Chaos Divine Thunder, Lunar Divine Thunder, Sun Divine Thunder, Great Extinction Divine Thunder, Hongmeng Divine Thunder, Absolute Beginning Divine Thunder, ... I'm going, there are a total of twelve types of Divine Thunder, and I'm about to get them together. It's terrifying. Well, is this the rhythm of transcending the great catastrophe of the gods?"

In just a short while of everyone's discussion, the thundercloud storm has expanded to a radius of 100 miles, and it is still expanding at a speed that the world can't imagine.

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