Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2128: Enter the fairy cave

Just when the Heaven-Fending Seal penetrated the prohibition on the Yuanci Immortal Cave, the Old Snow Ape King also took action, blasting out the Yuanci Great Seal, and shook the Heaven-Fending Seal.

The pyramid-shaped metamagnet seal absorbs the force of the metamagnetism in the metamagnetism fairy hole, and quickly expands, exuding an unspeakable depressive atmosphere, with unparalleled powerful explosive power.

"Broken!" The old Snow Ape King burst out, embracing his arms, and raised the Yuan Ci Da Yin Suo.

A vast and terrifying wave swept out, the void collapsed, and the sky trembled.


Ye Tian only spit out one word, and the earthshaking seal flipped between his palms, suppressing it like a magic mountain.


As if the heavens and the earth collided, the vast sea was raging, and the qi machine that destroyed the heavens and the earth shook in all directions, and the entire Yuanci fairy cave seemed to be destroyed. The boundless loud noise was deafening.

Before, Fantianyin and Yuanci Dayin had a hard blow and were defeated miserably.

This time, everyone's jaws were shocked, and the Heaven-shaking Seal still stood proudly in the void, but the Magneto-Essence Great Seal fell sharply.

The chest of the old Snow Ape King collapsed on the spot, his body shriveled like a ball, his bones creaked, and I don't know how many pieces were broken.

In the previous confrontation, Ye Tian only sacrificed the Heaven-shaking Seal, without personally controlling it, so that the Heaven-shading Seal was defeated by the Yuanci Great Seal.

And just now, it was not so much that the Yuanci Great Seal was defeated by the Heaven-shading Seal, it was better to say that it was defeated by him, and his whole body's power was blessed by the Heaven-shading Seal.

"Terrain boy, you are too much."

In the Yuanci Fairy Cave, a breath of shock was suddenly filled with people. This is a tyrannical and terrifying destructive force, surging out.

A group of snow monkeys chanted the curse together, seeming to be using some taboo magical powers.

A giant palm formed by the magnetism **** light rushed out of the magnetism fairy cave, covering the sky almost instantly, with a radius of hundreds of meters, lightning and thunder, like a colorful auspicious cloud, bringing Ye Tian's whole person Shrouded completely below.


The Heaven-Shaking Seal was slapped and flew out, and a divine power surged from the giant palm, which seemed to be able to shake the sun, moon, mountains and rivers.


The colorful primordial lightning, intertwined vertically and horizontally, splits from the giant palms. This is the combination of the secret method and the primordial divine light, fast and domineering.

The huge palms suffocated the sky and destroyed the heavens and the earth.

Facing this earth-shattering blow, Ye Tian acted very calmly, and only briefly and roughly waved his right fist, and rushed forward.

The golden fist shines brightly, not like a flesh and blood body at all, but like the **** golden glass that has just been tempered from the sacred furnace, revealing an eternal and immortal breath.


The golden fist is powerful, invincible, and invincible, bursting into the void, shattering the giant magneto palm, nothing can stop it.

Puff puff!

Under the shock of Qi, a group of snow apes all vomited blood and flew upside down, like being struck by lightning.

It's hard to imagine how powerful Ye Tian's golden fist is, and how tough his body is.

This is an invincible existence that is close to Yuanying Tianjun in all aspects of the body, and the Snow Ape clan is unjustly defeated.

Bang, bang, bang!

Ye Tian stood with his head high, his robe hunting, and his hair flying, walking in the void, light and elegant, one step was a hundred feet long, as if he had shrunk into an inch, he rushed into the magnetite fairy hole in an instant.

The sky-shaking seal buzzed and hummed, weighing ten directions and heavy as a mountain. It hung above his head and dropped chaotic air.

His eyes are like two golden lamps, shooting out two bright beams of light, scanning everything in the Yuanci fairy cave.

There is a vast space here, an underground secret room, but in the center of the secret room, there is an abyss-like cave with a diameter of about ten meters. The magnetism divine light is sprayed out, and it is bright, and there are waves of dragons.

This should be the Immortal Cave of Yuanci, where countless dragon veins converge, and a large amount of dragon qi has been bred in it, transforming into a large dragon.

The Old Snow Ape King was beaten into a ruined body, but it was indeed a powerful existence. He smashed a mace and slammed into Ye Tian.

This is their ancestral land, but now they are being trampled on. This is a great shame, and no snow ape can tolerate it.

Ye Tian gave a light slam and waved his fist, the immortal divine brilliance bloomed out, as if a **** was looking down on the vast earth and struck forward forcefully.

The golden blood in his body was thundering, violently surging, making waves of tsunami-like noises, shaking the Yuanci fairy hole.


The wolf-fanged stick was blown out by a punch, and the old Snow Ape King flew out and was embedded in the rock wall, very deep.

All the other snow apes were trembling and moving. Although they were all hated and murderous, none of them dared to step forward.

With his hands on his back, Ye Tian stood on the edge of the Yuanci Fairy Hole for a moment, his sharp eyes peering into the depths.

I don’t know how long this ancient cave has existed. It was conceived from the heavens and the earth, surpassing the heavens and the earth.

His palms shook slightly, and waves of magneto-magneto divine light were attracted, and soon the whole person was enveloped by magneto-magneto divine light, looking very mysterious, and his body was crystal clear.

Primal magnetism is not electromagnetism, but a kind of divine magnetism, a source of energy.

However, this energy is far more violent than spiritual energy, and it is difficult for ordinary people to refine it. And if something goes wrong in the refining, it is likely to bring catastrophic consequences.


Suddenly, a cough came, and the old snow monkey king walked out of the stone wall. UU reading staggered, his body trembled, he coughed up blood, and his white hair was stained red with blood.

The vitality of this clan is very strong, and when it is replaced by other creatures, it has long since turned into blood and mud, and the old Snow Ape King is still stubbornly alive.

"Human race junior, you are angry with our race, should you vent your anger now? This primordial magnet fairy cave cannot go deep, even if you are incomparable, you can't venture in. I advise you to leave." Lao Xue Said the monkey, the words were peaceful, and the previous domineering was no longer there.

"Since I'm here, how can I come back empty-handed?" Ye Tian said lightly.

"Then what do you want?" Old Snow Ape King asked, panting heavily.


Ye Tian jumped and rushed into the Magnetite Immortal Cave, ignoring the advice of the old Snow Ape King.

Suddenly, Ye Tian seemed to have broken into a terrifying black hole, and all kinds of destructive powers hit him, making a series of critical strikes.

But he didn't stop, he was still sinking, leaving a mark in the brilliant divine light, passing through numerous obstacles, and approaching the deepest part of the Yuanci fairy hole.

A group of snow monkeys stood on the edge of the Yuanci fairy hole, looking down.

"This Human Race kid is dead."

"I would only dare to attract a small amount of Magneto Divine Light to this hole on weekdays, and the violent Magneto force inside can shred all tangible things."

"Unless his physical body is comparable to the real Nascent Soul body."

A group of junior snow monkeys commented.

However, the old Snow Ape King squinted slightly, his expression full of shock.

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