Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2127: Break the ban

I saw that as Ye Tian made a fist, all the muscles on and off, the golden blood roared, and a wave of divine power surging out, extending from the feet, passing through the waist and abdomen, and finally all pierced above the fist.

His dragon-like spine was bent into a big bow, and his golden fist was a crossbow arrow shot out in anger.


As Ye Tian blasted a fist, like a heavy cannon, the golden light of ten thousand feet bloomed on the tip of his fist, like a golden dragon, rushing away madly against the restraint on the magnetite fairy hole.

This punch brought together all the power of Ye Tian Dacheng's Golden Eucharist. Whether it was the Golden Core Beast King or the Dacheng Golden Core of the Human Race, he was confident that he could beat it with one punch, which was almost the power of destruction with a single blow from the Nascent Soul.

However, with such a earth-shattering punch, hitting the prohibition outside the Yuanci Immortal Cave, only tore a small crack, and soon the crack healed again, becoming one.

"Friends of the human race, the prohibition here is that the ancestors of the ancestors of our race have personally sacrificed and invited the top masters of the Penglai ancient star to help. , Is as solid as a rock, even the Nascent Soul may not be able to break open. I advise you to save effort. Wouldn't it be beautiful if you have a good relationship with our clan and a strong alliance?" said the old ape king, spitting blood. , Still calm and relaxed.

"A strong alliance, you are also worthy of your down-and-out Snow Ape clan?" Ye Tian sneered coldly, and the Golden Holy Body shook, accumulating strength again.

"Human junior, you are too presumptuous. Although your strength is comparable to the dollar infant, you are not Yuan Ying after all. On this ancient star, you can't be the number one in the world. If you retreat now, you will be in peace with each other, everything All good. Otherwise, don't blame me for starting a peerless killing array and killing you here." Old Snow Ape King said angrily.


Ye Tian snorted coldly, with a flick of his finger, and suddenly a flash of fingers flew out and hit the old Snow Ape King who was under restriction.

This finger light looks unremarkable. If you look closely, you will find that there are void fragments rising and falling inside, and the avenue runes are shining.

The void was directly torn apart, and a void channel penetrated, and the prohibition covering the magnetite fairy hole was not able to stop any of them. This finger light suddenly blasted on the body of the old Snow Ape King, and he went straight to Lao Xue. The ape king flew volley into the air, vomiting blood again and again.

"Open the Peerless Killing Array and kill him."

"Fight with him."

A group of snow apes were in anger and anger.


Immediately afterwards, there really was a killing array bursting out of the Magnetite Immortal Cave, and the Magneto Divine Light burst into the sky, turning into swords, spears, swords and halberds, blasting towards Ye Tian overwhelmingly. There are also large dragons scrolling through the sky, and the sky is full of dragon auras.

In a trance, the earth around Yuanci Xiandong turned into a chaos, the gust of wind roared, killing all, the sun and the moon reversed, and the void shattered.

Ye Tian knows that this is the opening of the Peerless Killing Array in the Magnetite Immortal Cave. It is far beyond the ability of the guardian ancestral land just now. When the ordinary golden core comes here, I am afraid that even if it can't hold a breath, it will be The power of various formations is shredded into powder.

But Ye Tiansi was not afraid. After holding his hands, he still stood proudly in place, never evading.

Dacheng's golden body bloomed with brilliant golden light, forming a golden field outside the body. All the divine light and all the killer light will dissipate as soon as it touches the golden field.

"I thought I was holding a tortoise shell, so I can't help you?" Ye Tian smiled coldly.

"Fine, let you see today, in the face of absolute power, this area of ​​formation is nothing at all?"

After speaking, Ye Tian shook his hand and threw a big seal into the air.

It is the Heaven-shaking Seal that has just been tempered in the Thunder Tribulation.

Suddenly, the mighty power of the world surged out, as if a peerless beast had regained consciousness and wanted to destroy the world.

The overturning seal expands rapidly, one hundred feet, two hundred feet, three hundred feet,...

In just a few fingers, there was only a palm-sized seal of the sky, which actually expanded to a height of three hundred meters, pressing the entire Yuanci fairy hole underneath.

The vast ocean-like terrifying wave was shocked, and the divine power was tens of thousands, and the chaos was boundless, and the prohibition covering the magneto-magic fairy hole violently oscillated.

The group of snow apes hiding in the Immortal Magnetite Cave were all distraught, feeling a terrible suffocation, and couldn't breathe at all.

This is more than that, just now in the thunder robbery, the Heaven Shaking Seal absorbed a huge amount of thunder energy.

Ye Tian squeezed the tactics, and urged them a little, and thunder rushed out like a torrent.


Above the Yuanci Immortal Cave, there was a sudden earth-shaking thunder, which was as terrifying as a golden core catastrophe.

The various Dao marks on the Heaven-Shaking Seal are also recovering. Flowers, birds, insects, fish, sun, moon, mountains and rivers seem to be transformed into a small world in the thunder sea. Especially the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, all transformed into Thunder Beasts, although they were not as huge as Ye Tian's tenth thunder calamity, they were also terrifying.


Void blasted, first, a sea of ​​thunder in the seal of the sky turned down, and the earth-shaking sound was like a chariot of God crushed down, rumbling, and the gods came personally, UU reading wants to destroy this piece. world.

The endless thunder light brought disasters to the ancestral land of Snow Ape. The vast expanses of sacred land outside the prohibition of the Yuanci Immortal Cave had all turned into a bad land, anxious and dilapidated.

Yuancixiandong's prohibition was very strong, and it survived the thunder crit.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the Heaven-Shaking Seal fell down, with a volume of five hundred meters, a large mountain that was alive, dazzling the chaotic energy.

The snow monkeys hiding in the Magnetite Immortal Cave screamed. Although they knew that the ancestral land was very powerful, such a powerful magic weapon came down in the air and suffocated them for a while.


The sky and the earth collided, and the frightening aura shook in all directions, and the destructive force swept around in the Snow Ape Ancestor Land, and there was no longer a peaceful place under the sky.

The prohibition on Yuanci Fairy Hole was cracked, but it was not broken.

"Come again!"

Ye Tian yelled, swiping his hands, and the sky-shaking seal reappeared and fell down with a more terrifying power.

He is like a giant spirit **** in myths and legends, with infinite divine power, and the mountain-like seal is controlled by him, like an arm's command.

Bang bang bang!

The impact was more violent every time.

"This is a cruel person, whoever offends is unlucky."

The onlookers slapped their tongues in horror.

Although the prohibition of Yuanci Fairy Cave is known to be able to stop Tianjun, it cannot withstand such a collision.

Ye Tian broke the law with force, simple and rude, but the effect was quickly seen.

When the Heaven-shaking Seal smashed down for the seventh time, the ban on the Immortal Magnet Hole finally continued, and it was cracked and shattered.

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