Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1921: against

"Brother Dao, please take a seat. I don't know the surname and name? How do you call it?" The saint of Yaochi got up and invited Ye Tian into the seat. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her white teeth flashed with crystal luster. There was an inexplicable affinity that made people bear. Can't help but want to get close.

Ye Tian was used to seeing beauties, and he had to admit that the saints of Yaochi were really beautiful, like the goddess of the moon, holy out of dust, white body flowing dimly, with the charm of the unity of nature and man.

Ye Tian heard that she was a congenital spirit body, and she was born in harmony with Dao Dao, and what she saw now was indeed the case.

This woman is very unusual!

"Ye Tian." Ye Tian replied, simple and direct.

With his current character, it is naturally impossible to be fascinated by the saintess of Yaochi, just like looking at an ordinary woman, with a calm expression, no sorrow or joy.

"Haha, there are tigers and leopards hidden in the mountains, and unicorns are buried in the fields. I thought that all the heroes of the immortal gates were emerging, but I didn't think that there were such unborn characters like Brother Ye who were born only now, which is really admirable." Haotianshen Zi said, full of dazzling hair, heroic and straight, bowed his hand to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian had previously told Shushan Qingxuan Jianzi that he was a casual cultivator, and now his identity has spread. Everyone thinks that he is a casual cultivator, and he is the one who has lived in the wilderness for a long time, hiding so much that he was not discovered. .

Now that he was born, it is likely to be for the immortal market trial that is about to come.

There is no limit to the Xianxu trial, as long as it is an individual and the conditions are met, they can go in to find opportunities.

"If it doesn't sound, it's a blockbuster. Brother Ye is worthy of a glass of wine for being such a hero." Said the son of Ziwei, filling himself first, and then poured another glass for Ye Tian.

"Huh! What **** Yingjie, I only saw a dying person." Prince Jinwu snorted coldly, obviously not wanting to give Ye Tianhao a face, and in a sense even sentenced Ye Tian to death.

Under the city gate, he promised to let Ye Tian live. He thought that Ye Tian would go away and return to the deep mountains and forests. He didn't think he would dare to come to the Holy Land of Yaochi to attend the birthday feast of the Virgin.

The embarrassment of the Jinwu tribe also spread, and his anger started from his heart, and he really wanted to kill Ye Tian.

He had brought the Golden Crow Crow's Zhenzong divine tool, the Sun God Pan, with him. It was not difficult at all to kill Ye Tian.

Today the sect masters of all the top sects are here. He should have come from the Golden Crow clan, but the patriarch went to the Outer Yinmen not long ago, and there has been no news until now, so he can't come for the time being.

In addition to the Jinwu patriarch, there is also an ancestor-level figure of the Jinwu tribe. As the previous old patriarch, he is one of the strongest in the inner hidden door. However, this person has been in seclusion for many years, and has long been silent about world affairs, and has not been able to come over.

So the Jinwu tribe, headed by Prince Jinwu, came to the banquet.

At this moment, although he is the prince of the Golden Crow, he is equivalent to the chief of the Golden Crow.

"You dare to offend the majesty of my Golden Crow clan, do you just want to die in such a hurry?" His Highness Jin Wusan said coldly, eyes like torches, staring directly at Ye Tian, ​​undisguised as a murderous intent.

If it wasn't for the occasion, he had already shot.

How can he be afraid of an innate?

Although Ye Tian shook the Domination Field with his aura just now, the condensed pill was only a condensed pill after all, and it was not on the same level as the golden pill.

"Prince, Third Highness, calm your anger. I know you have some misunderstandings, but today is my mother's birthday banquet. I hope that the two can turn fighting into jade, regardless of the past. The past is full of clouds and smoke. Let him pass the past. "The saint of Yaochi said quickly, with a moving smile on her face, and her voice was clear and sweet, lest the two of them would fight.

"Little sister, what's your name? Come and sit here with my sister." Yaochi Saintess then said to Xiao Yue'er.

There are just two more chairs on this table, one next to the saintess of Yaochi and the other next to His Royal Highness Jinwu.

The saint of Yaochi wanted Xiao Yue'er to sit next to her, and Ye Tian sat next to His Highness Jin Wusan.

"I want to sit with my uncle." Xiao Yue'er said, facing so many people for the first time, she was a little nervous and held Ye Tian tightly.

"Some people really don't understand the rules. The Mother of God Yaochi's assembly also brought a child over. I really thought it was a rural banquet, a place where you can eat and drink? If you want to eat, get out to eat, you are not welcome here." His Royal Highness Jinwusan Said with a look of disdain, pointing at Sang Huai and deliberately targeting Ye Tian.


As soon as he said this, Ye Tian immediately became angry.

An icy suffocation swept the entire palace in an instant. Everyone felt that the temperature here dropped more than ten degrees in an instant, causing goose bumps.

"What are you, the Virgin didn't say anything, what are you nosy for? I want to show off and go back to your Golden Crow Lair!" Ye Tian sneered at each other, without fear.


The atmosphere of the audience suddenly became tense.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe Ye Tian could say such a thing.

That is the Golden Crow Clan, one of the four top forces of the Inner Gate, the ruler of the Southern Territory. It is that the other three top sects dare not easily humiliate.

A casual cultivator who dared to offend the majesty of the Jinwu tribe, who gave him the courage? Where is the confidence?

Everyone is surprised!

"Do you really think I dare not kill you?" His Highness Jin Crow III stood up abruptly, inherited from the ancient Jin Crow bloodline, making him tall and majestic, possessing a pair of copper bars and iron bones, like a **** king, powerful and unmatched .

"Today is the birthday banquet of the Virgin. I don't want to have extra branches. Keep your life, and I will take it later." Ye Tian said.

Everyone in the audience was stunned again, and Ye Tian's intention was also very obvious, to kill His Highness the Golden Crow Third.

Killing the golden core congenitally, this is just like a fairy tale.

Naturally, many people take it as a joke and don't think this kind of thing can happen.

"Brother Ye, sit here with me." Qingxuan Jianzi got up and smiled.

He sat on the side of the saint of Yaochi, and after giving up his seat, the two empty seats were connected together, and Xiao Yueer could sit with Ye Tian.

"Hold on!" The Golden Crow Prince, who had been pretending to be deep, said suddenly.

Then, he slowly got up, a pair of sharp eyes looked directly at Ye Tian, ​​and said in a blunt and slow tone: "I'm curious, how can you, a casual cultivator living in the wilderness, receive an invitation from Yaochi," Come to the birthday feast of the Virgin? Did you really come in by invitation?"

As soon as Prince Jinwu said this, the scene was silent, and then suddenly there was a commotion.

It is really suspicious that Ye Tian and Xiao Yue'er can enter the Jade Lake Holy Land.

Even if Ye Tian had an invitation card in his hand, it was impossible to bring in an eleven or twelve-year-old child with an invitation card, because Xiao Yueer's cultivation base was obviously not innate.

Furthermore, Ye Tian is a casual repairer, and it is really unlikely to receive the invitation.

You know, Yaochi's invitations were only sent to the four top sects, ten top sects, and a few second and third sects. There are also some casual cultivators, but they are all very famous golden pills.

Swipe it!

A pair of eyes looked directly at Ye Tian, ​​both suspicious.

Some discussions sounded, thinking that Ye Tian had sneaked in.

Although being able to sneak into the heavily guarded Yaochi Holy Land is also a kind of ability, it is really shameful. It is rumored that the fame will be ruined in a lifetime.

After saying a word, Prince Jinwu sat down again, picked up a glass of wine, sipped a light drink, and looked triumphant and triumphant.

"Holy woman, did you send an invitation to Brother Ye from Yaochi?" Haotian asked the holy woman in a low voice.

"I don't know, but it doesn't seem to be in my memory." The saint of Yaochi said softly, trying to remember.

"Brother Ye, tell everyone that you came in by invitation." Qingxuan Jianzi said to Ye Tian.

"Hmph, it's strange to have invitations. I think someone must have sneaked in, thinking that they are too crowded and won't be noticed." His Highness Jin Wusan ridiculed, sarcastically.

"I really don't have an invitation card." Ye Tian said.


The scene seemed to have been ignited, and the discussion became louder, all kinds of ridicule, all kinds of sarcasm.

Even some big figures have changed color, showing disdain.

"Mother, you heard, someone sneaked in without an invitation card. According to the rules of the Yaochi Zong, sneak into the holy land and plot unruly, what should be the crime?" His Highness Jin Wusan continued to add fuel to the fire.

"You are talking nonsense, my uncle and I didn't sneak in, we came in from Dengxiantai." Xiaoyue'er mustered up the courage and suddenly said loudly.

"What? Go to Sendai?"

People were astonished, their expressions stiffened, as if they had heard the fantasy.

"Little sister, don't talk nonsense, children can't lie, do you know what going to Xiantai is?" Yaochi Saint said to Xiao Yue'er.

"I know, it's the broken 33 steps next to the mountain gate. My uncle and I walked over, and then we came here." Xiaoyue'er said, with clear eyes and serious words.

However, there was a burst of laughter at the scene, and no one believed what she said.

Because in everyone's opinion, it is completely impossible for UU to read

For hundreds of years, no one has ever made it to Sendai.

The most outstanding tianjiao of the contemporary era is just over twenty steps.

"Little girl, do you know what it means to pass the thirty-three steps? It means that you can break through the innate at your age, and even condense pill. But you are far from the gods now. Don't think that lying is fun, It's best to use your brain before you lie, at least not to be so ridiculous." An older monk said, shaking his head repeatedly.

"The one near Zhu is red, and the one near Mo is black. Don't blame her, she is still young." His Highness Jinwu III smiled, and then said to Xiao Yueer: "Little girl, come to my Jinwu tribe and give you a maid How is his identity?"

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd.

Although she is handsome, but because what she said just now is obviously lying, everyone really can't sympathize with her.

"You let her be a maid for you, but you don't know that you don't even have the qualifications to give her shoes." Ye Tian gave her a cold look at the Third Hall of Jinwu.

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