Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1920: Our Lady's Birthday Feast

This is the most terrifying thing about the soldiers who succumbed to others without fighting.

Ye Tianchun oppressed with his beliefs, causing the Domineering Pill Condensation Realm to vomit blood, and it was almost unbelievable to shock the spectators.

It is the Haotian God Child, Qingxuan Jianzi, Yaochi Saintess, and other young generation leaders, who can't guarantee that they can do it. They are condensed pills, and Ba Tianye is also condensed pills, the real gap is not big.

This battle without gunsmoke shocked everyone, even more so than the battle in the holy city just now.

Those who originally thought about taking the lead for the Overlord Tianzong and the Golden Crow tribe, all died, lest they would conflict with this terrifying existence.

Ye Tian took Xiao Yue'er's hand and continued to ascend the steps. Passers-by stepped aside and dared not stop.

Soon, the two came to a continuous palace, each of which was tall and magnificent, and was actually made of jade, with different colors, such as sapphire, purple jade, topaz, etc., like immortal faults, steaming. It is looming in the clouds and mist.

From a distance, the palace is like sitting in the clouds, glittering and shining, not a fairy que, but better than a fairy que.

The front of the palace is full of flowers and grasses, colorful, there are spirit birds flying, there are auspicious beasts, all are not afraid of people, and will take the initiative to get close to people.

The space in the palace is very large, the decoration is very gorgeous, extremely luxurious, there are jade tables and chairs, and each one is seated with many people, all of whom are famous people.

Now the birthday banquet of the Virgin of Yaochi has begun, and the beautiful female disciples are shuttled between the tables and chairs like elves, holding trays in their hands, and presenting delicious dishes to each table.

There is a big stage in the middle, and a group of beautiful women are dancing and moving in light clothes, showing their graceful figures and showing their femininity to the fullest.

The peach blossoms are flying, crystal clear, rotating around them, with a hint of whiteness in the pink, making them even more ethereal.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Among the guests below, cheers were heard constantly, and they all watched fascinatingly.

After all, the female disciples of Yaochi’s singing and dancing skills are well-known in the inner Yinmen, saying that they are ranked second, absolutely no one dares to rank first.

When Ye Tian came to the palace, many people looked in astonishment as if they saw an alien.

Some people have jealousy in their eyes, and some have bad intentions in their eyes.

You must know that there is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger in the palace at this moment. Almost all the top masters of the hidden gate have come. Even if a dragon comes, it must be held together, and a tiger will also lie down.

Ye Tian first stepped on His Highness the Golden Crow Ten, and then flew to dominate Tianye. It is inevitable that some big people will look at him, especially the big ones in the Southern Territory.

"Brother Dao, sit here." Qingxuan Jianzi took the initiative to get up and waved to Ye Tian.

The guests at his table are all the top princes of the younger generation, the son of Haotian, the saint of Yaochi, the prince of the golden crow, the third of the golden crow, the son of crape myrtle,...


As soon as Qingxuan Jianzi said this, the entire banquet scene was shocked.

"Jianzi, you know that this person has an enmity with our clan, but you invited him to sit here. Did you deliberately embarrass me the Golden Crow clan?" His Highness Jin Wusan said bluntly and coldly said, very dissatisfied with Qingxuan Jianzi.

He has proven that Jin Dan is one of the strongest among the young Tianjiao, and he has no scruples.

Prince Jinwu drank a cup of Lingquan tea and slapped it on the table, also expressing his dissatisfaction.

"His Royal Highness's words are very bad, I just saw that this person is extraordinary, I want to know more about it. Don't Your Highness Three don't want to know the identity behind him?" Qingxuan Jianzi didn't get angry at all, and the corners of his mouth looked like a smile, and said lightly.

"Jianzi is right, I am also very interested in this person, as well as the little girl next to him." said the **** child Haotian, regardless of whether His Highness Golden Crow Third and Prince Golden Crow would be angry.

You know, the four top sects are also fighting openly and secretly, and the real relationship is by no means so harmonious on the surface.

In the past trials of the Fairy Ruins, the most brutal fight was among the disciples of the four top sects, they all wanted to slaughter each other.

"In that case, let them come. Your Royal Highness, I believe you are not such a stingy person." The saint of Yaochi smiled, her voice is very crisp, her fairy face is peerless, her skin flashes and sheen, her eyebrows condensed in poetry, there is a feeling of noness. The temperament of the cannibalistic fireworks can be called the allure of the country.

Prince Jinwu had a cold face, and had nothing to say.

Ye Tian took Xiao Yue'er into the palace, almost everyone was shocked and stared intently.

Xiao Yue'er experienced this kind of occasion for the first time. Facing so many powerful men, she was a little timid and clutched at the corner of Ye Tian's clothes.

"I have seen the Virgin, I wish the Virgin the sun and the moon, and never grow old in the spring and autumn."

Ye Tian first went to visit Our Lady of Yaochi, at the table next to the saint.

The guests at this table are even more extraordinary. They are the top power of the Inner Gate, the Mother of Jade Lake, the Immortal Master Haotian, the Sword Master of Shushan,...

"Sure enough, it's a young hero, this little friend, please hurry up and get your seat." Mother Yaochi is very approachable.

Obviously, she knew all about Ye Tian's previous record, respected Ye Tian, ​​and even stood up from the desk and chair.

With such a stance from Mother Yao Chi, many people's eyes on Ye Tian changed.

"The little friend is in a mere innate realm and has the strength to fight the golden core. It is really amazing, amazing!" Immortal Master Haotian even spoke up, giving high praise to him without hesitating words of praise.

You know, at his level, few younger generations can see him.

"Since ancient times, the hero was born a teenager, we are old, and the future belongs to these young people." The sword master of Shushan also laughed.

Ye Tian stepped on His Highness the Golden Crow Ten, and condensed the pill to dominate Tianye with his breath. It seemed nothing, but after careful consideration, it was really terrifying.

It shows that with his innate realm, he has the ability to cross-level battle with Jin Dan!

This kind of outstanding person has not appeared for a long, long time.

It is the top tianjiao, at least they have to condense the pill before they can fight the golden pill, otherwise they will not be the opponent at all. UU Reading

There are also some people who are thoughtful, thinking that the Mother of the Jade Lake, the Immortal Lord of Haotian, the Lord of the Shushan Sword, and the three super big figures who praise Ye Tian may have bad intentions, and they will increase the hatred between the Golden Crow and Ye Tian, ​​causing them to fight and consume each other.

Xiaoyue'er is cute and cute, which also attracted the attention of many of them.

According to regulations, characters below the innate cannot come to the birthday banquet.

Looking at the banquet, there is indeed not a single child, all of whom are innately strong.

So not long ago, Ba Tianye's junior brother counted Luo Ye Tian and Xiao Yue'er, and there was really nothing wrong.

However, Xiaoyue'er was different. She entered through Yaochi's Dengxiantai. Although she had no innate cultivation base, her potential was far beyond these so-called **** sons.

Her true phoenix divine veins had been successfully opened, even if she didn't change her face, there was still a trace of true phoenix aura blooming, it was hard not to be noticed.

However, if you want to really see her Suzaku's divine vein, some people in the field are still a little worse, unless Xiao Yueer uses the power of the bloodline to show it by himself.

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