Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1910: Strong Jinwu

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Shao (

"A casual repair, no school, no school." Ye Tian responded indifferently.

"After all, we can be considered as a casual cultivator. We only practiced with our father since we were young. Since we meet a family in casual cultivators, we might as well make friends and wait until the fairy ruins to have a caregiver." The young man actually laughed. When I got up, I took the initiative to get close to Ye Tian, ​​and didn't treat Ye Tian as an outsider at all.

Trials in the Fairy Ruins are full of crises, and casual cultivators are not dominant and are easily attacked. In each trial, most of the casualties are casual cultivators.

"My name is Wang Cheng, and this is my sister Wang Lu. The lord of Longdu City is my father. I don't know how you call him? Where do you come from?" The young man introduced himself, his eyes clear and sincere.

"Brother, a casual cultivator, what is there to make friends with? People are all high, if you are good, you will condescend to take care of it. In our capacity, at least a true disciple of the first-class sect can be discussed with our peers. It's worth our time to socialize." The younger man's younger sister, Wang Lu, said with a look of disdain.

Unlike other cities, Longdu City is not a subordinate city of a certain sect, but an independent city with a population of 600,000 to 700,000, making it a medium-sized city.

Wang Cheng's father, the city lord of Longducheng, Wang Yangzhan, was once the great elder of the Misty Sect of a first-class sect. Because he could not compete for the position of the master, he left in angrily and separated the Longducheng under the Misty City.

Now, this person's cultivation has reached the level of the Golden Core.

There is a Jin Dan City Lord's father, Wang Lu is proud and arrogant, but it is also reasonable.

Hearing his sister's words, Wang Cheng's body suddenly stiffened, and then an awkward smile appeared on his face.

Ye Tian snorted coldly, ignored it, and led Xiao Yue'er forward. Jin Pengniao transformed into a foot long, squatting on his shoulders.

"Sister, how did I tell you on the way here? This is not Longdu City, and my father is not by our side. We must be very careful so as not to provoke unprovoked existences and bring disasters to ourselves. Moreover, when going out, Make one more friend, one more way out, why can't you understand?"

"An unprovoking existence? Is he? Hehe, at first glance, he is the little monk who came out of the second and third sects in the remote countryside. He is impolite and does not understand the rules. It is not worthy of our association at all. This kind of person is in the immortal market, most of them It's also cannon fodder, it can't help us at all, but it will become our burden." Wang Lu sneered with contempt in his eyes.

Holding the wolf in one hand, she also started to walk forward.

For this arrogant and arrogant sister, Wang Cheng couldn't help but shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"It's cannon fodder, and it's also valuable. When you encounter danger, you can pull it to replace the dead ghost." Looking at Ye Tian's back, Wang Cheng muttered to himself.

"Get away from me, otherwise you will be injured or disabled, and you will be at your own risk!"

Just as Ye Tian just walked into the city gate, suddenly there was a thunderous shout behind him.

Boom, boom!

There was even a sound of shaking mountains, as if thousands of horses were coming.

There was a great chaos in front of the city gate, and a group of wild beasts and iron horses rushed forward, trampling on the bluestone pavement rumbling, like the stormy waves hitting the shore, and the momentum was shocking.

All the people in front of the city gate dodged on both sides for fear of avoiding it.

Many monks were furious, but when they looked back, they all closed their mouths, dodged obediently, and didn't dare to offend them.

Wang Lu's reaction was slow, and a brutal animal rubbed her shoulder, which hurt so fiercely that she almost fell.

"Thousands of knives are killed, are you looking for death?" Wang Luyu was furious, and immediately cursed loudly.

She even wanted to do it.

However, half of a long sword was drawn out, but she was stunned and sucked in shock.


A red flag was hunting and hunting, and it was decorated with a three-legged golden crow, shining brightly, like a burning fire cloud.

Surprisingly, this is the coming of the Golden Crow tribe. There are more than a dozen people, all mounted on wild beasts, and all of them have a strong aura.

The Jinwu tribe is one of the four top forces in the inner hidden gate. It's no wonder that Wang Lu is terrified, and the many monks in front of the city gate are also silent, like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

In front of the Jinwu Clan, ten Longducheng are not enough to see.

"What are you talking about?" a man of the Golden Crow nationality who was riding a dragon-scale horse asked coldly, his eyebrows raised, holding a normal warrior in his hand, murderous.

"This is the eldest ten of the ten Highnesses of the Jinwu Clan." Someone whispered.

"Yes, it is the Ten Highnesses. Among the ten Golden Crow Highnesses, they are the youngest and the weakest, but they have also reached the mid-innate level. With the naturally strong Golden Crow body, there is no pressure to fight the late-innate period." Another said. , His eyes were full of awe.

Several other Jinwu people also looked over, their eyes were like knives, as if they were going to cut Wang Lu a thousand swords.

Wang Lu was so frightened that her heart stopped beating, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she couldn't even speak for a while.

"Several princes, my sister is young and reckless, so don’t share your knowledge with her. I'm really sorry, I will strictly discipline when I go back." Wang Cheng apologized, and put his posture very low, so he almost knelt down. .

"What are you? Do you think about something when you are young and reckless? Then, isn't my Golden Crow tribe humiliating to everyone?" His Royal Highness Jin Wushi was angry and aggressive.

"Several princes, I'm really sorry. My father is the lord of Longdu City, Wang Yangzhan, and I hope that a few of his princes can sell a bit of thin noodles. I have some spirit crystals here, and the consumption of a few princes in the holy city is all covered by me. "Wang Cheng continued to beg for mercy, crashing, UU reading took out a pile of spiritual crystals, there were forty or fifty yuan, all of them were the size of a punch, and they were good spiritual crystals.

"Fine, let's go. It is important to bless the Virgin Mary." Another young Golden Crow man said, riding an extremely rare golden 犼.

What is even more shocking is that Huang Jinyan turned out to be a golden core beast.

This young man of the Golden Crow nationality is also not simple, his cultivation has reached the peak of his innateness, and he has accumulated a pill of origin.

"The new prince of the Golden Crow!"

Someone recognized it immediately and exclaimed.

This is the legendary new prince of the Golden Crow, His Royal Highness Nine, a peerless arrogant talented person, who has appeared in the Golden Crow clan for hundreds of years. The Jinwu people have high hopes for it, hoping to get a glimpse of the realm of Yuan Ying in the future.

The original Golden Crow prince, His Highness, was a pity, it was said that he went to the Outer Hidden Gate and never returned.

At this moment, when the new Prince Jinwu spoke, Old Shi was no longer aggressive, flicked his sleeves, rolled away the dozens of spiritual crystals that Wang Cheng took out, and then stretched away with his legs clamped into the belly of the horse.

Wang Cheng was in pain and spent money to eliminate the disaster, but he could only smile bitterly.

"Huhu, scared me to death!" Wang Lu took a breath and patted her chest vigorously, feeling lingering.

"Look at you in the future. You dare to speak without being blocked. You must know that the holy city of Yaochi is no better than my Longdu City. There are countless masters here. If you don't speak, you may provoke a powerful existence and bring disaster to yourself. Some Even if your father is here, you won't be able to save you." Wang Cheng educated his younger sister.

"Okay, I see, just your mother-in-law." Wang Lu was very disdainful and rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, she stared, looked forward, and smiled: "There is a good show to watch. I said that this pair of fools came from a remote country, and they didn't know the real dragon, so they didn't make way for His Highness Golden Crow."

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