Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1909: Wang Family Brothers and Sisters

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Shao (

A crisis was resolved to the invisible, and Ye Tian continued on his way.

In order not to show any clues, he even stopped Xiao Yue'er from calling his master, and changed his name to Uncle. Because he is too young, in his early twenties, accepting disciples at such a young age is easy to make people suspicious.

In fact, he originally wanted Xiaoyue'er to call him his brother, but considering that Xiaoyue'er had called him uncle for a while, it would be easier to call him uncle.

After flying for dozens of miles and passing through an ancient wood wolf forest, I saw towering mountains, surging aura, verdant pine trees, and many waterfalls and streams in front of me. It is indeed a treasured land of the spirit and wisdom of Zhongtiandi.

The huge mountains stretched into pieces, and there was no lack of spirit and beauty in the majestic and majestic, coupled with the misty clouds and the transpiration of aura, naturally added a bit of mystery and mystery, as if there were immortals forming a house here.

This is a pure land treasure land that is not inferior to Penglai, where spirit birds fly, spirit animals run, medicinal herbs are fragrant, spring water flows gurglingly, all the vegetation seems to be loved by the spirit of heaven and earth, even ordinary grass and trees are extraordinarily green, like emeralds Carved.

Ye Tian looked down from the air, running the eyes of the golden pupils, and was even more surprised. At this moment, he saw countless strands of dragon energy rushing into the sky. If there are thousands of big dragons flying into the sky, it is even worse than Penglai's old place.

"This place should be the Jade Lake, it's really unusual, it occupies a divine land." Ye Tian exclaimed.

"Humph, compared to my fairy ruins, this is nothing." Jin Pengniao even expressed disdain.

Ye Tian couldn't help smiling.

The so-called immortal ruins, Ye Tian has already understood, it is a savage land that has existed forever. It is said that the mountains there are taller than those of the inner hidden gate. It is truly called the Wanyue Rulong, and the oldest heaven and earth roads remain.

Jinpeng Bird was still young when it was captured. I only remember that the world where it lived was surrounded by aura, and the herbs were fragrant, but it was also full of crises, with many ferocious birds and beasts, and most of them were extremely powerful.

After flying for more than ten miles, a huge city appeared in the eyes of Ye Tian and Xiao Yue'er.

The city was built in the center of the sacred soil. It was very majestic and occupies a very large area, enough to hold millions of people. The city wall was like a long dragon, lying in front of it.

Ye Tian knew that this was the holy city of Yaochi, and it was connected to the ancestral land of Yaochi.

Many sects of the inner and outer hidden gates are like this. The city is connected to the sect. The city is under the jurisdiction of the sect and provides the sect with living materials, so that the children of the sect can both enter the world and be born.

The holy city of Yaochi is one of the largest cities in the inner hidden gate, with millions of people living in it, and it is extremely prosperous.

Now that the gate of Xianxu's domain is about to open, monks from all over the world are gathering, and the population of the holy city of Yaochi has exploded, making it even more lively. It was so far away, Ye Tian could see the surging flow of people.

To the north of the holy city, a tall Lingshan mountain rises into the clouds, with compelling aura, verdant trees, pavilions and buildings dotted with it, flying cranes, stream springs and waterfalls, hanging down thousands of feet, white statues of horses. It is the Milky Way hanging upside down, magnificent and magnificent.

These hills should be the ancestral land of Yaochi's ancestors, the place where disciples are accepted.

Ye Tian was going to settle down in the holy city first, looking for opportunities, because rushing directly to the gate of Yaochi would appear abrupt and unwise.

After all, he is just a small person now.

Both the sacred city of Yaochi and the ancestral land of the sect of the Yaochi have forbidden air formations and cannot fly.

Some sect's flying boats or warships can't enter the holy city of Yaochi. They have to stop outside the city. There are special open spaces to avoid panic in the city.

Yaochi is one of the four top forces in the inner hidden gate, and no one dares not follow this rule.

Even if it is as powerful as the Sword Sect of Shu Mountain, he must honestly park the flying boat outside the city. Ye Tian had already seen their warship, and was one step ahead of him.


The Jinpeng bird fell directly outside the gate of the holy city, and spirit birds and beasts could be brought into the city, but they were not allowed to go wild or hurt people, otherwise they would kill them.

There have been a lot of people gathered here, most of them are monks from all directions, and many auras are powerful and frightening.

At this time, it was close to the evening, and the westward setting sun dyed half of the sky, sprinkling gold-like brilliance. The ancient city of Yaochi seemed to be inlaid with a layer of gold, with holy brilliance flowing, ethereal and peaceful, like a cloud. The city fell to the mortal world, giving people a strange and dreamy feeling. Especially looking down from the air, this kind of dreamy feeling is even worse.

Xiaoyue'er's eyes were wide open, and her small mouth opened into an O shape. The shock was beyond words.

Yaochi is probably the oldest tradition handed down on the earth. Since its origin, it has forged an indissoluble bond with Kunlun. It has remained in Kunlun and has not changed since then.

Most of the other sects migrated from other places, and their roots were not in Kunlun.

Outside the towering city gate, monks flocked in groups, savage beasts roared, fierce birds hovered, Ye Tian’s Jinpeng bird was nothing at all among them, there were flood dragons, UU reading had grey wolves and black tigers. There is a sacred deer,..., it is simply a gathering of spirit beasts.

Although the Outer Hidden Gate had similar scenes, the level of the spirit beasts could not be compared with it.

The spirit beasts here are generally powerful, and they can truly be called the gods. They are as many as dogs, and there are even a few condensed pills and golden pills.

When the Jinpeng Bird descended from the sky, the hurricane that set off infuriated a gray wolf, grinning, eager to rush, but was suffocated by Ye Tian's breath.

This gray wolf looked like a different species. The head and tail were more than one foot long. It had the physique of a dragon-scaled horse. It had four hoofs as thick as a sea bowl, strong and strong, with two fangs at the corners of its mouth, and the pupils of the eyes glowed with green oil.

"It's rude and unruly. At first glance, I know that it was sent by Xiaozong Xiaozong." The owner of Canglang, a young and beautiful woman said coldly, her eyes gleaming coldly.

I saw this woman with a petite figure and exquisite features. She wore a goose-yellow tight-fitting monastic dress, and outlined a perfect and moving curve. She was about twenty years old and looked quite beautiful, and her whole body was shining with many treasures. Obviously worth a lot of money.

However, her eyes were very unfriendly, and she showed a hint of malice towards Ye Tian and Xiao Yue'er.

Ye Tian glanced at her and found that he was a little monk in the late stage of the gods, and he didn't know where the superiority came from.

"Brother Dao, my sister is young and has always been outspoken. Don't take what she says to your heart. We are from the Longdu City of the Central Region. I don't know where the brother comes from?"

A young man standing beside the beautiful woman suddenly said to Ye Tian, ​​with an apologetic expression and a very sincere attitude.

This is a young strong man whose cultivation level has reached the middle congenital stage. His body is a little thinner than Ye Tian, ​​and his appearance is quite handsome. He has an elegant atmosphere. He is not like a cultivator but more like a history book Confucian scholars.

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