Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1896: Golden Crow

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Ye Tianyi pointed at the palm of the Deity's Deity that shattered the Domination. The power of the Chaos Desire Deity's Finger was not completely resolved. His aura was still like a dragon, and he continued to rush forward and point towards the Deity.

"Not good!" Ba Tianye exclaimed, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

In his eyes, Ye Tian's finger was like a magic mountain, pressed in the air, unstoppable, swallowing thousands of miles in anger.

"you dare?"

Accompanied by another loud shout, Tyrant's body exploded, and his figure expanded like an inflatable body. In a blink of an eye, his height climbed from 2.5 meters to more than 4 meters, like a Titan giant, with disheveled hair and body. Muscle knots.

It is the unique mastery of the Tyrant Sect, the tyrant fighting body!

And this also meant that he used the power of the original pill.

As soon as the tyrant's combat body appeared, Tyrant's momentum skyrocketed, his fingers spread out, a big wave of his hand, and a palm out.

It was the palm of the Tyrant God, but it was several times stronger than the tyrant he used before. It was really like a palm shot by a giant spirit god, destroying everything, sweeping everything, unshakable.


The palm of pushing the mountain and broken mountain rushed out, like the Yellow River flooding, and it was uncontrollable, and the air blasted out, sweeping away the surging chaotic air from the chaotic miracle god's finger.

"I'm coming too!" His Highness Jinwu Fifth shouted angrily, and finally couldn't help but want to make a move.


His hands were like eagle claws, and his nails protruded a foot long, black as ink, shining with cold light, like claws made of black gold, accompanied by a sharp sound of tearing, pulling out ten black awns in the void, like It was ten black lightnings, and it looked like ten long scars that the void had been torn out, with a sharp golden evil spirit, it slammed to Ye Tian.

This is the Golden Crow's claw, the talented magical power of the Golden Crow tribe. It is known as the claws that can crack mountains and rivers.

Ye Tian had to deal with the Overlord's battle body and the Overlord's palm while also dealing with the Golden Crow's claws of His Royal Highness.


The Chaos Destroyer Finger was slapped to pieces by the palm of Domination Ye, and it shattered like rotten wood.

And Tyrant Ye did not get the slightest benefit. The 4- to 5-meter-tall Tyrant's battle body was also flew out by this pointing, his chest collapsed a lot, and he vomited blood again and again.


A group of Tianjiao exclaimed.

The Tyrannical Field had used the power of the original pill, and activated the Tyrannical Battle Body, which increased its combat power by more than ten times, but it was even pointed and flew out, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Dead!" The Five Golden Crow screamed, ten fingers like ten sharp swords, slammed into the Chaos God Realm, and continued to grab Ye Tian's body.

However, in the Chaos God Realm, the speed of the Golden Uli Claws suddenly decreased, as if they were caught in a quagmire, and their power was also rapidly declining.

Obviously his sharp claws are only a few minutes away from Ye Tian's physical body, but they are as far away as they are separated by a horizon.

"what happened?"

All Tianjiao's pupils shrank, and their eyes were full of doubts.

"Domain? You actually cultivated the field?" His Highness the Golden Crow Fifth asked in shock.

As a golden core, his vision is so cruel, he can easily recognize that this golden light is the realm of Ye Tianxiu.

The realm is different from the bodyguard qi, but it is a kind of sublimation, a kind of transformation of the bodyguard qi.

The realm already possesses the characteristics of a small world, like a hole opened up in the human body, with all kinds of incredible powers.

If you want to transform into a realm, you need at least Jin Dan to protect your body.

However, there are also a small number of condensed pills that are exceptionally talented, relying on Yuan Dan to form domains, but they are rare.

Now that Ye Tian is able to form domains in a small innate realm, it is simply unreasonable, so His Royal Highness is very surprised.

"It seems that I underestimated you." His Royal Highness said in a deep voice, with a solemn expression, and he looked at the opponent more squarely.

"I will give you ten breaths and disappear from my front, otherwise, I will send you to the west one by one."

Ye Tian's eyes were indifferent, and his words were cold, like a **** giving orders. He kept his words and said the law, and the world was full of a kind of murderous air.

All Tianjiao was taken aback for a moment, and then they all sneered again.

"Boy, are you too arrogant? Do you really think that you are Jin Dan Zhenjun? Do you really think you can be invincible in the world? It is a true true gentleman here, facing me and many other southern arrogances, you have to avoid Three points, what's more, you are a congenital of the second and third sects of the Eastern Wilderness? If you don't want your sect to be implicated, now you have to kneel down and wait and apologize to me, and then suffocate to death." A Nanyu Tianjiao said, daring to threaten Ye Tian without seeing the situation clearly.

Of course, their group of Tianjiao did not really make a move, and the outcome is still unknown.

With the abilities of this group of people, working together, even facing a real golden core power, there is a great possibility of winning.

After all, there was originally one golden core among them, three or four condensed cores, seven or eight innate peaks, and it was absolutely invincible when placed in the outer hidden gate.


Ye Tian let out a cold snort and shot directly.

I want this group of people to recognize the counsel, but I have to beat them up in fear.

Jinpeng bird carried Xiaoyue'er soaring into the sky so as not to fall into the hands of the enemy and become a hostage.

Several attacks were launched and rushed towards Jinpeng Bird, but they were all intercepted by Ye Tian.

call out!

Ye Tian turned into a streamer phantom, displayed flashing magical powers, and instantly appeared in front of the arrogant Tianjiao, covered in gold and blood, and blasted out with a punch.

Hearing a loud bang, blood splattered and bones shot everywhere, the monk's head was blown by Ye Tian with a punch, and he was killed on the spot with a single blow.

This monk dared not imagine until he died, he was an innate late stage who didn't even have the ability to fight back, so he was punched in seconds.

At the last moment of his life, he was so regretful that he shouldn't be rude and cause himself to be killed.

The blood stained the weeds, the bones fell among the rubble ruins, and the **** scene was shocking.

This made a group of monks aware of the sense of crisis, and Dao Xin began to shake.

"You are looking for death!" His Royal Highness Jin Crow was furious.

He is the leader of this group and must set an example to restore everyone's confidence.


He rushed up directly and threw a punch at Ye Tian, ​​actually trying to fight Ye Tian physically.

His Golden Crow body ranks among the best in the many physiques of the Inner Sect, and is even higher than the Tyrannical Fighting Body of the Tyrant Sect.

Boom boom boom!

Like a god, he blasted out with a punch, and the flames between the sky and the earth were shining brightly. The head of his fist is a small sun, burning blazingly, shaking out the aftermath of the powerful fist, shook the ground to cracks, and the earth and rocks gathered into big waves and rolled out.

Ye Tian didn't evade, and he slammed a punch very simply, making a thunder-like sound, and greeted him straight up.


There was an earth-shattering sound, and everyone saw an incredible scene. His Royal Highness Jinwu Fifth's fist broke open and blood came out. The whole person retreated a full hundred feet, and his entire arm was convulsed.

Ye Tian also retreated more than ten feet, and the top of a mountain under his feet was shattered and turned into powder, his palm was a little sore, but it was all right.

"The Golden Crow Body was actually injured?"

All the Tianjiao in the Southern Territory were surprised.

In their minds, the golden crow body is a kind of supreme physique.

"This is impossible, come again! The Golden Crow body of my Golden Crow tribe is the supreme divine body in the world, not weaker than anyone." The Fifth Highness yelled, furious.

Purely fighting the flesh, his golden black body unexpectedly lost, he couldn't tolerate it.

With a roar, he rushed up again, turning into a black light, shaking his palms, and coming up was a lore, no nonsense.


This punch was stronger than before, like a round of scorching sun rising in the vast sea, the fire was shining brightly, the waves were rippling, and a round of divine sun was suppressed, crushing the whole world.

Ye Tian didn't let down the wind either, and when he raised his hand, he even grabbed a dragon vein in the old place of Penglai, traversing the sky, as if dancing a giant dragon, and smashed it down against the Five Golden Crow Royal Highness.

In an instant, the sky broke and the earth cracked, and the sun and the moon were dark.

Like a supernova explosion, the heavens and the earth are shining brightly, extremely dazzling, and the shock waves are rolling in all directions like a tsunami, blasting many Southern Tianjiao out.

In the splendid brilliance, there are two figures looming.

Although the two of them were both standing in the court, His Highness Jinwu Fifth obviously suffered a big loss. One whole arm was shattered, and the whole body was broken into rags. There were blood stains on the copper-cast iron body. .

However, his eyes were sharp, the wisps of killing light almost turned into substance, and his fighting spirit was undiminished.

Tick, tick!

At the broken arm, blood surged like thick magma, red and hot, and every drop of blood contained rich life essence, which could be used as a great medicine, but he didn't care.

Suddenly, at the place of the broken arm, the vigorous true essence rushed out, and soon an arm re-formed. Although it was not as flexible and tyrannical as a real arm, it could barely be used.

Give him time to grow an arm again.

At the level of the golden core, it is known as immortal, and its vitality is extremely strong, even if half of the body is smashed, the heart is squeezed, and it will not die easily.

"You are very strong, but you must die today!" Golden Crow Fifth Highness gritted his teeth. UU reading www.


A terrible breath erupted, causing the surrounding mountains to shake in an instant, and all the creatures were horrified, giving birth to endless fear.

A phantom of a golden crow suddenly emerged from behind him, with a wingspan of more than fifty feet, and the whole body shone with splendid firelight, and the feathers all appeared, just like a real golden crow.

His human body gradually faded, and the golden crow shape behind his back gradually became solid.

In the end, his human body disappeared, and the whole person turned into a golden crow.

This is a bloodline secret technique of the Golden Crow tribe, the Golden Crow secret technique.

Although the Golden Crow bloodline of the Golden Crow tribe in the Inner Gate today is not pure, the only trace of bloodline power is also terrifying.

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