Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1895: 1 finger defeat

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The ancient tree broke several trees, and a human-shaped pit appeared on the rocky mountain. It took a long time for the beautiful monk to climb out of it. A **** energy burst out of the sky spirit cover. That was because there was an angry flame burning in the chest. , Two big eyes almost split apart.

His jaw and cheekbones were shattered, his entire face was deformed, and he was dripping with blood. There was still the slightest look of a handsome guy who could scare people to death. If it were not for his strong cultivation base, this slap would have slapped him to death.

However, he didn't seem to learn the lesson. He roared like a beast, and rushed to fight Ye Tian desperately, but was stopped by other monks and didn't want him to die in vain.

For the first time in his life, he suffered such a change, and his fame in his entire life would be destroyed. How can he not get angry?

"Fuck me!" Ye Tian drooped his eyelids and shouted.

"Boy, do you know who you wounded? It is the true disciple of Fei Xing Pavilion, and Fei Xing Pavilion is one of the top ten sects, far above Li Huo Sect. This is even your sect. The door can't protect you, and even your sect will be affected." The man with a blood hole in his shoulder gritted his teeth.

Although there is a backing of Shushan Mountain behind Lihuo Sect, there is also a customary stipulation in the Inner Sect. If a sect is beaten up because it actively provokes other sects, the sect master behind it will not be able to do it because it is self-inflicted. .

Ye Tian’s eyes suddenly opened, as if two flashes of lightning swept over, and he shuddered with fright, but he was not frightened, and then he was courageous for a lifetime, and said loudly: "Did you guys see that? The little Tianjiao of the wasteland, bullying me and the heads of all the sects of the Southern Territory, I really don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. I propose that everyone take action together and kill him so that he knows that the Tianjiao of the Southern Territory should not be bullied!"


As soon as his words fell, his whole person suddenly disappeared in place, and history reappeared astonishingly. A golden slap slapped him on his face and drove the person away. It was even more tragic than the beautiful man with a folding fan just now. His face was ripped apart, and even his scalp was torn off a bit. The blood was flowing, and Senbai's head could be seen. He almost lifted the Tianling cover, barely leaving half his life.

Da da!

Many monks couldn't help their teeth trembling, and their scalp felt numb. It felt like their scalp had been torn off, and it was painful enough to look at.

Now many people can see clearly that Ye Tian’s golden palm can really tear the void, as if it shrunk into an inch, and penetrated dozens of feet of the void in an instant. It is impossible to guard against, and it is impossible to react. Others If you want to help, you can't do the same.

A group of Tianjiao moved stubbornly, all with a look of fear, and began to back away, each finding a good escape for themselves.

Even the five princes of the Golden Crow looked stagnant, when Ye Tian shot, he also shot, but stopped a loneliness.

The palm is broken into the void, this is like a fantasy, even the pinnacle golden core can't do it, because the golden core still can't master the law.

How advanced is the boy in front of me? What the **** is it?

Everyone in the audience had no bottom, so that no one dared to make a move.


But he saw that just as everyone was backing, the True Legend of the Overlord Heavenly Sect, Ba Tianye stepped out, shaking the mountain, and shouted: "Can you dare to fight with me upright? Bare-handed, without using any magic weapon."

While talking, he threw a spear in his hand and inserted it in a rocky mountain.

One of his palms was shot through by Ye Tian's arrow just now, and he is still dripping blood, but he doesn't regret it at all, and it seems that he can't notice the pain.

"He must have a secret treasure on his body. If I don't use the secret treasure, I would dare to fight him." Another monk said, but he hid in the crowd and did not dare to stand out.

"Winning by relying on secret treasures cannot be regarded as one's true ability, and victory is not martial."

Everyone believed that Ye Tian had a secret treasure in his body, which was probably a divine weapon. Otherwise, it would be impossible to show such a powerful combat power in a mere innate realm.

The artifact is too rare. There are only three pieces of the Outer Hidden Gate, and they are still inferior products that have been passed down through the ages.

In the Inner Gate, although there are more than three artifacts, there are not too many, and quite a few of them are defective products that have been passed down through the ages.

After all, after eternity, no Yuan Ying was born, and almost no new artifacts were born.

When I thought that Ye Tian might have an artifact on his body, a group of Southern Tianjiao was both scared and excited, because if he could grab his artifact and become his own weapon, his combat effectiveness would also be greatly improved.

"I don't have any secret treasures on my body. I am not afraid of death. Come here. I will send you to the west one by one." Ye Tian sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Although he had a magic weapon, the Ziying Sword, he didn't plan to use it for the time being, it was a hole card for himself.

"Okay, I believe you!"

Domination screamed, and took another step, shaking the ground, the breath of his body climbed rapidly, and the divine light rushed out from the body, turning into a circle of gods around the body, the whole figure was like a demon god, devilish energy Monstrous, there is a self-respecting spirit.

He didn't even use the power of the original pill, and only fought Ye Tian with the innate realm.

Because he thinks he is invincible in the same realm, no weaker than anyone.

It would be a shame for him to use the power of the original pill to win.


Domineering shot, the world was shaking, a huge palm shot out, the bronze color, like a cast of copper iron, the blue veins burst, even the palm prints are clearly visible, turning into a mountain the size of a mountain, facing Ye Tian Coming from suppression.

It is the supernatural power of the Tyrant Sect, the palm of the Tyrant!

Overlord’s techniques are all known for being brutal and tyrannical, upholding one force to break ten thousand methods, one force to reduce ten times, neglecting ingenuity and change, but often able to overwhelm people with force.

As the saying goes, in the face of absolute power, all skills are paper tigers.

"Use all your strength, or you will die miserably!" Ba Tianye roared.

Although he didn't use the power of the original pill, he also used the power of his physical body to the extreme with this move, with the power of throwing mountains and throwing mountains. Ye Tian's power had already been shown in his shot just now, and he didn't dare to underestimate the enemy.

The palm of his hand grew rapidly, spreading over the sky, and the giant palm had not yet arrived, but the violent palm strength had already fallen down, covering a whole mountain under Ye Tian's foot underneath, sealing all Ye Tian's escape.

Click, click!

Unable to withstand the pressure, the mountain started to crack.

It was a Condensed Pill standing here, fearing that most of them would not dare to stun the front.

Seeing this, Xiao Yue'er was shocked, and clung to the corner of Ye Tian's clothes tightly.

Jinpeng Bird also roared, flapped its wings, and flew out a few feathers, stabbing at the palm of the Domineering with a sharp arrow, but hit the rock like an egg, and the feathers fell apart inch by inch, and only hit the palm of the Domination. A few simple impressions.

On Ye Tian, ​​golden lights rushed out, forming a small area, covering Xiaoyue'er and Jinpengbird, and minimizing the influence of the coercion of the giant palm.

"Hehe, if you don't use the secret treasure, it seems that you don't even have the power to resist." A Southern Territory disciple sneered.

"If you say you don't use the secret treasure, don't break your word. There are more than a dozen pairs of eyes staring here. You represent Donghuang, don't lose Donghuang's face."

"Yes, as a cultivator, you must have the courage to say that you can't use the secret treasure, you don't use the secret treasure."

A group of Southern Tianjiao whispered and crooked, lest Ye Tian scorn and use the secret treasure.

They believed that Ye Tian was from the Eastern Region, and mistakenly thought that he was Zhang Daochen, a genius disciple under the seat of the elders of Liyang.

Ye Tian knew it well, but was too lazy to explain.

A smile also appeared on Ba Tianye's face, that was the heartfelt excitement that victory was in sight.

In the same realm, he doesn't think it is weaker than anyone, except for several enchanting princes of the Jinwu tribe.

But the next moment, his smile stiffened on his face.

Ye Tian raised his hand gently and nodded with a finger.

"I wiped it, he actually..."

Everyone was surprised, as if they had seen a ghost.

Facing the overwhelming overlord's giant palm of Tyrannosaurus, Ye Tian only raised a finger to greet him. It was like smashing an egg against a rock with no chance of winning.

A group of Southern Tianjiao couldn't help sneering in their hearts, thinking that the boy in front of him was too ignorant of the sky and the earth.

However, immediately afterwards, everyone's expressions stiffened again.

The finger that Ye Tian protruded was still plain at first, crystal clear, shining with a gold-like metallic luster.

But in the middle of the journey, the golden fingers suddenly burst out with divine light, and the fingers quickly became bigger and thicker, and between the fingers, an invincible finger turned into a pillar supporting the gods, which was more than the pillar in front of the temple. It should be thick, with a length of several tens of feet, shining immortal divine brilliance, enveloping chaotic energy, like a cast of divine gold.

Boom boom boom!

Everyone saw it in the eyes of everyone, a thick finger, as if tearing the world out, engulfed in the chaotic energy, straight up the sky, straight into the giant palm of the overlord.

"Chaos... Desperate God's Finger!" Ye Tian whispered calmly, his expression free from sadness and joy.

Following his words, an ancient and vast aura permeated from the huge divine finger, the pressure was like a mountain, and it instantly enveloped the space of thousands of square meters.

As if the world was shaken by this finger, it was about to break apart.

The real Chaos Destroying God's Finger, breaking the stars, breaking the sun, or even tearing apart the void, is nothing at all. Ye Tian can't even exert one thousandth of his power now.

However, smashing a so-called Tyrant's Palm is nothing to say.


In the shocking eyes of everyone, the huge bronze palm that was as large as a mountain, towering, and weighing tens of thousands of tens of thousands of kilograms, was instantly spotted with a big hole under Ye Tian's finger. Come.

Click, click!

Around the big hole, cracks spread one after another, spreading rapidly in all directions, and in the end, the entire palm of the hand was like a smashed porcelain, bursting open with a bang, breaking into countless pieces.

Although this was a giant palm transformed by mana, the real palm of the Tyrannosaurus was also damaged under the traction of the Qi machine. The palm was torn into a blood hole, the back of the palm was transparent, and blood was splashing out.

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