Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1887: 8-Rank Hallows

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The third elder Li Yang was trampled to death with one foot, like a broken watermelon, turning into blood mud on the ground, and even the soul, with a broken Yuan Dan, were all crushed.

All those who saw this scene were silent, and at the same time they were extremely angry.

This is the Lihuo Sect, killing the elders of the Lihuo Sect in the town of the Lihuo Sect, this is the unending rhythm of the Lihuo Sect.

"It's too cruel, who is this guy?" Qin Yan'er was dumbfounded, her body trembling, and she never thought Ye Tian was so powerful and fierce.

She had to secretly squeeze a cold sweat for herself. If Xiao Yue'er hadn't talked to her in the valley before, she would have been dead, and if she had a peerless elegance, the cruel young man in front of her would not be merciful.

"Good, good, so courageous!" Zhang Tailin, the head teacher, was extremely angry, his face was gloomy, his teeth rattled, and said: "Little thing, no matter which sect you come from, even the top sect, you are here. You can't tolerate your presumptuousness. You kill me the elder of the Lihuo Sect, don't want to leave here alive today."


It has been urged to the extreme, and eight stigmata have been recovered, and a hundred-foot-large Lihuo cauldron flew out of Zhang Tailin's hands suddenly, and the divine light of ten thousand meters bloomed, illuminating the sky, like a big mountain suppressing it. .

The flowers, birds, insects, fish, etc. on it seemed to have come alive, rushing out of the cauldron's arm, circling the cauldron, and the rhyme of Taoism was full.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura seemed to shatter the world, causing the sun, moon, mountains and rivers to roar, shaking constantly, and even some mountains collapsed.

The sacred artifact of the Eight Stigmas was only half a step away from the artifact. It was a quasi-sacred artifact, recovered with all its strength, truly terrifying, and extremely powerful.

Of course, quasi-sacred artifacts and artifacts are like Yuan Dan and Jin Dan. They seem to be half a step away, but in fact there is a real difference between the cloud and mud. They are not on the same level. The artifact is aimed at the artifact, and the Jin Dan can lower the original Dan. Wei general blow.

"Well, Zhenzong Zhibao fully recovered and killed this little beast!" A disciple from the Huo Cult yelled, full of hatred towards Ye Tian.

The other disciples of the Lihuo Sect also clenched their teeth, looking forward to this blow from the Sect Master.

"I will ask you one last time, who on earth are you? What does it have to do with the Jinwu Clan?" The Great Elder stepped forward and asked angrily.

"Hehe, can't the disciples of the non-top-level sect have such strength? I have already said that it is not worth mentioning that it is not worth mentioning. If you want to make a move, don't worry about it, annoys me, and puts you at the same time. Destroyed." Ye Tian said coldly after holding one hand.

Leimen was just summoned to replenish the consumption of his body. He is now like a dragon and a tiger, and his spirit and energy are climbing to the peak. The blood in his body is like a flowing Yangtze River, making a rumbling sound. The sound that comes out can almost stop him. People are shaken.

"My master is really powerful!" Xiao Yue'er felt excited, and she almost waved her small fist and shook the flag and shouted.

"I want to practice hard, and strive to be as strong as a master one day!" Xiaoyue'er warned herself to work hard to become stronger.


Ye Tian's golden blood was overwhelming, and a golden sword wave was cut out between his wave of hands. There were thousands of golden golden auras, and there were also a series of golden thunders mixed with them, like a sword of heaven, suddenly leaving the fire cauldron. A corner was cut off from the mouth of the furnace, and it fell down, smashing a small hill into dust.

"It's really not ashamed to say that I'm going to kill all of us. Everyone shot together, urged to leave the fire cauldron together, and kill the powerful enemy!" The great elder shouted.


A group of dozens of elders shot together, and the mana turned into a dozen long rivers, continuously input into the Lihuo Cauldron.

Almost immediately, all the eight stigmata from the fire cauldron were revived again, emitting a boundless radiance. The eight stigmas, like eight true dragons, danced in the sky, and at the same time entangled Ye Tian's big hand, sending out a boundless wave. , The roar sounded like thunder.

Boom boom boom!

In the mouth of the tripod, the crimson flame pouring down like a mountain torrent, poured down on Ye Tian's body, making a deafening noise, drowning Ye Tian's fifty-foot-tall giant spirit body, and burning it sharply. .

This is an extremely amazing sight, which makes the scalp numb.

Compared with Zhang Tailin's urging alone, now a group of elders are urging at the same time, and they are several times horrible from the fire cauldron. The original size of one hundred meters has become the current size of two hundred meters, bringing Ye Tian's fifty-foot giant spirit body. All set off very small.


The cauldron is like a mountain, constantly shaking, to kill Ye Tianzhen and turn it into blood.

The eight stigmata revived, like eight real dragons, entwining Ye Tian's body, like a real dragon binding the gods.

But when he saw that Ye Tian's expression remained unchanged, his palms contracted, and the sky-turning mark suddenly appeared in his hand, he moved and snapped out suddenly.

Seeing the chaotic energy surging, the magneto divine light roaring, the ten thousand divine thunder roaring...

A powerful energy rushed up against the sky, unexpectedly turning the monstrous sea of ​​fire that had fallen from the fire cauldron back.

All the stigmata in the seal of the sky-shaking also recovered in an instant. Although it was not as many as the eight stigmata from the Huo Cao Furnace, it was made of magical materials and after repeated tempering, the power that erupted was not weak at all.

When the Heaven-Shaking Seal was photographed, it seemed to shake the heavens, accompanied by a terrifying energy frenzy, the stars in the sky seemed to be shaken down, dominating the world.


The sound of Hong Zhong and Dalu spread throughout the world, deafening and reverberating in the valley for a long time.

The Great Seal against the Lihuo Ding Lu!

As a result, the Lihuo Cauldron was first slapped and turned upside down, then cracked, and finally shattered into countless pieces, scattered between the world and the earth, everywhere.

A treasure of the Zhenzong, the eighth-rank sacred artifact, was destroyed by such a person.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and couldn't believe all this, it was too shocking.

For a while, no one could speak, all of them had small lumps all over, and the spine was cold.

How powerful is this mysterious boy?

This is the eighth-rank sacred artifact. Although UU-reading can't be compared with the divine artifact, the suppression of the golden core is nothing to say, but it was destroyed in this way.

"How to do?"

A group of elders were horrified in their hearts and asked the head teacher.

"What else can I do? This battle can't be good, open the mountain protection formation to kill him. After all, he is not a golden core, there must be some secret treasure on his body, so he can display such a combat power. As long as you kill him, you will have all the secret treasures. It belongs to my Lihuo Sect, and it should offset my loss." The elder said angrily, his pupils gleamed, and he was greedy for Ye Tian's secret treasure.

"If you want to kill me, pay attention to my secret treasure. Then I will trample you to death first, and see if you dare to say such big things."

Ye Tian stepped out abruptly, and a big golden foot stepped on the Great Elder.

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