Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1886: Trample to death

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The golden sun seal vibrated, weighed ten directions, and was as heavy as a mountain. There were more chaotic golden flames surging out, like flares sprayed from the sun. It was extremely hot and terrifying, burning the void cracklingly. Straight.


As Ye Tian's hands flicked, the Golden Great Sun imprinted, and he violently suppressed the real person Liyang.

True person Liyang was born with the roots of fire movement, and all he cultivated were fire movement supernatural powers, but at this moment it was completely suppressed by Ye Tian's fire movement supernatural powers.

The chaotic golden flame is a kind of heaven and earth divine flame, which is even above Lihuo, and can crush Lihuo from the level of Taoism.

Seeing the real Li Yang stared with anger, the two pillars of fire that spewed out were condensed into two flame spears, and with a sneer, they pierced into the golden seal, but disappeared like a clay cow into the sea.

He opened his mouth and vomited, and a congenital essence condensed into a fire dragon, entwining the golden big sun seal, and wanted to smash the big seal, but was quickly swallowed by the sea of ​​fire sprayed from the big sun seal, and the whole body was integrated into it. Went in.

In the electric flint flower room, thanks to the master Zhang Tailin, he sacrificed the treasure of Zhenzong from the sect, left the fire cauldron, and blasted towards the golden sun seal.

The Lihuo Ding Furnace swelled rapidly, hitting the golden sun seal, making a sound like a yellow bell and dalu, and it was endless.

The big seal, which was originally set like a fireball, was shaken to disperse and turned into a sea of ​​fire, like flooding Yellow River water. It could not be dealt with at a time. Everything was burnt wherever it passed, and the vegetation turned into ashes and bricks and petrified. Magma.

Then a divine power vortex appeared from the mouth of the fire cauldron, and he sucked wildly at the sea of ​​fire, which was able to catch up before the sea of ​​fire dissipated. It was absorbed completely without causing disaster.

Taking advantage of this moment, the real person Li Yang dashed and fled, his shriveled body crackled, his broken bones continued, and his body swelled.

Although his vitality was severely injured and his essence and blood was lost, he was still a pill condensing power. The energy in a pill was far from exhausted. If he mobilized some, he could restore his combat power.

It's just that, using the power of the original pill violently, his original hope of proving the golden pill became even more impossible.

"Want to escape, did you ask me to agree?"

Ye Tian turned into a streamer phantom, the speed was incredible, after catching up with Li Yang, a big fist covered his face, and he beat Li Yang to the sky for hundreds of meters, breaking dozens of them in succession. A towering tree finally stopped after hitting a cliff.

"How can it be?"

Everyone in the field was stunned.

Majestic Liyang was actually being beaten, but he was a pill, it seemed like he had seen a ghost.

"A Yuan Pill that cannot prove the Golden Pill is considered a Yuan Pill?" Ye Tian sarcastically said, holding one hand behind him, striding forward, and rushing to the place where the real person Li Yang fell.

"Young man, you have enough, don't you stop quickly? Even if Li Yang is at fault, I have my own rules to deal with Li Huo Jiao, don't bother you to take action." Zhang Tailin yelled, his forehead fiercely.

"Have his own rules to deal with? It's really ridiculous. He and Heifengzhai have been in collusion for so many years, and I don't know how many people have been killed directly and indirectly, and I haven't seen you leave Huo Jiao to deal with them. Besides, you palm The teaching seems to be in vain and can't control this elder." Ye Tian stood on the commanding heights of morality and said to Zhang Tailin.

Sure enough, Zhang Tailin knew that he was at a loss, and his face turned black to the bottom of the pot.

At this moment, he was in a dilemma, neither inside nor outside was human. Not only the elders of the sect did not listen to him, but Ye Tian did not listen to him.

Everything, after all, depends on strength to speak, everything else is imaginary.

"I don't believe it! You are a little innate, I should have squeezed you to death as simple as a grasshopper."

Under the stone cliff, the real Liyang roared wildly, as if mad, angrily.

Since he cultivated the condensed pill, he had never been bullied like this.

"Look at my invincible form!"

In the thunderous roar, divine light gushes out from the body of the real Liyang, accompanied by a terrifying breath, like a volcanic eruption, covering a space of tens of meters.

In the space, there was a raging flame, a red color, and there were uncountable flaming crows flapping their wings and flying and circling.

Bathed in the fire, Li Yang’s figure is steadily uplifting, his muscles are knotted, and every pore is spraying thin flames. The veins and veins are like hot red soldering iron, bulging on the surface of the body, and blood flowing in the blood vessels. Like magma, thick and hot.

At this moment, he was like a giant flame giant who opened the world, and his entire body was filled with fluctuations that were several times stronger than before, filling the void, causing the entire Lihuo Sect to tremble under his feet.

"Leaving the Huo Burning Heaven Realm, Burning Heaven's Law, I didn't expect the third elder to practice it!" The Great Elder exclaimed, stunned for a while.

"Isn't it said that only the golden core can display the field and the law, what about the three elders...?" Some elders questioned.

"It's not a real domain law. The three elders are fully using the power of the essence pill, the physical body is ascended to the full, barely touched the corner of the gold pill, and made a final desperate blow. After this blow, his original pill general It will be completely exhausted." Zhang Tailin, the head teacher, murmured.

Hearing this, a group of elders were moved.

Da da!

All the disciples of Lihuo Sect in the field trembled with their teeth and their bodies trembling.

Yuan Dan made his best effort to release the power of a Yuan Dan at once, but Ye was terrifying enough, and it was even better than an ordinary Jin Dan strike.

At this moment, the entire Lihuo Sect was shrouded in the coercion of the real Liyang, and some disciples couldn't help but knelt down, even some elders had to use their magic power to resolve the coercion.

"Which disciple was killed, making the third elders so angry and determined to kill this young man?" an elder asked Qin Yan'er.

"Except for Brother Daochen, the rest of the true disciples under the three elders were almost all killed." Qin Yan'er answered truthfully.

"What? Except for Dao Chen, the true story was all killed? No wonder, no wonder..."

All the elders were shocked. They used to have a slight remark to the three elders, but now they have some sympathy.

At this moment, the real person Liyang’s ten-zhang-tall face, like a flame demon, suddenly stepped on Ye Tian, ​​a breath of golden core, surging out, as if it were a true god. Jindan is making a move.

The Lihuo Burning Heaven domain covered the cage world and covered Ye Tian, ​​his body was roasted, and his mana was being suppressed.

"Master!" Xiao Yueer shouted, her face pale.

"I don't hesitate to squeeze a Yuan Dan, it seems that you really want to kill me!" Ye Tian raised his head and looked up at a giant, but his expression was calm.

"I will not only kill you, but also imprison your soul, and burn it with Lihuo day and night, so that you can't survive, and you can't die." Li Yang said viciously.

"Hehe, such a clumsy field and aspect, I am embarrassed to take it out." Ye Tian smiled coldly.


Just as his voice fell, a portal shrouded in thunder light suddenly appeared behind him, with chaotic energy surging, and chaotic thunder surging.

As soon as this Thunder Gate came out, the aura that fell on Ye Tian's body, like riding a rocket, climbed rapidly, and the real yuan consumed was also quickly replenished.


The terrifying breath erupted from Ye Tian's body, the divine light was as bright as the sun, layer by layer on his body, and finally turned into a blazing flame.

Standing in the golden flames, with a thunder gate connected to his back, Ye Tian looked like a god.


He slammed out with a punch, turned the sky up, the monstrous flames condensed into a huge fireball, and the immeasurable chaotic divine thunder surged from the thunder gate behind, like a tsunami that overwhelmed the mountains, rushing towards the real Li Yang .

Bang, bang!


Zhenren Liyang had two or three big house-sized feet, and under this punch, they fell apart in an instant, as if they were paper-sticky.

The rain of blood spattered in the void, and the flesh and blood flew across.

"Ah!" Li Yang screamed sternly, staggering back with one leg.

At this moment, Ye Tian slammed his feet on the ground, transforming into a golden rainbow and rising from the ground, like a divine dragon, going straight to the sky.

At an altitude of several tens of meters, the golden Changhong suddenly plunged down again, and a big golden foot was like a hammer that shook the sky, stomped down.

Bang bang bang!

With the force of decay and destruction, Li Yang Zhenren's ten-meter-high Dharma image was trampled on, and the domain was also riddled with holes and ruined.

A huge deep pit was stepped on a piece of ground, Li Yang lay inside like a dead dog, with only one head exposed outside Ye Tian's feet, his eyes widened and he was not dead yet, but the situation was worrisome. , As long as Ye Tian was willing, he could crush to death with one kick.


At that moment, in the entire Lihuo Sect, thousands of disciples and dozens of elders lost their voices and couldn't believe it.

Qin Yan'er was dumbfounded, her eyes dilated, as if she was dreaming, she couldn't believe this scene.

"This kid is not a golden pill. He is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?" Some elders began to doubt.

"Stop it, fellow Taoist, we have something to say well." Zhang Tailin shouted, the head teacher, he would never allow Ye Tian to kill the elder Liyang under his nose.

As he spoke, the aura on his body also exploded, and the Lihuo Cauldron in his hand continued to expand, and the stigmata revived one by one.

One, two, three,...

In the end, there were eight stigmata resurrected, and the cauldron that had been slapped in the palm of the hand became the size of a hill. It was a hundred feet tall, and the terrifying aura of golden core filled the world.

Surprisingly, while Zhang Tailin was moved with affection, he was also imposing majesty.

The other elders also took actions, as long as Ye Tian dared to kill him, he immediately started to kill him at the same time.

Ye Tian ignored the threats from the elders.

He stepped on the real person Liyang and shouted in a low voice: "Keep your eyes open, this is the real way!"

next moment!

Ye Tian's figure is generally inflated, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is ten feet, twenty feet, thirty feet,...

In the end, Ye Tian swelled to a height of fifty feet, covered in golden light, and his body was made of glass **** gold, full of eternal and immortal aura.

The people from Lihuo Sect were like ants in front of him, so tiny that they could be ignored.

"How is it, do you know that you are wrong?" Ye Tian looked down at the real person Li Yang and asked coldly.

"If you dare to kill me, my disciple Daochen will definitely kill you. And Shushan will not let you go." Only half of Li Yang's old life is left, but he is still strong.

"Really? I'm waiting for him to kill me."

Ye Tian also ran out of patience, and with a fierce force under his feet, he stomped the real Liyang into mud.

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