Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1811: Break the Palace of Gods

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Ye Tian wiped the blood from his palm, his eyes were full of indifference, and he said to himself: "I thought this battle would be difficult and fierce. I never expected that until now, this battle. It's so easy to play."

"These so-called gods of Olympus are stubborn and conservative. They are not enterprising. They rely on their blood to eat. They are no longer strong in the past, and will only be worse than generations in the future."

At this time, Princess Anna walked out of the killing array, and when she heard Ye Tian's words, her mouth twitched again and again.

Although Ye Tian was talking about the gods of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, she was the daughter of the God King and was inevitably included. Most of her skill was also derived from the bloodline talent.

Although she had studied Eastern martial arts with Master Brudo, they were all very simple and incomplete, far from forming a system.

Her eyes flickered, after staring at Ye Tian for a few times, she finally gathered courage and said: "After this battle is over, if we win, can I learn the martial arts of the East from you?"

Ye Tian's martial arts were vividly manifested in the previous battles. Whether it was boxing, leg skills, or body movement, she was amazed, supernatural, and truly tyrannical and messed up.

The fighting power of the gods focuses on breaking the ten thousand magic with one force, every move and every momentum is strong, and they tend to crush the opponent with thunderous means.

On the other hand, the martial arts of the East pay more attention to overcoming strength with softness, fighting big with small fights, and making four or two strokes. There may be many changes in a simple trick.

Ye Tian was startled, and immediately returned to God, and said: "Victory will definitely belong to us, because justice will prevail. As for learning Eastern martial arts from me, it is not impossible. But the Tao should not be passed on lightly, you have to worship me. As a teacher, I can teach you."

He deliberately pushed Anna to the throne of the King of Gods and ruled this small world. If Anna worshipped him as a teacher, then this small world would naturally join him under Bei Ming. For him, this is a trade that only makes a profit.

Princess Ann was overjoyed immediately, and said: "You teach me to practice, and it is natural that I should worship you as a teacher."

"That's good, now we are going to kill Taizhou, and then you will be the new **** king."

Victory is in sight, and the rule of Ten Thousand Gods Mountain will be overthrown. Princess Anna feels like she is dreaming, with joy and excitement.

After that, there was no more resistance, Ye Tian and Princess Anna had been climbing to the palace of the gods on the top of the mountain.

Outside the palace of the **** king, tiers of restrictions have already been laid down, keeping the palace airtight.

Maybe she wanted to show herself and prove that she was not a vase, Princess Ann directly raised a punch and blasted at the gate of the Palace of Gods.

With this punch, she desperately squeezed her blood and supernatural power, and her blood was boiling. The white little fist was like a small sun, bursting with dazzling light, and the fist rushed across, and the void rumbled, rippling with tsunami-like ripples.

Her cultivation level is equivalent to that of the earth immortals in the secular world. How terrible is the punch with all her strength?

A look of appreciation flashed in Ye Tian's eyes.

The power of Anna's fist was no less than the explosive power of his martial arts fist when he was at the level of the gods. It was a hill of a hundred meters high. Under this fist, the ashes would be wiped out and evaporated in an instant.

However, Ye Tian now has his cultivation base ascending to the earth immortal, and even condensed the Yuan Dan, the martial arts fist is more than ten times stronger?

The seven levels of Wuji Shenquan, cracking rocks, opening mountains, turning over the river, turning the sea, destroying the earth, destroying the sky, breaking the stars, Ye Tian has now reached the level of turning the river and the sea, one punch can cut off the river, let the river flow back, and punch. But there were sky-high tsunamis in the sea, and the mud and sand on the seabed appeared.

He just used 60% to 70% of his fist power just now, and he exploded the old **** of Wanshen Mountain.


The result was extremely surprising.

Princess Anna squeezed the blood and supernatural power, and struck this earth-shattering punch desperately, hitting the guardian prohibition of the palace of the gods, it turned out to be like a stone submerged in the water, with only a small sound, causing a ripple on the forbidden light curtain. Then there was no movement at all.

Not only was the forbidden light curtain not broken, it was a bit brighter than before, as if it had absorbed the energy in his fist and added it to the forbidden.

"It's impossible!" Princess Anna's face changed slightly.

"Come again!"


The girl immediately blasted another punch, her blood boiled, almost burning.

This punch was more violent than the previous one, the force was like a mountain and the ground cracked, and the power was earth-shattering. The punch passed by, and the space seemed to be unbearable. It cracked, and the void ripples rolled in all directions like a nuclear explosion shock wave.

Even the forbidden light curtain of the Palace of Gods, like boiling water, fluctuates crazily, shaking up, and it feels that it may be torn at any time.

However, when the front of the fist touched the forbidden light curtain, the history was surprisingly similar. The horrible fist power that was enough to blast a 100-meter high mountain into **** was once again like a clay cow into the sea, absorbed by the prohibition of the Palace of God, only excited. There was a small ripple.

The forbidden light curtain of the Palace of Gods not only failed to be destroyed, but became even more dazzling.

"No, these layers of restraint are too strong, and they can absorb my fist strength, and in turn strengthen the restraint's power. Maybe you have to use the divine sword to split it." Princess Ann frowned, her eyes a little bit dejected, and she was serious. Ye Tian said.

"Excalibur? What excalibur?"

At this moment, I saw Ye Tian's five fingers slashed apart, and his nails stretched out several inches long, blooming immortal divine light like divine gold, and emitting sharp metal clank sounds, just like five divine gold daggers, facing the gods. The gate of the palace was snatched out.


When the claws came out, the earth-shaking tiger roar suddenly sounded, and the chaotic energy that overflowed between the fingers turned into a white giant tiger, comparable to the physique of a giant elephant, with snow-white hair and crystal-clear roots, accompanied by Ye Tian's claws. , Also shot a giant claw towards the gate of the Palace of Gods.

Above the giant claws, the terrifying Gengjin aura whistled, and the Dao Daogeng Golden Thunder exploded.


It seemed that it was caused by stress, the prohibition light curtain of the Palace of Gods suddenly became blazing, bursting into a more brilliant glow, and several layers of restraints rose up, like layers of nets, blocking the tiger's claws.


The forbidden light curtain in the tiger's paw shot, as if hitting a real object, made a burst of sound like cracking silk.

I saw that the light above the tiger's paw suddenly dimmed, and energy was forbidden to be absorbed.

However, before the energy was extracted, the heavy forbidden nets where the tiger's paws fell, like boiling soup and splashing snow, quickly melted, and layer after layer was continuously torn apart.


In the end, the white tiger shattered all the forbidden nets with one claw, and slapped one claw on the gate of the palace of the gods, causing the huge palace of the gods to shock.

At this time, the power of the white tiger's claw was almost exhausted. Under the force of the terrifying counter-shock, the giant claws of the white tiger first broke apart, and then the body was also torn apart, and finally the whole body was restored to the terrifying chaotic golden aura.

The restrictions on the periphery of the Palace of Gods were swept away!


At this time, Princess Ann slammed a punch, and a hole was suddenly blasted out of the gate of the Palace of Gods in the sound of a train's whistle-like sonic boom.

"Taizhou, your death date has come, get out!"

In the angry roar, Princess Ann kicked out again, about to kick open the gate of the palace.

She has a pair of white and slender legs, with some blood stains, and her muscles are tight and strong.

This pair of beautiful legs can catch up with the bullet that comes out of the chamber when they are running at full speed. When they are kicked out at full speed, they have the explosive power of heavy artillery. They perform nirvana. In the state of running away, the strong wind from both legs can be enough. Torn the iron armor.

At this moment, her body rose into the air, like a powerful leg that a heavy artillery pierced, pulling out a heavy leg shadow in the void, and the sonic boom sounded like a train whistling, sharp and ear-piercing.


Amid the earth-shaking loud explosion, the gate of the God’s Palace was kicked and exploded, turning into sky-filled debris.

Bang, bang!

Princess Anna landed steadily with her feet, flicked her hair, straightened her chest, and looked at Ye Tian as if she wanted to ask for appreciation.

However, the voice of begging for praise was not received, instead it was shot and flew out by Ye Tian's palm.

Just as Princess Ann was shocked and unclear, when there was more anger in her chest, a war spear flew out from the palace of the gods like a bolt of lightning, with the power of a terrifying thunder. Just rushed past where she stood just now.


This was a war spear condensed by the power of pure thunder, and it flew beyond ten thousand meters in an instant. There was a mountain that was unfortunately hit and was razed to the ground in a huge explosion.

"Anna, my daughter, why did you come here to find death? Isn't it good to be an ordinary person?"

Amid the roar of anger, a giant hand covering the sky with the sense of holding the sun and the moon in one's hands, suddenly protruded from the palace of the gods and snapped at the heads of Ye Tian and Princess Anna.

When the giant hand fell, the infinite thunder and lightning hovered between the palms and fingers, shining brightly, like a sea of ​​thunder descending from the sky.

There were also thick thunders, accompanied by the giant hand that covered the sky, tens of thousands of cannons blasted down wildly, destroying all the vitality in the world.

In the flash of lightning, Ye Tian threw the sky-shaking seal at Princess Anna to help her protect her body, while he was left exposed to the thunder.

Of course, he won't sit and wait for death, a crystal clear golden core is held by him, and the mana is slightly activated, it will shine like a little sun, overflowing with terrifying aura.

This is the golden pill of the Old Ape King. Although the quality of UU Reading is not high, it is polished very well.

Moreover, the old ape king is a fire-traveling beast, and a golden core is also a fire attribute. Even if the fire-traveling energy contained in it cannot be compared with the sub-artifact lava battle flag, it is not much different. It is comparable to a nuclear weapon and explosive power. amazing.

Ye Tian originally wanted to keep this fire-propelled golden pill as a training resource to make his own fire-propelled essence pill to a higher level. Now, in order to solve the battle with Taizhou as soon as possible, he didn’t want to be out of touch with him, so he cut off his love and took it. come out.

As long as he defeated Taizhou, he could obtain cultivation resources that were hundreds of times more valuable than a golden core.

"This is..., Jindan?"

Taizhou's shocked voice came from the palace of the gods.

As soon as his voice fell, there was a dazzling glare from the golden core, and a series of earth-shaking sounds of thunder burst out.

With a whistle, Ye Tian threw the sparked golden core into the depths of the Divine Palace, like a hand grenade.

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