Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1810: Fist Blast Old God

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Although the mana was suppressed a little, the power of Ye Tian's physical body was almost infinite, passing through all the way, and constantly approaching the palace of the gods on the top of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain.


Suddenly, another killing array was activated, and endless array patterns appeared on a bald mountain. At this moment, they all appeared, imprinted in the void, like symbols of gods and ghosts, mysterious and intriguing.

This is a concealed killing array, like stepping on a land mine, which makes people overwhelming.

One after another, the thick killer mans rushed into the sky, with murderous intent, sweeping in all directions, strangling against Ye Tian and Princess Anna.

Ye Tian took a deep breath, grabbed Princess Anna's arm, used the floating light and shadow step, and quickly retreated, which could not be avoided by this shocking blow.

This is a Golden Core Killing Array, he tried his best to protect himself, but if Princess Ann fell into it, she would definitely die forever.

This pattern is very old, it should have been laid down a long time ago, at least it should be laid down by Dacheng Jindan.

"Activate the killing array, guard the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, and kill the evil enemies that come!"

In front, a white-haired old man stood proudly with his hand, looking down at Ye Tian and Princess Anna below, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly, a few more killing formations burst out, the sword aura whistled, the sonorous sound was endless, and the rushing to the sky suddenly intertwined into a cage, enclosing Ye Tian and Princess Anna from all directions.


The white-haired old man pointed a finger, and thousands of killing lights were combined into one, with a thickness of ten feet, and he slashed at Ye Tian like a sky sword.


The ten-zhang thick killer mang, huge and unparalleled, split the sky at once, almost the destructive power of Jin Dan's blow, extremely dazzling and dazzling.

Princess Ann threw a sawtooth disc and slaughtered the killer mang. As a result, she just rushed into the killer mang, like a mud cow into the sea, torn apart at once, and finally crushed into powder.

Fortunately, this killing mang was not directed at her, but directed at Ye Tian, ​​and Ye Tian's speed was extremely fast, using a floating light and shadow step, leaving an afterimage, and rushing to several tens of meters away in an instant.


There was a loud noise, and the place where Ye Tian stood just now was cut out of a bottomless rift valley.

"You dare to commit the crime, the sin is beyond pardon, let me die!" the white-haired old man said angrily.

"The stubborn old man, the end of Ten Thousand Gods Mountain is here, this is the general trend of the world, do you think that with you alone, you can turn things around?" Ye Tian sneered.


In the voice, he threw the Heaven-shaking Seal to Princess Anna, hanging above her head, and protecting her body with chaotic air, which could keep her safe for a while.

But Ye Tian rushed away from the battlefield, preparing to kill the white-haired old man, thereby dispelling the killing formation.

"Hmph, looking for death, this killing formation dared not attack even Jin Dan's great power. My Ten Thousand God Mountain is an immortal Taoist tradition, and has passed on endless years. Is it possible for you to say that destruction can be destroyed by you as a child?"

Qiang Qiang!

Thousands of killer awns rushed into the sky. At this moment, the entire Ten Thousand Gods Mountain was shaking, like a peerless swordsman, sweeping out sharp killer awns, at least several hundred meters in length, straight to the sky. Big clouds fell apart.

Ye Tian’s pupils shrank suddenly. This killing array was terrible. It must have been left by a superb figure. He was absorbing the essence of the Ten Thousand God Mountain and transformed it into a peerless attack power. He could attack forever, that is, Dacheng Jindan was defeated. Trapped in it will be wiped out.

Thousands of killers swept out, as dense as a drizzle, even a mosquito could not fly over.

However, Ye Tian's figure, with a weird posture, like crossing a water wave, broke through the heavy killing array, and rushed towards the white-haired old man.


The white-haired old man was dumbfounded immediately, as if he had seen a ghost, he didn't even know how Ye Tian did it.

Ye Tian's sleeves were a bit torn, and even if he found a weakness in the killing array, he was still hit by hundreds of killing lights.

If he hadn't been for the golden sacred body and the crystal scale protector, he would definitely be injured in that blow.

But that's the case. The crystal scales on his body are full of scars. Since awakening this magical power, he has never suffered so much damage. Even the surface of the golden body's skin had some knife marks, oozing a trace of blood.

Fortunately, these are minor injuries.

This killing array was just launched, and it did not really form an unbreakable cage. If you delay a little more time, it may be more difficult to rush out.

After rushing out of the killing array cage, Ye Tian quickly approached the white-haired old man.

This is an old **** of Wanshenshan, wearing an extremely old magic gun, as if worn for thousands of years, with dry bronze skin and messy white hair, but he is full of spirits, and his fighting spirit is like a vast sea. turbulent.


He opened his mouth and screamed like a dragon, like a tsunami, shaking the mountains.

Behind him, a temple flew up, Yu Tian was high, and landed, suppressing Xiang Ye Tian.

This is the temple is a magic weapon, the whole body is cast by genius treasures, engraved endless runes.

The temple bloomed with radiance of thousands of ways, and the world was like an ancient humming beast, inside it was a small world of its own, and it suddenly took Ye Tian into it.

After that, the temple suddenly became smaller and fell into the palm of the white-haired old man.

"What?" Princess Ann was dumbfounded.

"A mundane ant, still wanting to shake the sky?" The white-haired old man's eyes are like golden lamps, blooming with golden flames, "I will refine your body now, and the soul will always be in hell, and burn one hundred thousand with the fire of hell. year."

While talking, the white-haired old man shot out wisps of Daoguang, offering sacrifices to the temple.


He had just practiced, and the temple suddenly shook, and fine cracks appeared on the surface.


In the next second, the temple suddenly burst, and a breath of energy that was as prosperous as a deep sea burst out of it, and the golden glow made people unable to open their eyes.

This is the overflow of the golden body's energy, it is like an erupting super volcano, and it is terrifying.

"How can it be…?"

The white-haired old man was almost petrified in a moment, dumbfounded.

"How can my patience be known to you as an old man?"

Ye Tian's eyes flashed with cold electricity, and he rushed to the white-haired old man in an instant, blasting out with a punch.


Invincible fist rolled the nine heavens, the whole world seemed to be destroyed, the sun, the moon and the stars were shaking, seeming to be able to obliterate everything in the world.

This punch broke through the void and blasted the white-haired old man's face. Blast his body, together with all the magic weapons of the body, and the whole person flew out. The flesh suddenly burst in mid-air, shattering into blood and mud, and the blood poured down like a pouring rain.

At this moment, Wanshenshan was dead silent!

The divine soldiers and generals who were lingering and panting, as well as the gods, all took a breath.

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