Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1642: Forging soldiers

Ye Tian wanted to integrate the Ziying Sword of the Furukawa Sword Fairy with the Shushan Broken Sword, and add some heaven and earth treasures to strengthen it to create a complete Ziying Sword.

Unexpectedly, the Sun Moon Divine Sword was also put in now.

Of course, if he wanted to stop the fusion, he could do it, so as to save the Sun Moon Divine Sword and not be swallowed.

However, after some consideration, his eyes became firm and continued to merge.

Because he needed a divine weapon so much that he had the confidence to fight when facing the golden core and gave him the courage to enter the hidden gate.

Two Legendary Saint Soldiers and a Broken Sword God Soldier competed equally. Although the remaining prestige exuded was still terrifying, it was within Ye Tian's bearing range. He frantically used the "Thunderbolt Refining Technique" to control the three weapons.

It's like a snipe and a clam fighting, he benefits the fisherman.

Shushan Broken Sword is fierce like a tiger, and it makes a sharp and piercing sound, all the rust is peeled off, revealing the crystal sword body, like an immortal **** gold cast, bursting with brilliance, glowing rays of light, full of aura .

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying sword aura rushed out of the sword, like a peerless **** king resurrecting, crushing the heavens and breaking mountains and rivers.

This incredibly powerful and terrifying volatility, it is the golden core powerhouse coming, and it will be discolored.

This is the full explosion of Broken Sword's divine might, with a faint breath of Nascent Soul, driven by Ye Tian's control, fusing two legendary holy soldiers.

Both Legendary Saint Soldiers have seven stigmata, one is broken and lacking, and the other is intact. They are both extraordinary and vulgar. If the Shushan Broken Soldier does not explode with full force, it will be difficult to swallow.

This moment is extremely dangerous. If you lose control, the three warriors will run away, and the tsunami-like sword energy can not only wipe the mountain above your head in an instant, but the entire sect will be razed to the ground, causing incalculable losses.

Puff puff!

In Ye Tian's eyes, two golden flames suddenly spurted out, faster than a high-pressure water gun, and burned away three sharp swords.

An hour later, Furukawa Sword Immortal's Ziying Sword first wailed. Among the three soldiers, it is the most vulnerable.

Ye Tiansi did not hesitate, and continued to urge the golden pupils in the eyes of the fire, spraying out a pillar of fire like a dragon, and firmly enveloped the three soldiers, and worked hard to burn them.

Furukawa Sword Fairy’s Ziying Sword originally gave birth to a sword spirit, but after being cut off, the weapon spirit also fell. Although there is still a chaotic will, it is far incomparable with Shushan Broken Sword, and it is controlled by Ye Tian. After that, he could only be obediently and be tempered by flames.

Ye Tian had a certain number in his heart for the appearance of the new sword, and he forged it according to Furukawa Sword Fairy’s Ziying Sword. The hilt of the dragon-head style sword is seven feet long and the whole body is pure purple. From a distance, it looks like a purple Electricity.

At that time, when Furukawa Sword Fairy urged the Ziying sword, the sword glow resembled a spiritual snake, and the vision was varied. With a slight wave, the scorching sword glow like a purple electricity could bloom for several meters long, just like a purple lightning. The jungle is terrifying.

One day, two days, three days!

Only three days later, the seven stigmata of Ziying Sword were swallowed by the stigmata of Shushan Broken Soldier.

However, this kind of devouring hurts both sides and annihilates each other. The three scars of Shushan's broken soldiers are missing one.

And the sword body of Ziying Sword also began to merge with Shushan Broken Soldier.

The form of the two swords is almost exactly the same, one genuine and one imitation, both in size and material are surprisingly consistent. Once the fusion began, Ye Tian was much more relaxed, no more earth-shaking momentum erupted, like fish and water were mingling.

The Sun and Moon Divine Sword is still stubbornly resisting in the negative corner, but it has also fallen into the disadvantage. Although it is an indispensable holy soldier, it is incomparable with the divine soldier after all. The seven stigmata become dim, and the sun, moon and star river-like sword aura, like Bubbles generally burst again and again.

Three days later, the seven stigmata of the Sun Moon Divine Sword were shattered, breaking into countless pieces, and the Shushan Broken Army once again ruined a stigmata.

The body of the Sun Moon Excalibur was as if all the spirits and spirits had been removed. The gloss was dim, rusty, the aura was not visible, and the magic was no longer. In the end, it was broken into pieces like seven stigmata in the sound of clicking. Countless pieces turned into debris all over the floor.

The Shushan Broken Army did not swallow the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, but absorbed all the divine essence in the sword, so that the Sun and Moon Divine Sword was shattered.

At this time, the Shushan Broken Soldier and the Ziying Sword were almost completely fused together and turned into a purple long sword, but it was not perfect and needed to be tempered. The only remaining divine mark was actually dormant. Ye Tian tried several times and entered mana, but he couldn't wake up.

After all, this is not the original Shushan that broke the army, and the Shen Mark is out of place, so he fell into a deep sleep.

"After the fusion is complete, the next step is to be regarded as the real sacrifice. Whether you can become a god, wait and see." Ye Tian wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Even with his cultivation base in the middle of the Earth Immortal stage, his body couldn't bear the high-speed flame jet in his eyes for more than a week.

But he knew that the real sacrifice has just begun, and the next effort to be devoted will be ten times a hundred times, and he must be extremely cautious and not sloppy.

He continued to spray flames in his eyes and burn them to promote the further integration of the two swords.


With a soft drink, he didn't need to cast spells, only relying on his thoughts, there were waves of thunder falling down in the Heaven-shaking Seal, forging new recruits together with Chaos Golden Flame.

"Essence Magneto Divine Light!"

He gave another soft drink, the thunder disappeared, and the magnetic primordial light rushed down, cooperating with the forging recruits.

In this way, various energies are constantly changing, and under forging, the recruits are constantly changing.

At the same time, Ye Tian squeezed the tactics with both hands, making a series of tactics.

The vitality between the heaven and the earth in a radius of a hundred miles, as if receiving an order, gathered from all directions and filled the secret room.

A series of runes and spells condensed in the void, each of which contained a different kind of divine power, and eventually all entered the recruits.

The forging of a magic weapon is not an overnight effort. Ten years into a sword, or even a hundred years, UU reading is commonplace.

Therefore, Ye Tian was not in a hurry, shut himself in the secret room, did not hear anything outside the window, and tried his best to bring changes to the recruits bit by bit.

I think he didn't work so hard when refining the Seal of Shaking the Sky.

Just because an indispensable divine weapon is too important to him, so that he has the strength to fight the golden core before he has cultivated the golden core.

January, two months,...

As if only a blink of an eye, another six months passed.

Above the mountain where the secret room was, a shocking aura rushed out again, the vitality of all directions gathered, and colorful clouds lingered.

Compared with half a year ago, this breath is more vast, and it is really an illusion to face the golden core.

"Ye Zhenjun is going to break through the golden core, this time it is true!"

A piece of news came from the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect, and quickly spread throughout the entire Kunxu Outer Hidden Gate. Countless monks came to the court to witness a miracle. _

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