Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1641: Thunderbolt

There is a ray of chaotic will in the Shushan Broken Sword. When it is strong, it is strong. Under Ye Tian's deathly suppression, it suddenly broke out with more fierce power. The sword shook the sky, the sword aura whistled, struggling violently, and wanted to escape. Out. "The duck that got it, still want to run away?" Ye Tian sneered, his palms were like gods of gold, surging with greater divine power, and clenched the hilt of the sword. With his other hand pointing like a sword, his fingertips bloomed with bright golden light, like a sword's breath, cutting the air, making a sharp sound of clank, and struggling to smash away at the broken sword. It's like an adult who has to teach disobedient children a little lesson. This split, but condensed Ye Tian's great strength, not conservative at all, sharp and sharp, and the void seemed to have been split, revealing a dark sky. At the same time, on top of Ye Tian's head, the sky-shaking seal floated and slowly rotated, dropping down strands of chaotic energy, and endless coercion, protecting Ye Tian's body, and suppressing Shushan Broken Sword. Then, a chaotic realm appeared. The two currents of Yin and Yang revolved, the earth, fire, wind and water revolved, rapidly expanding, and inside was a golden world, with mountains, rocks, plants, flowers, birds, insects, and fish appearing vividly and vividly. As soon as the domain came out, Ye Tian's aura suddenly changed, like a golden god, dominating a golden world. After all, the Shushan Broken Sword is a divine weapon. It used to be Yuan Ying's sword. How noble and respected, how could it be willing to be suppressed by Ye Tian? boom! A thunderous trembling sound burst out from above the broken sword body. Above Shushan Broken Sword, a horrible sword aura burst out suddenly, as if ten thousand sharp swords were shooting in all directions, launching an indiscriminate attack, to rush through the chaotic aura, tear the chaos divine realm, and fly out. Ye Tian immediately became angry and shouted: "You are so brave! It's just a weapon, and you want to fight against the guest and use the sword to control the people? You are just a weapon refined by the Yuan Ying, and not the Yuan Ying deity, since you are not willing to surrender , Then I will completely refine you.” The chaotic will in the Shushan Broken Sword is already overbearing and tyrannical enough, but Ye Tian is even more arrogant and domineering, just like the master of all living beings, stepping on the heavens and all realms. The Baihu Law Body suddenly appeared, and opened his mouth to inhale thousands of sharp sword auras. The divine mark of the broken sword has not yet recovered, and the cutting power of sword aura is limited, and it can neither hurt the white tiger nor Ye Tian. ""Thunderbolt Training Technique", refining!" Ye Tian shouted. In Ye Tian's palm, the true energy was like a tide, surging out, and under the operation of "Thunderbolt Refining Art", he poured into the sword body extremely arrogantly. "Thunderbolt Refining Technique" is an extremely powerful refining technique. It comes from a top refining weapon fairy sect. It is claimed that even immortal soldiers can be refined, tame, and even transformed into what they want. Buzzing! Shushan Broken Sword shook violently, and its momentum was ten times and a hundred times stronger than before. Within the sword body, a divine light burst out suddenly, like a dazzling fairy, instantly illuminating the entire secret room. However, there was a breath of horror, like blades, sharp and unmatched, so that Ye Tian's golden body's skin was split with it, and blood stains appeared. This is a ray of scars on the road! The divine mark is resurrecting, and it is stressed, against Ye Tian's refining! This kind of refining is not tame, but change, destruction, arrogant and rude, so it will arouse the resistance of Broken Sword. But Ye Tian ignored it and stared at Duanbing with firm eyes, running "Thunderbolt Refining Technique" in his body, madly infusing real energy, and abruptly suppressed Duanjian's power, and even wanted to destroy the will in it. Buzzing! With the continuous infusion of mana, the sound of the broken sword became louder and louder, and in the end it was more like a drum beaten, piercing and piercing, even people outside the cave could hear it. The whole mountain also shook, being forced by the power of the broken sword. Before long, another splendid light emerged from the broken sword. It clashed, and the earthshaking seal could not be suppressed. The boundary membrane of the Chaos God Realm pierced a hole, making Ye Tian's golden body a little more. Road new injury. This was the second divine mark, and Ye Tian had urged the three divine marks to break the soldiers. Buzzing, clank! Two divine marks dance in the sky, marking the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, also known as the Chain of Order God, with incredible power of destruction. Ye Tian's "Thunderbolt Refining God Jue" can only be superficially suppressed, far beyond control. Because his cultivation base is too low. There were more and more scars on his body. The biggest one almost split him in half. There was a vertical scar on the center of his eyebrows, and blood was flowing like a shot. But Ye Tian was unmoved, his expression was as cold as frost, he was almost refining the military technique by mechanical operation, forcibly refining this broken soldier. After a while, there was a clattering sound, and the Third Avenue Divine Mark finally recovered. The recovery of the three divine scars, what a terrible power it is, almost the power of smashing the world. "It's almost there!" Ye Tian shouted in a low voice. With his other hand, he grabbed the legendary sacred soldier Ziying sword of Furukawa Sword Immortal, and suddenly merged with this broken sword, forcibly merged with the "Thunderbolt Refining Technique". Motivated by the stigmata of the Broken Sword in Shushan, the stigmata in the Ziying Sword instantly recovered. One, two, three... In the end, seven stigmata recovered, just like the Sun Moon Divine Sword. The three stigmata and the seven stigmata are intertwined, dancing in the sky, like a dragon, erupting with terrifying power. Under Ye Tian's control, the three divine marks were actually trying to swallow the seven divine marks. The body of the two swords, UU Reading is also merged into one. These two swords are of the same origin, both of which were made by Shen Tiezhen. Both are called Ziying Swords. They are relatively easy to merge. However, the process of fusion was extremely dangerous. The two soldiers fought, and both erupted with the ultimate power, as if a Nascent Soul was clashing with a golden core, Ye Tian and a earth fairy were about to be affected by the pond fish, and gradually lost control. Power. If the power of control is lost, the fusion power of "Thunderbolt Refining Arms Art" cannot be blessed, and the two weapons will not be able to fuse, but a simple confrontation and a hard shake. When the two tigers fight, there must be one injury in the end. "No, the Ziying Sword is too weak, and Shushan's cut-off is too strong." Ye Tian's heart was throbbing, and he was fluttering. The three stigmas are like three tigers, and the seven stigmas are seven wolves. Although the Wolf Warriors are also more powerful, they cannot be the opponent of the Tigers. Ye Tian took out the Shen Tiezhen prepared in advance, like a feed, attracting Shen Mark. But it's useless, Shen Mark is not hyperactive. On the contrary, the divine mark stretched out and stretched out towards the top of Ye Tian's head, as if he was very interested. puff! Ye Tian opened his mouth and spit out, a sword pill flew out, turned into a sharp sword, and cut towards the stretched divine mark. As a result, the divine mark remained unbroken, and it went around in the air, but the sun and moon divine sword was in the volume. The seven stigmata in the Sun Moon Divine Sword were also irritated, dancing in the sky, entangled with the stigmata. Two legendary sage soldiers, fourteen stigmata, and three stigmata of a sacred soldier can finally be matched. Under the containment of Shenhen and Shenghen, the three sword bodies also fought fiercely. "Do you want to dedicate the Sun and Moon Divine Sword? For a divine soldier who doesn't know if it can succeed?" Ye Tianyu cried without tears, and it was difficult to make a decision for a while. qq*717^q^q717.c

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