Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1639: Great increase in skill

During this time, Mengyao can be said to be busy and busy, and there are so many uncountable things to deal with every day.

Ye Tian became the lord of Kunxu, and the North Ming Immortal Sect was first established. Every day, many sects and families come to visit. This is etiquette and respect for the Lord of Kunxu.

If you don't do this, you have to weigh the consequences and whether you can afford it.

Since it was a meeting, of course it was impossible to come empty-handed.

Mengyao receives a soft hand every day when receiving gifts, all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, all kinds of spirit stones and elixir, all kinds of...

She couldn't believe that the sect family of Kunxu had such a huge wealth.

In order to curry favor with Ye Tian, ​​some sects and aristocratic families took the initiative to offer their goddess and saints, daughters and granddaughters of the family, even if they could be Ye Tian's personal servants.

This kind of thing, Mengyao naturally couldn't let it happen, and the gifts were all received as order, but they all returned them.

Invisibly, Mengyao became Ye Tian's spokesperson, and even faintly meant to be the Sect Master of the Northern Ming Dynasty, acting for Ye Tian to manage the entire sect.

She is Ye Tian's disciple, and they all come from the secular world. She has the closest relationship with Ye Tian and is the most trusted by Ye Tian.

In front of her, it was the old man of Jiujue, the Great Elder of Beiming, who didn't dare to make any trouble.

The Suzaku and the **** bird soared between the sky and the earth for a moment, and then flew back.

Ye Tian wants to continue his cultivation, this time he cultivates the White Tiger Law Body, hoping to achieve the same transformation as the Vermillion Bird.

Every once in a while, there will be a large number of spirit stones transported to the underground chamber as Ye Tian's cultivation resources.

Ye Tian's consumption was too great, it was like a bottomless abyss, no matter how he couldn't fill it, no matter how many spirit stones he could devour.

It didn't take long before the spirit stones and elixir offered by the sects and families ran out.

Mengyao had to think of a way, cheeky, went to the door in person, went to each sect and family to ask for it, or threatened, or lured, and used various methods.

As a thin-skinned girl, it is really commendable to be able to do this. As a disciple, she sacrificed herself.

One month, two months, three months,...

This time Ye Tian has been in retreat for a long time. No one knows when he is tall and consumes too much resources. Many sects and families in Kunxu complained, and Mengyao was afraid of asking for training resources.

Even the landlord's house can't help begging like this, again and again, endlessly.

At this time, Mengyao would be moved with affection and reason, telling everyone that Ye Tian's cultivation is not only for himself, but also for everyone, for the entire Kunxu, to guard against the enemy of the hidden gate. Now that the five-hundred-year cycle is here, the enemy may attack at any time, and only when Ye Tian becomes stronger can he defeat the enemy.

For those who don't get into the oil and salt, the girl will go crazy and beat many people.

With the terrible bear guarding her, no one can do anything to her.

In this way, the girl also established prestige in Kunxu, convinced many people, admired, jealous, vaguely, and more like the master of Kunxu.

Above the mountain where the secret room of the treasure house is located, a vast aura lingers, the heaven and earth vitality turns into auspicious clouds, and the colorful clouds float in the sky, changing.

"It's been half a year, is the Sovereign going to break through the golden core?" The old man Jiujue squinted his eyes and looked at the auspicious clouds and Ruicai that continued to gather on the top of the mountain, always feeling that this was the imminent disaster of heaven.

He was wearing the most exquisite silk robe, full of thick long hair and hanging shoulders, his face was full of red light, and his aura was compelling. Vaguely there was a faint righteousness blooming from his body, giving people a sense of decent boss. It's no longer like that Jiangyang thief before.

In serving as the elder of Beiming, he was also dedicated to his duties, not only good-natured, but also very independent, and managed the sect very well.

Now, Jiuli has completely transitioned to Beiming.

Not only in the sect, but also on the rivers and lakes, the influence of Jiuli is gradually fading, and Bei Ming's rise is like the sky.

The original tens of thousands of disciples, after some screening, left more than 8,000 people, which is still a terrifying number.

"How can the golden core be cultivated so easily? It's still far away, even if the Sect Master is extremely talented. In such a short time, it is already very good to be able to cultivate into a condensed core, or to perfect the earth immortal." said the earth violent bear, Ren Li Then, with two bear paws behind his back, he looked a bit human.

During this period of time, it did not deliberately practice. It has been pursuing the tiger soul sword, strengthening the communication with the sword, and it took a lot of effort to finally accommodate the sword into the body, insert it into the spine, and use its life to practice. Warm up.

Others are also watching, Kunxu Outer Hidden Gate hasn't produced the golden core for too long. If Ye Tian cultivated the golden core here, it would be a miracle.

It is a pity that the auspicious clouds and Ruicai on the top of the mountain failed to turn into a thundercloud appearance, and suddenly disappeared a month later.

"Weird, Lei Jie has not fallen, did the Sect Master fail to rush through?" The old man Jiu Jue was surprised again.

"It doesn't matter if you fail, it's a big deal to accumulate strength and come again. Sect Master is so young, talented, Gaia's peers, not to mention the mere Jindan Tianxian, is the Yuan Ying Jinxian, it is not impossible to cultivate." Li Chundao said, carrying his hands with a look on his back. Very calm.

The robbery cloud collapsed. Everyone thought that Ye Tian would leave the customs, but it didn't.

The door of the treasure house was closed tightly, and Ye Tian didn't say anything, no longer asking for the spirit stone elixir. UU reading


In the depths of the secret room, Ye Tian suddenly opened his eyes, like two golden lamps, bright and dazzling, with rune imprints inside, wherever he passed, the void burst out, as if being penetrated.

He took a long breath, a hurricane whizzed out, and the air exploded, as if a hundred thunders were resounding.

Not far away, the pile of giant spiritual stones as many as one million has been refined and cleaned, and the elixir, spiritual grass, and elixir on the shelf are also much less, all turned into nutrients in his body, baptizing his The fleshy shell moisturizes every inch of his body and enhances the quality of the golden body.

Deep in his eyebrows, the golden lake is also a lot deeper, and his divine consciousness has become stronger. When it is condensed into a line, it can even penetrate the rune barrier on the wall of the secret room. As far as the divine consciousness comes, there is no need for eyes and ears, everything is perceivable, so clear that it emerges in front of you, ethereal and dreamy.

Behind him, the two dharma bodies of the Suzaku and the White Tiger appeared, accompanied by each other, and there was an acupuncture hole on the Tianling Cover that was lit up, like an erupting volcanic crater, full of energy and vitality.

Now, these two Law Bodies possess at least 70% of his body's combat power, which is equivalent to being in the early stage of Earth Immortal.

With a light movement of his body, every bone in his body burst out with the shining light of precious glass, reflecting his body into a translucent shape from the inside out.

Not bad, the Golden Eucharist went a little further, although it didn't seem obvious.

In the realm, the middle stage of the earth fairy has been repaired to completion, and it may break to the latter stage of the earth at any time.

Cultivation should not be eager to achieve success, but should proceed step by step.

Therefore, Ye Tian paused his cultivation, ready to train a perfect weapon.

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