Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1638: Dharmakaya transformation

Of the five spirit crystals, Ye Tian planned to take out two to strengthen the Suzaku Dharma body, two to strengthen the White Tiger Dharma body, and the remaining one to strengthen his golden body.

Both Dharmakayas are only more than half the combat power of his deity, and they are still too weak. He hopes that one day they can reach 80% to 90%, and even become the perfect incarnation of his deity, with the same combat power.

In this case, once the Law Bodies came out, it was equivalent to several Ye Tian fighting at the same time, and the combat effectiveness would be increased several times.

Spirit crystals are physically adaptable and have strengthening effects on different physiques, which is very magical.

The first spiritual crystal was used by Ye Tian to strengthen the Suzaku Dharma body.

I saw that the purple aura, which did not show any characteristics, suddenly became extremely hot and majestic in the body of the Suzaku Dharma body, like a blazing magma, as if it had been given the attribute of fire.

Rao is the small space in the Suzaku Dharma body, swallowing such a huge amount of spiritual energy at once, still makes its body feel like it is burst and melted away.

Then began the real refining, refining the purple aura into the true essence of fire.


Suzaku's belly sounded like a rolling thunder, and the body glowed and dazzled, especially the heart part, like a flaming sacred furnace, shining a gorgeous red glow, and the spirit was rolling, unending.

Dharma bodies are generally advanced along with the advancement of the deity, and they are linked together, and there are few special techniques for practicing Dharma bodies.

In his previous life, Ye Tian had explored a profound technique that was specifically used to cultivate the law body. Even if the deity's cultivation base remained unchanged, the law body could be advanced and constantly transformed.

Therefore, he is confident that the Law Bodies will continue to grow stronger, constantly approaching the deity's combat power, and eventually become another self.

In just an hour, the first purple spirit crystal was completely refined, transformed into chaotic true essence, filled the whole body, partly strengthened the body, and partly stored.

This is the amount of spiritual gas equivalent to 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones, which can be refined within an hour, which is a superb speed, and can be called a miracle.

At this time, the Suzaku Dharma body is splendid, like a cast of pure gold, with precious light flowing, blazing flames, one by one avenue runes lingering in the body, flickering, and the eyes open and close, and there are also runes disillusioned, as if the will is emerging. .

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took out the second purple spirit crystal, which was completely refined by the Vermillion Bird Law Body in the same hour.

At this time, the Suzaku's Dharma body changed even more, and the mist sprayed from the mouth and nose, like a fairy qi transpiring, accompanied by a peaceful Rui Caixia light, which kept coming in and out with breathing.

This is not an illusion. The breathing sound is like thunder, beating the walls of the secret room, reverberating continuously, and the airflow that is ejected also has a terrible momentum, and each breath will roll up a tornado.

Being able to breathe means that the Suzaku Dharma body is transforming into a living body, which is an advancement.

Moreover, the various body parts of the Suzaku Dharma body have divine light flowing from time to time, exuding strange divine power fluctuations.

Ye Tianneng could clearly feel that the Vermillion Bird Dharma Body had a majestic strength, and his body seemed to have a volcano surging.


Later, the chest cavity of the Suzaku Dharma body also began to undulate, and there was a sound like the beating of a celestial drum, which was the heart beating, powerful and powerful.

With such a powerful heartbeat, it shows that the vitality of the Suzaku Dharma body is strong enough, as if a prehistoric beast is awakening.

"The spirit crystals are not enough, let the spirit stones come together." Ye Tian groaned, but with a thought, thousands of spirit stones flew over the sky.

Bang bang bang!

While still in the air, a piece of spirit stone exploded and turned into pure spirit energy, which filled the secret room and set off gusts of wind.


Suzaku opened its mouth and used its magical power to swallow, like a long whale chanting water, Lingqi Mountain whispered a tsunami and rolled into its belly.

Suzaku seemed to have a bottomless pit in his body, and no amount of aura could fill it up.

The spirit stones piled up like a hill are constantly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. But the aura permeating the body of the Suzaku Dharma body is constantly getting stronger.

One day, two days, three days...

Ye Tian didn't ask for bravery and diligence, like an old monk in concentration, letting time pass, I didn't move.

A stream of golden blood rushed out of his body, containing the law fragments of the golden body, the source of divine power, flowing into the body of the Suzaku Dharma body, rushing into every inch of flesh and bones, and constantly washing and baptizing the Dharma body.

Gradually, the crimson Suzaku Dharma body was also turning towards the golden color, as if it was also going to become a golden body, becoming more and more immortal.

The Suzaku Dharma body is constantly changing, and it looks like a real sacred beast, only to unlock its spiritual wisdom.

On its body, all kinds of luster flow, dense runes shining, extremely bright.

Its body seemed to have a sacred furnace, red and dazzling, all kinds of light came out through the body, the flesh and blood were translucent, as clear as glass.


A month later, suddenly a loud voice came from the secret room treasure house, shaking the entire mountain, and even the entire Northern Underworld Immortal Sect shook.

In the secret room, a piece of rune appeared, densely packed and dazzling, as if it were cast from immortal gold, imprinted in the heaven and earth, submerging Ye Tian and the Suzaku Dharmakaya in it. UU reading www.

At the Heavenly Spirit Cover of the Suzaku Dharma body, a majestic blood rushed out, like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, and like a volcanic eruption.

After a while, the energy was exhausted, and an acupuncture hole at the Tianling Cover of the Suzaku Dharma Body was lit up, shining like a small sun.

Inside the small hole is full of vigorous vitality, bright red and brilliant, like magma billowing, blazing and dazzling.

An acupuncture hole is equivalent to a secret cave in the sky, the more acupuncture holes light up, and the more secret realms in the cave opened, the higher the combat power of the law body will rise.

This is a profound art dedicated to cultivating the Dharmakaya created by Ye Tian in his previous life.

Ye Tian's thoughts moved again, and the stone door of the secret room opened, and the Suzaku Dharma body flew out from it, bringing up the sky of fire, soaring into the world.

At this moment, all people up and down the sect were shocked and looked up.

A huge firebird has the power to strike three thousand realms, as if it can swallow thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, soaring between the sky and the earth, wherever it passes, the sea of ​​fire is full of sky, setting off a monstrous turmoil.

At the place of its Heavenly Spirit Cover, there is a volcanic cave with a rumbling sound, which is madly plundering the essence of the world, as if to melt this world.

The Dharmakaya became stronger, and Ye Tian's deity also benefited, although it was not as good as the increase in the Dharma body.

Seeing that Ye Tiantong's body was extremely divine, and there was an explosive power in his body, he felt like he was about to fly.

"I'm running out of spirit stones, go and help me find some more spirit stones." Ye Tian's voice came from the secret room.

The spirit stones piled up like a small mountain have been reduced by half, all being swallowed by the Vermillion Bird Law Body, and the consumption is not too big.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now." Mengyao replied.

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