Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1545: Retrieve Baoding


   In the depths of the sky, chaos is permeated, billions of golden light, the sun **** furnace is looming, ups and downs, like a round of gods, the sound of the great road is roaring endlessly, and the endless coercion is falling, suppressing the entire world.

The eight-armed bull demon was locked on tightly. Many attempts to escape were unsuccessful. He had no choice but to hold the dragon pattern away from the Huobaoding in his hands and block him in front of him. Pain the killer, otherwise the Nine Ranked All Souls Great Pill will not be guaranteed.

   The situation suddenly entered a stalemate.

   No one thought that at this juncture, Ye Tian walked out of King Danta, his body was intact, but the group of earth immortals and gods who went to kill him were gone, and the entire army was wiped out.

Ye Tian looks like a god, standing under the sky, his body is gleaming, like a god-gold glaze cast, the splendid splendor overflows out, the whole figure seems to be shrouded in a cloud of golden chaos, vague and indistinct. , Holding a divine sword surrounded by sun, moon and stars, his eyes are sharp as lightning, full of murderous air.

   Someone has already told that he is Xiao Dan Wang, and he used secret methods to change his appearance before.

   If someone had doubted whether he could kill all the arrogances on the Tianjiao platform just now, they would not dare to doubt anymore. The youth's strength has been vividly manifested.

   "Damn beast, did you really kill my godson?" Wang Xinghai, the great elder of the Jiuli God Sect, held a **** war spear and stared at him.

   "Tell me, I teach Saint Son is still alive!"

  The digital elder of the Ten Thousand Fazong is eager to split.

   "The saint I teach..."


  As soon as he walked out of the Danta King, Ye Tian became a target of public criticism.

   At this moment, it seems that even the Nine Ranks Pan-Netherworld Pill does not seem to be important, and attacking Ye Tian has become a top priority.

The eight-armed bull demon was friendly to Ye Tian, ​​his eyes glazed, and he said, "Boy, wherever in life really don’t meet, we meet again. Quickly take out your broken sword and smash this broken furnace into pieces. I'll take you away, and I can divide you a few of this great pill."

  The best way to deal with the magic weapon is to use another magic weapon.

   Escaped from the dark jail of the Jiuli Cult of God that day, the eight-armed bull demon saw the power of Ye Tian Broken Sword with his own eyes, and he must be a magic weapon.

   Recalling the situation that day, the history is surprisingly similar today.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   I don’t know, Ye Tian was the lucky star of the eight-armed bull demon that day, and saved his life. Now, will he still be his lucky star?

   However, Ye Tianli ignored the questioning of a group of people and the eight-armed bull demon's favor, and he didn't even look at it.

   Ye Tian’s piercing eyes first looked at Qiu Xuanhe, the sovereign of the God of Medicine Sect, murderous but restrained, and said: "You have imprisoned me as a Dan slave by the God of Medicine Sect. Then use this great pill to make amends!"

   After finishing speaking, Ye Tian suddenly put out a big hand, and grabbed the dragon pattern Lihuobaoding that was held in his hand by the eight-armed bull demon and blocked him.

   This Baoding was given to Mengyao, but he has never recognized the Lord.

   Yao Shenzong got his hands, and he didn't have time to refine it. As soon as he got his hands, he was anxious to take it for alchemy.

   Therefore, the real owner of the Dragon Pattern Lihuobaoding is still Ye Tian.

   At this moment, with the master's big hand, the dragon pattern Lihuo Baoding immediately became restless, buzzing and shaking violently. It seems that the pet has seen the owner and can't wait to rush over.

   "Boy, what are you going to do?" The eight-armed bull demon was anxious and looked terrified.

   This dragon pattern Lihuo Baoding is now his amulet, how can it be easily handed over, holding on to it.


   Ye Tian pinched the tactics, sacrificed mana, and the dragon pattern was inflated from the fire treasure cauldron, and finally became the size of two or three houses.

   If it weren't for the Lihuo tinder inside to inoculate Mengyao's body, Ye Tian would surely ignite the tinder, burning the eight-armed bull demon with ashes.

   "Made!" The eight-armed bull demon cursed.

   Let him move his eight arms together, doing his best, but in the end he couldn't keep the dragon pattern from the fire treasure cauldron, and flew towards Ye Tian.

"Stop that kid, don't let him escape." Qiu Xuanhe said, he had a plan in his mind, first kill the eight-armed bull demon, then kill Ye Tian, ​​regain Baoding, and the Nine-turn Wanling in Baoding Dan.

   Right now is the best time to kill the Eight-armed Bull Demon. Once you let him escape, it will be difficult to kill again.

   Qiu Xuanhe made a decisive decision. When the dragon pattern Li Huo Baoding was summoned by Ye Tian, ​​he took control of the Sun God Furnace and killed the eight-armed bull demon.


   The void seems to have been crushed, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, the endless brilliance shines on the sky, making the sun, moon and stars eclipse, shattering every inch of space.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   For a while, the eight-armed bull demon was cold from head to toe, and was enveloped by an unimaginable pressure.

   With a bang, his huge body disintegrated and turned into a dozen blood shadows, flying in all directions.

   "I am the body of the demon, immortal, you can beat me, but you can't kill me. Wait, I will come back in the future, and revenge thousands of times." The eight-armed bull demon roared, his voice billowing like thunder.

   "I teach that the gods can destroy everything in the world, not to mention you are a little gorefiend." Qiu Xuanhe sneered.


   Above the Sun God Furnace, the glow of the sun flashed and turned into a huge ball of The ball of light expanded rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, all the space of a radius of thousands of square meters was included.

All the blood shadow clones of the eight-armed Gorefiend are shrouded in the mask, roaring loudly, rushing from the left to the right, and rushing, but in any case they can't break through the inner wall of the light ball that seems to have no thickness and is like a bubble. .

   Inside the sphere of light, the mouth of the Sun God Furnace opened wide, and the divine light was ten thousand heavy, emitting a black hole-like absorption power, dragging a dozen blood shadow clones, and falling towards the inside of the Sun God Furnace.

   "Ah, boy, save me!"

   The heart-piercing screams spread across the world, stern and ear-piercing.

   At this time, the situation Ye Tian was facing was not optimistic. After the dragon pattern got away from the fire treasure cauldron, he was ready to withdraw. After all, he did not have the ability to wipe out everyone in the room.

   However, a group of earth immortals surrounded him front and back, and various magic weapons and Taoist attacks smashed him over, making it easy to escape.

   "You dare to kill my **** son, you will never forgive his sins!" Wang Xinghai was the first to attack and kill him.

   The spear in his hand is a holy soldier. The stigmata has been recovered. A spear pierced out, and the sky burst out, and even the mountains and ridges could be turned over. The murderous aura moved the world, shocking the world.


The sound of metal clashing is endless, Wang Xinghai is like crazy, his eyes are blood-red, he stabbed hundreds of times in one breath, the spear tip is rippling with a circle of ripples, and the cold killing mans surrounds Ye Tian's body up and down, like Xinghai. Endless, extremely dazzling.

   Ye Tian held a sword to respond. Although he blocked every attack, his mouth was shaken, and a stream of golden blood flowed out, dyeing the hilt of the sword gold.

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