Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1544: Sacred furnace recovery

Faced with so many attacks, the eight-armed bull demon was not afraid, and shouted: "Death!"


   This loud roar was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, with blood surging into the sky, a magic cloud covering the sun, and sound waves almost shattered the sky.

   Immediately after the eight-armed bull demon's long arms rolled, the **** waves rushed out from under his feet, as if a sea of ​​blood filled the sky, brazenly facing all the attacks.


   The sky riot was filled with the aura of destruction, as if the heavens and the earth had turned over, and the end of the world was coming, and nothing would exist.

   The sea of ​​blood was blown up all at once, turning into a flood of blood, but it also stopped most of the attacks. The remaining attack, the eight-armed Gorefiend's eight-arm linkage, was quickly resolved.

   There are too many immortals in the field, and the eight-armed blood demons dare not love to fight, and fight back. It has achieved its goal, to seize the Nine-turned All-Spirit Great Pill, and it is not suitable for extra branches for the time being.

   Once the Yuan Pill is abolished, it is almost impossible to condense it again, but with the Nine-Range Pan-Essence Great Pill, this possibility may become a reality.

  Although Condensed Pill still cannot dominate Kunxu, it is still one of the figures at the top of the Kunxu Pyramid, and no one can kill him if there is no magic weapon. And even in the face of magical soldiers, there is a battle. After all, Kunxu's magic weapons are all incomplete, I am afraid they don't even have one-tenth of the power of inexhaustible magic weapons.

   But just when the eight-armed bull demon was about to escape to the sky, a rusty treasure furnace soared into the sky, and meteors collided against him.


  A piece of sky shattered, as if two meteorites collided, shaking all directions.

   The eight-armed bull demon, whose body was as tall as a mountain, was hit and flew out all at once, and even one arm was broken, coughing up blood.

   This rusty treasure furnace is the treasure of the God of Medicine Sect, the ancient artifact, the sun **** furnace.

   At least Yuan Ying is a magical tool that can be successfully refined. It is a powerful warrior of Yuan Ying and above, and the eight-armed bull demon cannot hold the front.

   If it weren't for the lack of the Sun God Furnace, and the time was short, the divine mark had not been fully urged out. Under this collision, the eight-armed bull demon would never want to survive, and would die.

   Next, Qiu Xuanhe and the digital elders of God of Medicine Sect together urged them to pour surging mana into the furnace, and the inner scars quickly recovered.

   This is the last secret of Shen Medicine Sect, and it will not be used easily until the necessary time.

   Now, it is at this time that the Medicine God Sect not only wants to regain the Nine-turn Wanling Great Pill, but also to kill the Kunxu and kill the Eight-armed Gorefiend.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The rusty furnace changes, the rust falls off, shakes violently, as if there is life, blooming with radiant light, like a round of rising The rising sun illuminates the entire sky.

   There is even a breath that seems to be able to crush the eternal, strong and domineering, terrifying, making all the monks throbbing in the audience, and they are terrified.

   "Eight-armed bull demon, I don't think you dare to come. You will stay today." Qiu Xuanhe roared, two flames appeared in his eyes, burning into the void.

  Although several elders of the Earth Immortal moved together, he was mainly in charge of the Sun God Furnace.


   The sun **** furnace divine mark revived, as if opening up the world, shining extremely terrifying light, so dazzling that people could not look directly, the sky seemed unbearable, and it was shaking violently.

  In the hearth, the scars turned into golden flames and burned blazingly. Legend has it that this is the sun and fire essence, which can smelt all things in the world, even the golden pill, heavenly immortal, and even Yuanying Jinxian can burn to death.

   But you can also see that there are cracks on the outer wall of the furnace, many, like cracked porcelain, and the furnace mouth is also defective. No wonder the Medicine Shenzong does not use it easily, because if it is damaged, the gods will not be able to recover it, which is a huge loss.

   Yao Shenzong didn't want to waste time, but had to make a quick decision. Firstly, the consumption of urging the god-furnace was too great, and secondly, he was worried about the god-furnace damage.


   God's furnace Yaokong, once again bombarded the eight-armed bull demon.


   The eight-armed bull demon yelled and shook out the monstrous blood.

   His eight arms linked together, playing magic weapons one by one, one by one with magical powers.

   "Fire Spirit Dzi!"

   "The palm of the blood god!"

   "Bone True Magic Knife."


   But, it's useless at all. The Sun God Furnace revived by God Scar has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. All magic weapons and all magical powers collapsed instantly, unable to shake the half offensive of God Furnace.

   In the end, the eight-armed bull demon blasted the dragon pattern away from the fire treasure cauldron and rammed the sun **** furnace.

   "Damn!" Everyone was shocked.

   All the Nine Ranks All Souls Great Pills are in the Dragon Mark Lihuo Treasure Ding. If the Baoding is damaged, the Great Pills inside will definitely be finished.

   The eight-armed bull demon is going to die!

   Qiu Xuanhe's expression changed wildly, and he quickly took part of the offensive of the Sun God Furnace.

   At this time, in King Danta, Ye Tian alone faced several earth immortals.

   The great power of the Dao in the Sun God Furnace is like a landslide and tsunami, naturally filling the entire Dan Pagoda. The void was almost solidified into a piece of iron. Under the coercion, even the immortals shuddered, and the gods had to kneel on the ground.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Small things, I really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. How can an immortal heritage be shaken by your ants? I will send you on the road now." An Earth Immortal elder from screamed, holding a long spear in his hand, walking staggeringly towards Ye Tian, ​​his expression cold and merciless.

   There are three other earth immortals also approaching Ye Tian, ​​showing a tendency to surround him.

   Under the pressure of the great road of the Sun God Furnace, their steps are very difficult, but they are still able to hold them. After all, they are all earth immortals, and their vitality is far above the gods.

   Ye Tian didn't move. In their opinion, he might have been shocked by the pressure of God's furnace.

   But exceeded everyone's expectations.

   Just when one person approached Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian moved suddenly, stabbed out with a sword, and the sonorous voice shook the world.

   This sword returned to its innocence, simple and unpretentious, without avenues and sounds, without supernatural power, but it penetrated the skull of an earth fairy on the spot, and even failed to scream.


   Ye Tian flicked his wrist, and the whole head of the earth fairy shattered instantly, and blood spewed several meters high.

   Ye Tian stood there like a demon god, seeing the other three earth immortals with straight hair, trembling considering whether to retreat.

   At this moment, Ye Tian's body suddenly moved again, like a flash of light, almost inconceivable. Obviously, the great pressure of the Sun God Furnace could not suppress him at all, which was incredible.

   On the contrary, several earth immortals were suppressed and tied their hands and feet, which brought convenience for Ye Tian to behead them.

   Ye Tianru entered the land of no one, the Sun and Moon divine sword slashed horizontally and vertically, with every blow it had the power to shake the sky and the earth, and two immortals died in succession.

   The third earth immortal just rushed out of the Dan Pagoda, but was chased from behind by the flying Sun Moon Divine Sword. The whole person was taken up, and he was nailed to death in the air, turning into a cloud of blood with a bang.

   At this time, Qiu Xuanhe was controlling the battle between the sun **** furnace and the eight-armed bull demon. The great power of the **** furnace shook everyone's heart palpitations, and for a while, he was dumbfounded.

   A cloud of blood mist exploded in the void, and instantly everyone recovered.

   Boom, boom!

  The sound of heavy footsteps sounded, and a young man walked out of King Danta, attracting everyone's attention.

   He is not dead!

   Everyone is like seeing a ghost.

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