Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1383: Blast the flesh


The void trembles, a golden figure walks out of the burning cloud, the world seems to be pulsating with his steps, golden eyes are shining, golden hair is dancing in the wind, golden light surging, chaotic air lingering, Like a **** who walked out from the beginning, moving the world with every gesture.


Ye Tian's five fingers raised the sky, and he grabbed it from a distance. The sky-shaking seal floating above the heads of 100,000 soldiers turned into an electric light and flew over and fell into his palm.


The young man held the sky-turning seal and suppressed the bottomless palm-print pit.

He didn't think that the Golden Palm of Chaos could slap the fourth blood ancestor to death with a single palm. It was unrealistic. After all, the opponent was a great earth immortal and had the body of a **** and demon that was almost immortal.


In the bottomless pit of palm prints, a strong blood gas soared up into the sky like an erupting super volcano, and a storm was rolled up in the void. The smell of blood was tangy and disgusting, and there was a gloomy cloud between the sky and the earth.

"You can't escape." Ye Tian yelled, arrogantly like an ancient savage dragon, determined to kill the fourth blood ancestor in one go.

In Ye Tian’s eyes fluttered violently, and in the overwhelming blood, he saw a god-like phantom. He was the fourth blood ancestor, but he was no longer as handsome as before, but became like a devil. The body shape is pulled up at a high speed, inflation is generally inflated, the joints are twisted and deformed, and the scales continue to spread. There are fangs at the corners of the mouth, and there is a Godzilla-like bone spur and a pair of huge bat wings.

In the end, when the Fourth Blood Ancestor rushed out of the surface, his stature swelled to a height of ten feet, like a Titan Demon God, powerful enough to suffocate.

That ray of blood rushing into the sky unexpectedly rushed out of his heavenly spirit cover, and his blood was like a mountain like a sea, and the terrifying aura was like a flood, making the sky sway.

There was a striking scar on his waist, which almost cut him in the waist, because time was too hasty to heal, and the red blood was gurgling.

At this time, Ye Tian also arrived. The Heaven-shaking Seal turned into a hill the size of which was crushed to the point of collapse. The chaotic light was surging, and the chaotic air was surging, filled with the murderous intent of the peerless forest. He immediately suppressed and sealed the fourth place. The escape route for blood ancestors.

"Break it for me!"

The fourth blood ancestor had no choice, so he threw his fist.

His fist can be the size of a house, covered with a thick layer of scale armor, like a glove made of sacred iron. When the fist is punched, the entire fist is shrouded in blazing blood.


The void exploded, and a dark spot of light appeared, like a black hole, capable of swallowing everything in the world.

He is like a giant standing on top of the earth, swinging the giant hammer towards the sky, to blast the sky.

The flaming blood continued to converge, and finally turned into a scorching shock wave that people couldn't see directly, and with the power of destroying the world, it shook to the bottom of the sky-shaking seal.


In the sound of a huge explosion like a meteor hitting the earth, the sky and the earth shook violently, and a shock wave like a nuclear explosion erupted at the bottom of the sky-shaking seal, rolling like a tide, impacting in all directions.

The Heaven-Shaking Seal trembles violently and is tottering, and a few cracks spread, and it almost flies out, but fortunately it is firmly stabilized by Ye Tian.

This shocked Ye Tian. The fourth blood ancestor's body of the gods and demons was really strong. If he didn't rely on the superiority of supernatural powers and magic weapons, it would be very difficult to win.

In the crisp sound of bone cracks, the arm of the Fourth Blood Progenitor, as thick as a towering tree, turned out to be like a matchstick, bent ninety degrees in the opposite direction, and a fist was also **** and bloody, and the huge body was booming again. It fell to the bottom of the big pit with a sound, the scales on his body fell in a large area, and the demon body was about to split.

The big pit originally took the shape of a giant palm, but under the destructive force of a nuclear explosion, it turned into a huge crater with rounded walls and smooth as a mirror.

"Come again!" Ye Tian tried his best to control the Heaven-shaking Seal, his mana surged, constantly filling it, and continuing to suppress it.

The Heaven Overturning Seal quickly swelled to the size of one hundred feet, and the ten feet of the fourth blood ancestor's demon body looked very small under it, like an ant.

Below the Heaven-shaking Seal, the Chaos Qi and Chaos Light fall like a waterfall, and the Chaos Thunder is bombarded like a purgatory on earth.

The fourth blood ancestor couldn't help but feel a little desperate.

"I won't lose, break! Break! Break!"


He got up angrily, rushed to the sky again, and blasted a punch that was not inferior to the previous one.

But it still didn't work, and the Heaven-shaking Seal only shook, and failed to fly out. But his fist burst into pieces, turning into blood mud and broken bones.

"I won't let you go, you are dead!" The fourth blood ancestor became furious, yelled loudly, and really desperate.

At this time, the mark of turning over the sky was already pressing on the top of his head, and his spine was bent, shaking hard with his back.

How heavy is the Heaven-Shaking Seal, far above a real mountain, it was actually carried by the fourth blood ancestor's body of the gods and demons, and it could not be suppressed at once.

However, the Fourth Blood Ancestor wanted to return to heaven, but there was almost no hope. In addition to the physical crushing power of the Heaven-shaking Seal, there are thousands of chaotic divine thunders bombarding him, and chaotic energy and chaotic light are constantly scouring him, reducing his way.

All his efforts are doomed to be futile and lingering. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Give up, you don't belong to this era, you should have died long ago." Ye Tian shouted loudly, trying to disturb the mood of the fourth blood ancestor.


As he spoke, he stomped his feet suddenly, his feet glowed, and the earth movement talent of the chaotic golden body circulated, motivating the ground veins, making the big seal a little heavier.

"Young Devil, you are so cruel!" The fourth blood ancestor gritted his teeth, his back bends more and more severely, the bones in his body clanged and cracked constantly, just like a house, the beams of the house were bent and precarious.

"Kill you, sentient beings have a way to survive." Ye Tian said, righteous and dare not to take it lightly, carefully controlling the Great Seal, and be sure to kill the Fourth Blood Ancestor.

"I fought with you!"

With this voice, the blood essence of the fourth blood ancestor burned and turned into supreme divine power.

He is about to give up his physical body.


As if returning to the light, and like taking a supernatural power pill, the fourth blood ancestor's supernatural power suddenly soared, the curved waist suddenly straightened up, and the hundred-foot-large earthshaking seal was suddenly lifted, almost flying out. .

"Looking for death!" Ye Tian was furious, the golden feet manifested, and he stomped abruptly. The tide-like divine power was blessed above the Great Seal.


Just raised it up and the big seal fell back.


This time, the Great Seal finally fell down, and the ten-foot devil body of the Fourth Blood Ancestor was completely bloody.

call out!

At the moment when the Great Seal was lifted up and down, a blood rainbow flew out from the bottom of the Great Seal, like a blood-colored lightning, flying to the distance.

"Butcher knife!" Ye Tian's eyes flickered, and he accurately captured the blood-colored Changhong.

"I'll keep your immortal golden body for now, and take it again in the future!"

The voice of the fourth blood ancestor was heard from the butcher knife, and he fleeed far and wide.

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