Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1382: Close combat

Ye Tianzhan moved the Vermillion Bird Law Body, with the momentum of smashing three thousand realms, destroying the Thunder Prison Scrolls in one blow, the void trembled, and the thunderous purgatory disappeared. The heaven and the earth instantly became clear, as if nothing had happened.

"Unexpectedly, you have become the Suzaku Dharma Body Art. I am really more and more interested in you." The Fourth Blood Ancestor had sharp eyes and a cold expression.

"How can you know my ability? Dare to offend my middle earth, come and die!"

Amidst the anger, Ye Tian’s Vermillion Bird Dharma body circled in the air, as fast as lightning, pulled out a brilliant rainbow, and took the initiative to attack the fourth blood ancestor, exhaling fiery thunder and fire, and a sea of ​​fire in the sky. As if to burn all the sky.

"I don't care who you are and where you come from, today you will definitely die. The great Middle-earth country will be the first to be crushed because of you." The fourth blood ancestor was murderous, hit a real fire, and moved real anger. .

Boom boom boom!

His aura continued to rise, the monstrous blood surging out, like a big **** wave around his body, surging surging, there were rumbling noises, making him look like a **** and demon came to the world, tyrannical and unbelievable.


The big butcher knife in his hand seemed to have the weight of a mountain, and it was so crushing that the void was trembling, countless blood beams were beating, countless souls were wailing, and the **** breath was overwhelming and breathtaking.


The fourth blood ancestor held knives in both hands, poured the majestic mana into it, slashed down, and the blood-colored frenzy hit the sky. It was a devastating murderous intent, like the birth of a demon hovering in hell, to destroy this world.


The sky full of thunder and fire broke open all at once, like a void divided into two.

A scarlet sword beam stretched across the sky, like a trace of the sky, dazzling and dazzling, containing endless killing intent, slashing the sky and the earth, all invincible, and invincible.

Ye Tian naturally didn't dare to smash the blow with the Vermillion Bird Law Body. He displayed a flash of magical powers, his body was disillusioned, he escaped into the void, and disappeared all at once. He wants to fight hand-to-hand with the fourth blood ancestor, relying on the advantage of his golden body to make a quick battle.

The fourth blood ancestor is very strong, far above the other three blood ancestors, he dare not take it lightly, he wants to win with his own advantage.

Moreover, there are eight blood ancestors who have not yet been born, and they may join the battlefield at any time. Ye Tian had no time to delay, he had to make a quick decision.


The shocking sword light fell to the ground, splitting a huge crack more than a thousand meters long, like the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, without bottoming out. Several hills are under the blade, or are divided into two, or broken in the blade.

"The ability of the ancient gods is so powerful!" Countless spectators were shocked, their scalps were numb.

The ancient gods were the name given to the powerful and above Jindan in the Western world a long time ago. The fourth blood ancestor is only Dacheng Dixian, not a true ancient god, at best it is a half-step ancient god.

However, he was already strong enough that he alone could dominate this era of the doomsday.

Qiang Qiang!

The blade light in the void said, the Fourth Blood Ancestor slashed horizontally, trying to force Ye Tian out.

Suzaku's speed is already the world's fastest, and coupled with the flashing magical powers, the technique of shattering the void is almost insoluble.

The sky was like a picture scroll, riddled with holes under the knife of the Fourth Blood Ancestor, and the mountains and rivers on the ground were also shattering, but it could not stop Ye Tian's footsteps.

A big gap in space appeared abruptly behind the Fourth Blood Progenitor, and a Suzaku firebird rushed out from it, its body splendid, blood red like a red glow, like a body made of sacred gold, filled with an aura of immortality.


The sacred wings split the sky, like a peerless heavenly sword, with a dazzling red golden glow, cutting through nothingness, and cutting across the waist of the fourth blood ancestor.

At the same time, Suzaku's claws also went out and grabbed the Tianling Gai of the Fourth Blood Ancestor.

"What? Is the Fourth Blood Ancestor going to die like this?"

"Sneak attack, what is the skill, victory is not martial."

"Despise the young devil!"


Countless spectators argued that the war might be over and the fourth blood ancestor must die.

If it is an ordinary person, it is really possible that he will die, his body will be cut in two.

But the fourth blood ancestor was Dacheng Earth Immortal, with extraordinary spiritual sense. Although he couldn't see where Ye Tianyun entered the void, his keen perception of danger allowed him to make a rough judgment.

Just when Ye Tian rushed out from behind him, his body turned at a very fast speed, swiping a butcher knife like lightning, and swept out a sharp arc-shaped blade.

At the same time, densely scaly armor appeared on his body, as if he was wearing a cold iron suit.


Almost at the same time, the Suzaku's divine wings slashed on the fourth blood ancestor, and the butcher knife also smashed the Suzaku's divine bird.

A series of brilliant sparks splashed, eclipsing the sun in the sky.


The Suzaku and Divine Bird instantly crumbled into the sky, and was smashed into pieces by a butcher knife, turning into the sky of fire, like a burning cloud spreading in the void.


And the fourth blood ancestor was also marked with a striking scar on his waist. The bones were exposed, and a bunch of blood was sprinkled. The sky was dyed red, his body became unstable, and he fell to the ground at a rapid speed.


"Where is the Young Demon King? Is he dead?"


Countless people were shocked and their eyes widened.

This blow Ming Yetian had the upper but was killed by the Fourth Blood Progenitor and turned over, which is incredible.

The wound on the waist of the fourth blood ancestor seemed serious, but it was not fatal. With the abnormal wound healing ability of the blood **** and devil's body, it would soon be healed.

But at this moment, the abnormal change re-emerged, and a golden palm came out in the flames spreading across the sky like a burning cloud, and slammed down the fourth blood ancestor's Tianling Gai.

"The palm of the chaotic golden light, the young devil is still alive." The exclamation started again.

Many people are familiar with Ye Tian's stunning killer move, and they recognize it at a glance.


The sky rumbled, and the palm of the chaotic golden light fell like a golden mountain. Each finger was as thick as a Roman column in an ancient western temple. In the palm, there was a gathering of five-colored thunder, and the chaos was raging like a tide.

The giant palm has not yet been pressed, the invisible pressure has been suppressed on the fourth blood ancestor first, causing his tiger body to shake, the joints of his body erupted with a crackling sound like fried beans, and the wound on his waist sprayed out like a fountain. blood.


The invisible weight fell to the ground, and under a hundred meters of void, a piece of earth sank suddenly, showing a huge palm print.

"Child, do you dare!" The fourth blood ancestor's face changed wildly, furious.

Between the electric light and flint, the butcher knife in his hand was too late to smash out, and his whole body was shocked. The scales of his body shot out like cannonballs, like shells blasting at the giant palm.

It's a pity, it's useless at all, the chaotic golden light palm is overwhelming, and the trend is irreversible.

Ye Tian had brewed this killer move in the Suzaku Dharma body. As the second player, he was going to make a surprise and hit the fourth blood ancestor by surprise.


The palm of the chaotic golden light **** was first pressed on the fourth blood ancestor, and was bombarded by the five elements chaotic **** thunder, and then shot on the ground like lightning, exploding a deep pit of palm prints.

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