Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1253: unbeatable

The Daotai is like a mountain, as high as a hundred feet, majestic and majestic. It seems to pierce the ancient earth, and it comes out of the time and space. It suddenly appeared in front of the witch **** general and weighed hundreds of millions of averages.

Below the Taotai, the chaotic light was surging like a tide, just like the roaring of the Yangtze River, rushing out and sweeping towards the Wujiang general. This is a kind of destructive light formed by the three magnetic energies of Yuanqi Shenguang, Xuanhuangqi, Thunder and Daozhong in Daotai, with unmatched destructive power.

Behind the Taotai, the Wujin God will not be visible. A giant with a height of ten feet, like a god, is so powerful that he is so powerful that he is pushing the Baizhang Taoist.

Countless melon-eaters in front of the TV saw this scene and couldn't help but slap their tongues. It felt like they were watching a blockbuster movie.

The tens of millions of citizens in Tokyo’s underground bomb shelters not only saw it on TV, but also felt a powerful killing intent. The killing intention was like substance, penetrated through the thick soil layer, and penetrated into their hearts, causing them to chill out of the bones, suffocating, and pressing their hearts to stop beating.


Accompanied by the roar of the witch **** general, the thunder war hammer moved in his hand. Although it was only the size of the grinding disc, it broke out a tens of millions of tons of destructive power. The whole body was bright and radiant. Pieces of small black holes.

A tyrant thunderstorm surged out of the warhammer like a tide, and first confronted the light of destruction in the Taotai.


The instantaneous confrontation, as if the world and the world collided, made a huge loud noise, like a nuclear explosion, a terrible atmosphere rolled across the world, rushing in all directions, wherever passed, thousands of houses collapsed and everything was destroyed.

It can be clearly seen that the chaos in the Daotai was inferior, and was reversed by the Thunderstorm in the Thor's Warhammer, and rushed towards the Daotai in turn.


Immediately afterwards, another huge noise came out, it was the Thor Hammer and the Taoist body collided together.

As if a meteorite struck the surface of the earth, the Thor hammer suddenly exploded a huge crater on the surface of the Taoist platform, and the earth was flying, the fire was blazing, and the thunder was overflowing.

Ascending the time, it seems like a sea collapse, like the sky is overturned, everywhere is the raging waves that tear the world, everywhere is the beam that destroys all, there is no more peaceful place under this sky.

Above the ground, there is a thousand-foot radius, and no building that is high above the ground has been razed to the ground, and some places have even collapsed, showing big pits.

From a bird's eye view, I found that the beautiful Tokyo all seemed to be bald.

This is a terrifying collision between heaven and earth, and I wish I could destroy the entire Tokyo.

In the overwhelming glare of waves, the Xuanhuang Daotai, which is 100 feet high, flew out, and a huge pit on the surface was very eye-catching, like a deflated ball, and its volume shrank rapidly.

And the God of War in the hands of the Wujin God is also dark, and emits a humorous buzzing sound, trembling, but not condensing, its momentum can still split the earth, and reveal a breath of eternal immortality.

The witch **** will stand upright, unscathed, a **** battle raging violently, the red cloak hunting, and an invincible posture will be displayed to the fullest.

Suddenly, his look changed and he flashed back quickly, but he was slow.

In the strong light in front of him, two sharp fire pillars appeared first, and two bronze bells with big eyes were seen at the root, and then a huge figure of ten feet tall appeared as if shrunk into inches, and appeared in an instant. In front of him.

Xuanhuang Daotai was flying by hammer, Ye Tianke was not flying by hammer!

With Xuanhuang Daotai being covered, this is his ultimate trick.

"Old dog, let me die!"

In the thunderous roar, Ye Tian clenched his fist in his right hand and punched out.

The iron fist, as big as a door plate, resembled a small hill, bursting thunderlight enough to pierce blind people's eyes, and five elements of chaos, exploded from the tip of the fist, converging into a strong light shock wave that made the sun eclipsed, In the sound of a blast that was enough to tear the armor, he would bombard the Witch God.


The sky dome riots, the invincible battle fist passes, the void clicks and clicks directly, showing a dark crack like a cobweb.

Behind Ye Tian, ​​the form of the Four Spirits emerged out of thin air, the green dragon leaping into the sky, the white tiger roaring on the moon, the suzaku dancing horizontally, and the Xuanwu Tuohai, setting him like a god.

Excited, the teenager even shouted in the second grade:

"Earth, I will protect!"

However, people all over the world did not feel that he was a Secondary Two, but were very moved and felt that the young boy was stupid.

"Teacher is going to win!" Meng Yao murmured to herself, her scalp tingling with excitement.

"I said, the teacher is stronger and stronger. The goddess of **** is also correct!" Zhao Tianlong crossed his chest with his hands, complacent.

"Such a powerful blow, should you be able to pull back a game?" Wu Na real person said.

Taro Miyamoto was shaking his head gently, his expression was very solemn.

Although Ye Tian awakened the supernatural supernatural powers, with the cultivation of the Divine Realm, he can play the power of Dixian, but the other party is Tianxian!

Heaven and earth immortals, one heaven, one earth!

At this time, I saw that in the electric light and flint, the witch **** suddenly disappeared the red cloak behind him, ghosts generally appeared in front of him, standing upright, and the dense runes flickered into a crystal wall.


Ye Tian punched, the invincible combat punch that was enough to blast the Baizhang Mountain into a slag, and hit the crystal wall transformed by the red cloak, as if a stone was thrown into the water, only a dingdong sounded. There was a ripple, and then there was no movement.

"Fist, penetrate!"




Ren Yetian shouted his throat, increased input, and performed various boxing techniques all over again.

The crystal wall defense of the witch gods is much stronger than that of the Western Princess.

This is a crystal wall at the level of Jindan. Without the fighting power at the level of Jindan, it would not shake at all.

"The boxing technique is very good. UU reads Unfortunately, your cultivation base is too low. If you are given another thousand years to cultivate Jindan, you may be a competent opponent. Unfortunately, you do not have this opportunity. "The witch **** will say lightly.

During the talk, the crystal wall in front of him suddenly disappeared, and then turned into a red cloak on his shoulder. The thunder hammer in his hand moved, violently, and blasted to Ye Tian.


With a loud noise, it was Ye Tian’s golden sacred body, which awakened the change of the giant spirit god. Under the Thor’s hammer, he could not support it. He was beaten and flew out. world.

In an instant, he flew out thousands of feet, blasted at least a thousand high-rise buildings, and finally stopped.

At this moment, the whole world was dead, and countless people were shocked.

"This is a true god, invincible!"

After a while, someone said with a trembling voice.

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