Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1252: Force up the mountain

In fact, not only did Taro Miyamoto see it, but many masters of martial arts also faintly noticed that the witch **** might be a fairy, so he could easily crush Ye Tian and fight the teenager without the power to fight back.

Jin Dan is for the gods. In the secular world of the earth, it has been extinct forever. Because the laws of heaven are suppressed, because of the shortage of cultivation resources, it cannot be born.

Legend has it that there are immortals in the hidden world, but no one has ever seen it and cannot verify it.

The gap between Tian Xian and Di Xian is the gap between Tian Xian and Di Xian.

It is no exaggeration to say that a heavenly immortal can easily shoot a hundred and eighty earth immortals. And no matter how arrogant the earth immortals are, it is difficult to kill the immortals.

Even on the earth in the ancient times, Tianxian was regarded as the ultimate power, and it was regarded as the extreme state of the fairy, and it was high with the sky, so it was called Tianxian.

As for Yuanying, it was indeed born on the ancient earth, but there are no rare ones, and it is called golden fairy.

And the realm above Yuanying, not only hasn't been born on earth, I'm afraid the ancient monks haven't even heard of it.

"Is it really a fairy? If that's the case, then this kind of trouble will be even bigger!" Xiao Qingtian murmured to himself, his face calm.

He and the authorities of the relevant departments were together, and after expressing his speculations, he surprised everyone.

Just now the witch **** will say that he wants to dominate the whole earth, some of them do not believe it, and now they have discovered the seriousness of the matter.

An earth immortal can squash for a lifetime, and a heavenly immortal dominates the world without even a little pressure.

And the heavens governing the earth must be flying around, and the whole world is a mess.

In particular, my great eastern country does not want this, because we will soon surpass the current great empire and become the world's largest country, realize the ultimate dream of a great national rejuvenation, and stand proudly on the top of the stars.

However, now everyone has nothing to do, but can only hope in Ye Tian to defeat the wizard.


At this moment, a loud noise came from the live broadcast footage. The mountain that Ye Tiansheng was hit by a short section of the mountain suddenly burst open, even the mountain body, with the mountain base, a whole cracked, as if there were ten thousand tons The squeezed medicine exploded from the inside and razed the entire hill to the ground.

In the diffuse smoke, all kinds of divine light fluttered, chaos was raging, and the five-color thunder burst, as if it were breaking the sky, and it seemed to be breeding gods, and filled with a surging and terrifying gas machine.

The figure of a teenager appeared first, and then his body suddenly rose up, inflated and inflated, and turned into a giant of ten feet in an instant. The whole body was golden and bright, cast like a god's gold, and his thick blond hair danced wildly, and his muscles were like iron and big tendons. Strips are like dragons, and two bronze bells with big eyes spew out golden pillars of fire, as if the mythical legendary spirit **** came to the world.

His head was covered with heavenly spirits, and a thick blood flew into the sky, like a big dragon, running through the sky, and the sound was terrifying.

This is a demon-like man, watching countless people in front of the TV slap, the air of the spine swish out.

Ye Tian is a supernatural supernatural power change that has just been awakened in the underwater pyramid warship. This is the first time it is displayed in front of the world. It is inevitable that it is surprising.

"this is……?"

"Junior Demon King?"

"Did you take Dali Pill? How did you become so big at once?"


In the stunned eyes of countless people who eat melons, Ye Tianxian, who is in the state of giant spirit god, yelled in the direction of the general Wu:

"The surnamed witch, you annoy the grandfather!"

Then, he darted out his golden palm fingers, like a big dustpan, the bright golden light circulated, covering a square space, can be said to be able to cover the sky with one hand, and grabbed a waist-high hill beside his body.


His five fingers snapped up, and five thick fingers, like five indestructible steel claws, plunged deep into the mountain. The violent internal energy was poured into the mountain through the palm of his finger, giving the mountain the general characteristics of vajra. It shattered easily, and then the iron arm jerked hard, pulling up.

"Get up!"

Ye Tian shouted at the tiger, and the hill head was like a radish, and he was pulled up from the ground by him.


Countless people shocked their chin again.

Although the hilltop is not big, it is said that it weighs a thousand tons, and it was pulled up, which is incredible.


In the direction of the Wujin general, Ye Tian threw the mountain violently, almost at the speed of a cannonball, as if a meteor crossed the sky, and it spread across the entire Tokyo.

Beyond a thousand feet, it was still that street. The Witch God would have left the underground pit, and his body was suspended in mid-air, facing Ye Tianyao, with an indifferent look, a high posture, and no intention of taking the initiative.

"Common ants!"

In the disdainful words, the witch **** will not move the thunder god's hammer in his hand, but only stretches out the other palm, gently flexes his fingers, and a **** finger blasts out, even blasting the hill from the crit. Too.


At this time, several hills were lifted from the ground by Ye Tian, ​​and they would be smashed to the witch god, as if pulling a radish, which was very common and effortless.

Giant spirit god, the greatest ability is great strength!

Don’t think that power is nothing. It’s the so-called “one force can lower ten sessions, and one force can break all methods.” As long as the power is so extreme, it can still sweep the world’s invincible hands without any skills.

"Young Demon King, are you poor in donkey skills? Only this little trick? Too disappointing me!" Wu Shen will sneer, his face full of disdain.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

He flicked his fingers and stared like a star. All the hills were continuously exploded. For a time, the gravel flew between the sky and the earth, and there was a smog. It seemed to be a thick fog that covered the day.

Above the ground, countless houses collapsed, and the blocks were destroyed one by one, as if the end of the world had come, and it was devastated.

"Damn! Why did you choose to fight in our Tokyo? Isn't it good to fight in an open space?"

In the underground air raid shelter, the citizens of Tokyo were distressed.

In this battle, no matter who wins, they will lose a lot.


Suddenly, among the sky of smoke, Ye Tian's roar like thunder.

His figure of ten feet tall did not appear, but a huge dome of hundred feet tall first appeared in the sight of the witch **** general, close at hand, as if a mountain of hundred feet tall, coming out of time and space, endless magnificence and atmosphere, Filling the whole world, it squeezed the void and thundered, and shocked like a wave of terror. UU reading www.uukanshu.cco

"Go to die!" Ye Tian roared. The man was on the other side of the Xuanhuang Daotai. He was in control of the Daotai and would bombard the Witch God.

Everyone knows that he just threw mountains one after another just to cover up. This is his real trick. It was during the process of throwing the mountain that he summoned the Xuanhuang Daotai back.

"It's just a mountain seal, and you want to kill me?" The witch **** will drink low, his expression dignified, but he can't avoid it.

His right hand moved the Thor's Warhammer, his palms trembling slightly, the Warhammer suddenly glowed brightly, hundreds of times more radiant than the sun, and the powerful energy fluctuated like a tsunami.


With a roar, the witch **** blasted the Thor hammer in his hand.


As if the river broke out, a terrible thunderstorm surged out of the warhammer, rolling the world and raging all directions.

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