Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1220: Broken lighthouse

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Under the thunderous bombing of Thunder Tribulation, the body of the Dark God of Freedom shattered like a landslide, quickly disintegrating, and there was no resistance.

A thunderbolt can break everything, not to mention the pure and pure, the strongest thunder robbery, and the dark war of freedom is the product of dark magic, blessed with a little divine brilliance, it will naturally be restrained.

Roar roar!

In the Thousands of Lightning, the roar of the Dark God of Freedom was heard, as if a real **** was being shocked and killed, and he really felt fear and pain.

This cry spread through the entire Free City, stunned millions of citizens, and also deterred millions of citizens.

"He killed our gods." Someone wailed.

"The lighthouse of freedom is going to go out." Some people wept.

"God, what did I do wrong in this world empire, you sent such a demon to punish us?" Someone looked up and complained loudly.

"How could the lighthouse of freedom be wrong, my god, blind your titanium dog eyes."

"God, did you abandon your most loyal people? Have you so much faith and faith gone to feed the dog?"


A desperate emotion spread in the city, and everyone could not calm down.

"Head of State, shall we fall? The great empire cannot withstand such destruction by the young devil."

In the combat conference room of the National Defense Center, a staff member suggested.

In this battle, the great empire of the world has already been defeated, but it is just dying.

"Heads of State, we can't afford it! We have stayed in the mountains, not afraid of no firewood. The great empire must not fall."

"This matter was originally that we were wrong first. We were going to hunt people first. Now we look down and apologize. It seems nothing wrong."

"I think the hunting of the young demon king can be considered long-term, without rushing."

"Are you crazy? Still thinking about hunting the young devil?"


Staff one after another came up to persuade them, and all kinds of sentiments were sentimental and reasonable.

This time, Hopkins did not jump like thunder, but his brows were deep, his facial muscles twitched, and he was silent.

At this moment, the old man who had passed the age of sparseness finally had a trace of exhaustion, the majesty no longer, the strong no longer, like an ordinary old man.


On the island of God of Liberty, a loud noise came very far, and the dark God of Liberty finally broke, suddenly bursting, bursting like a bubble, melting the world.

The bronze Statue of Liberty at the foot of Ye Tian, ​​with the marble base below, shattered into powder at the same time.

At this moment, the whole world is dead!

The lighthouse of freedom, after all, is broken, like a dream.


Ye Tian made a strong shot, protruding a large hand, manifesting the chaotic golden light palm, and grabbed Barov.

The space was shocked, and countless space ripples surged out. Barov only felt like there were five invisible giants, squeezed in all directions, completely imprisoning his body, unable to move.

"Youth Demon King, I admit that I am not your opponent, but you want to kill me, it is not so easy." Balov said slowly, although controlled by people, it seemed to be at stake, but did not panic.

"Really?" Ye Tian sneered. "What if I add this?"

He said, above his five fingers, a sudden burst of five-color thunder, endless electric flashes flashed, a thunder burst and a deafening sound came out. As the thunder flashed, there was another golden flame, and the tyrant winds appeared in the air, stirring violently in the palm.

The wind, fire, thunder and lightning are mixed into a chaotic thunderstorm, which is condensed in the palm of your hand, and like a thunderstorm sky, Balov is severely covered.

From the palm of Chaos, Barov felt the horror power that wiped out everything, wiped out all, and finally changed color, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

But he didn't sit still, holding a staff, his body suddenly turned into a dark mass, rampaged in the chaotic "Palm Region", trying to break free from the shackles and escape to life.

But there is no use, the chaotic palm domain is like a small world, the void is imprisoned, let him head iron, hit the head and break the blood flow, and can not rush out.

As the giant palm of the chaos slowly fell, the five fingers kept gathering and the palm area was shrinking.

Ballov is like a mosquito that melts in amber, and his movements are increasingly constrained.

"Farewell, Balov, concentrate on being your magician for the rest of your life, don't provoke me."

In the faint words, an awe-inspiring murderous erupted from Ye Tian's body, as if to die.

It was in this very moment that Balov suddenly made a punch with all his strength. Above the tip of the fist, the power of darkness surged, condensed into a dark light group, like a black hole, and the surrounding voids were twisted. Rising up, rippling waves, this is the dark force being swallowed.

However, when the fist came out, the darkness on the tip of the fist shined brightly, like a black hole bursting, it was brilliant, like a pure and flawless diamond shining brilliantly, without a trace of impurities, magnificent and dazzling .

"Dark Fist!"

With the exploding roar of Barov, the dark fist of the light shined out a trajectory of the mysterious mystery, striking the tyrant of the Nine Heavens with a punch, and blasted onto the barrier of the chaotic palm territory.

"Huh?" Ye Tian narrowed his eyes, seeming very surprised.

When darkness condenses to the extreme, light will be born.

Similarly, when the light is condensed to the extreme, it will also produce darkness.

Barov deserves to be the great magician of darkness, and has mastered the meaning of light and darkness.


The chaotic palm domain condensed like an iron plate was suddenly penetrated by a hole.

Balov turned into a shadow and flew out of the hole.


Almost at the same time, the chaotic golden light palms suddenly closed, the space was a huge shock, but only a burst of air.

After rushing out of Chaos Palm, Barov slammed his staff.


A spar at the top of the staff exploded, bursting out a dark light, revealing a long and long spindle-shaped magic weapon.

Ballov flew directly into the shuttle-shaped magic weapon and drove away.

"Junior Demon King, don't stop here today. I will beat you one day."

call out!

Barov's voice is still on the island, but the shuttle-shaped magic weapon rushed out of the Flying toward the vast ocean, like a black lightning, the speed is incredible.

Ye Tian couldn't let him escape, and he became a Changhong tearing the world, and he caught up.

"Useless, my phantom **** shuttle is a magic weapon of extraterrestrial civilization, beyond earth technology, I don't know hundreds of thousands of years, the limit can exceed 100 times the speed of sound, and can also jump in space, you can't catch up with me." Balov sarcastically said.

Ye Tian ignored it, raised a big bow between his hands, and pulled his bow to shoot arrows.

Phantom Shenshuo is indeed very overbearing, a product of Daxi's civilization technology and avenues, but Barov, a rookie, can never exert all his power, and he does not have enough energy spars to urge Shenshuo to explode.

At this time, the eyes of the whole world came to gather young people, but no one noticed that the star banner in front of the Liberty City Defense Center was lowered, and the white banner was slowly rising.

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