Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1219: Dark Liberty

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Countless people saw a scene of great surprise. The dark magician Barov did not know what peerless magical power was used. He even condensed the dark tide into the appearance of the God of Liberty. Although there is no 100% similarity, there are 70% to 80% similarities. The whole body is as dark as ink, condensed as substance, and the huge body of more than 200 meters high, like mountains, seems to stand up to the earth, with eyes like the sun and the moon, a plume of fine awns jumps out of the sky, staring at Ye Tian.

At the foot of Ye Tian, ​​the statue of the God of Liberty made of bronze seems to have some subtle connection with the dark God of Liberty smelted by the dark tides. First, a violent shaking, and then the surface of the body overflowed with radiance. , Like the rain of light, drifting away from the dark **** of freedom.

This light rain is the glory of divinity!

The God of Liberty is a symbol of the great empire of the world. It is admired and worshiped by countless people and has contributed a lot of faith and belief. After years of years, it gradually has a trace of divinity.

At this moment, the deity contained in the Statue of Liberty was extracted by Barov's magical means, transformed into a ray of light rain, and blessed on the dark God of Liberty condensed by the dark tides.

In the stunned eyes of many people, after the dark God of Liberty absorbs the brilliance of the God of Liberty, it looks more and more exactly like the God of Liberty. Even if it is true and vivid, even the battle armor and War Ge have become bronze, and before is black.

After the **** of liberty at the foot of Ye Tian was extracted from his divinity, it also changed a lot. It seemed that time had lost a hundred years on his body in an instant. It was rusty, pitted, pitted, corroded, and completely distorted. Too.

Thump, thump!

Seeing this scene, countless citizens of the great empire bowed on the ground, shouted the name of the God of Liberty in their mouths, prayed prayerfully, and worshipped.

"God of Liberty, we must protect my great empire!"

"The God of Liberty is invincible, sweeping all the gods of ghosts, snakes, and gods, and giving me a peaceful and peaceful empire."

"As long as the God of Liberty can defeat the young Demon King, from now on, I will no longer believe in God, and instead of God of Liberty."

"Hallelujah, praise the God of Liberty."


This is not only true for ordinary citizens, but even a number of important officials of the National Defense Center awe in awe, and some murmured to themselves, praying for the blessing of the God of Freedom.

"A good God of Liberty, deserves to be my patron saint of the great empire!" The head of the great empire Hopkins changed his face, and said with a solemn face: "If you can really defeat the young devil, protect me from the safety of the great empire , God’s throne, I might as well let you sit and let you replace God as the **** of faith for all the people. In the future, I can even promote you to the world and let people all over the world believe in you."

When the head of the great empire made this remark, all the important officials in the audience were stunned.

That's religious belief, how can it be changed?

However, at this juncture, no one refuted.

It can also be seen from the side that the Hopkins head is really overbearing!

"Go, the God of Liberty, kill this despicable middle-earth ants, and protect the glory of the great empire!"

With the scream of Barov, the dark and free God of War moved like a huge mountain, and the whole body filled with a terrifying monstrous breath, blooming the divine light, like the same true god, mentioning the "Bronze War Ge" in his hand ", draw a trajectory of mysterious mystery, stab Ye Tian fiercely.

That war is 100 feet long, with a diameter of no less than three meters, like a pillar supporting the gods, which is surprisingly large.

In contrast, Ye Tian is as small as a ant.

Qiang Qiang!

On the edge of Zhan Ge, the endless killing was sprayed out, just like the falling of the galaxy, a vast area, the murderous scroll of Jiuxiao, shocking the world.

Before the war came, there was an invisible great force coming first, and solidified the void around Ye Tian around ten feet like an iron plate, indestructible, allowing him to escape inevitable, only to be killed by the neck.

"Is this your ultimate means?" Ye Tian sneered, not without sarcasm.

He didn't move, but there was a ray of golden light rushing out of him, and there was a chaos of turbulence, and a layer of crystal wall was formed on the outside of his body.

This is the Chaos God Realm, because it is not fully manifested, it looks like a golden bell cover, covering Ye Tian's body.


The God of War like stabbing the gods stabbed on the Chaos God Realm, bursting into a tremendous loud noise, but only swayed shallow ripples on the crystal walls of the God Realm, no traces of scars were visible.

Within Chaos God Realm, Ye Tian carried his hands on his shoulders, and looked relaxed. He is slender and strong. Every muscle and every line is perfect to be impeccable. His hair is like silk and his eyes are shining like stars. His body is full of an arrogant posture, and he has the world's momentum.


Countless people were shocked.

What awesome power this battle is, I am afraid that even a hundred feet of mountains can be smashed, why Ye Tian's chaotic **** realm is not enough, it is too shocking.

"It was blocked." Balov was also surprised, and he gritted his teeth again: "It depends on how many times you can hold on."


The Dark God of Liberty screamed, and his body suddenly exerted force again, and the divine power surged. The War Ge first received in the hand, and then suddenly stab out.

Bang, boom!

The God of War in the Dark is like a peerless master. He is skillful and fascinating. The endless killing and spitting on the Warrior Blade is blazing, and it is like a ripple.

Every battle Ge has the explosive power of smashing mountains, but they are blocked by Ye Tian's Chaos God Realm, and only a burst of gold-spreading sound spreads across the world.

When the Dark God of Freedom shot, Barov was also shot. The staff in his hand shot out a meteor of fire, a wind blade, and other killing moves, slamming into the chaotic realm, and the results were equally useless.

"It seems that Shenmeng's main skills are done here!"

In the light of Ye Tian's palm turned over, and a thunder-bright droplet appeared in the palm of his hand, crystal clear and translucent, it was a drop of thunder robbery.

"It's just a hypocritical god, wasting me a drop of thunder robbery, even death is enough to be proud."

With a chuckle, Ye Tian buckled the Thunder Tribulation Liquid at his fingertips and gave it a flick. The crystallized Thunder Tribulation Liquid flew out like a meteor, striking toward the Dark God of Freedom. The crystal wall of the Chaos God Realm seemed to be nonexistent, and Half blocked.


Just above the heart of the Dark Freedom Warrior, the Lightning Tribulation Suddenly burst, and the endless Leimang surged out, like the flooding of the Yellow River, which could not be cleaned in one shot, and almost two hundred meters high of the Dark Freedom Warrior almost instantly. The behemoth of his body was devoured and bombarded in a frenzy.

Then, Ye Tian reached out his right hand and caught Barov in the air.

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