Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1196: Soul Grass

Two hundred kilometers into the sky with one sword, chopping eight military satellites, like myth, is very unreal.

Ye Tian was on impulse and was a little impulsive. After retrieving Feijian, his brain was hurt for a while, and his spirit fell to a small level.

"Teacher, are you okay?" Meng Yao asked, nervous.

Then, she quickly took out a small cloth bag with some immortals, and a few good spirits.

She came here to give Ye Tian these things, which can be used to replenish her body's blood.

Ye Tian disappeared in Siberia, and the outside world guessed that he was going to retreat and recuperate.

Of course they also guessed Meng Yao. Then everyone gathered some spirits and herbs to prepare for Ye Tian to help him recover.

Meng Yao took the initiative to invite Tassel to come with Blackscale Eagle.

The few elixirs were originally refined by Ye Tian, ​​and they were given to Meng Yao Zhao Tianlong, but the remaining ones were not available for everyone to refine.

Several good potions came from Penglai Fairy Island, Fire Cloud Lion and Blackscale Eagle.

Although there are magic potions in the small world of Dongshan Enchantment, they are all ordinary potions. They are not old enough for embarrassment.

Penglai Xiandao has been inaccessible for thousands of years, and many spirits and herbs have been grown.

The black scale eagle and the fire cloud lion are the island guardian beasts of Penglai Fairy Island, the predator at the top of the food chain, and the island's best spirits and elixir are all owned by them, and they are like many treasures.

When Meng Yao opened the cloth bag, Ye Tian didn't care about it, just moved. But when he saw a elixir in the cloth bag, his eyes suddenly lightened.

This is an elixir that grows one foot in length. The whole body is green, with a small white flower, shining brilliantly, and exuding fragrance. It makes people's souls enchanted.

"Zhuangshen grass has produced Zhuangshen flowers, at least two thousand years." Ye Tian said with surprise.

Soul of the Soul, as the name suggests, can be used to strengthen the soul and enhance the spiritual power.

This kind of elixir is very rare. It is rare to produce a psychic flower, because it can grow to bloom for two thousand years, and it takes three thousand years to produce a psychic fruit.

Among them, Zhuangshenguo has the greatest effect, which not only nourishes the soul, but also renews its life, making it a rare treasure.

Those who cultivate spiritual power are all thirsty for strong spirits.

Ye Tian consumed a lot of mental power just now. At the first sight of the Zhuangshen Grass, he had the urge to devour it, as if a hungry man saw the taste of mountains and sea.


Ye Tian took Zhuangshen grass in his hands, just like eating green onions. He ate it bit by bit, and Meng Yao looked straight.

"Cow chewing peonies!"

At this moment, the black-scaled eagle flew back from the air and saw Ye Tiansheng eating the psychic grass.

He has been guarding this strong grass for five hundred years, and he plans to produce strong fruit before taking it.

Of course, it may not wait until that time, but anyway, it can be left to future generations.

Contributed to the strong soul grass, it was instigated by the fire cloud lion, had to endure pain and cut love.

It did not realize that Ye Tian is now the island owner of Penglai Xiandao, and everything on the island belongs to Ye Tian, ​​including itself.

The Fire Cloud Lion also contributed a 2,000-year-old elixir, Blood Jade Linglong Grass, the whole body is red as blood jade, which can be taken directly to increase blood gas, and can also be used to refine Blood Jade Linglong Dan.

Ye Tian is simple and rude, like an old cow and a peony, and he has eaten a whole plant of elixir and a flower of elixir into his stomach in a few bites.

Although the strong spirit has not yet been able to bear strong fruits, the strong medicinal effects are not affordable by ordinary monks.

In the moment of chewing, he felt that the whole person was not good, his mental consciousness was boiling, his soul light was soaring, he felt like he was going to be muddled, and his thinking was dull.

In an instant, his frontal bone was crystal clear like an ancient mirror, shining a brilliant golden glow, like a golden flame, and the empty space exploded everywhere, and ripples rippled.

"Ah, the door owner is off. Meng Yao fairy, be careful, leave quickly!" The black scale eagle yelled, flapping its wings, making preparations to fly into the sky at any time.

It was sparse in feathers and half of its body was burnt into coke. This trip to Siberia had poured blood mold for eight lifetimes and could not help being destroyed.

Meng Yao originally stood in front of Ye Tian, ​​seeing Ye Tian's frontal bone glow, and quickly flashed aside.


Void tremors, layers of ripples in the air, a golden spiritual shock wave visible to the naked eye, swept out from Ye Tian's eyebrows, like the erupting torrents, terrifying.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Wherever the spiritual impulse passed, the mountains, rocks, and trees exploded into powder, and the mountains and forests were destroyed one by one.

And this is just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, all the pores on Ye Tian's whole body sprayed thin Xiaguang outwards, and the whole person seemed to be ascending in Xiaxia.

This is the strong substance of the spirit, the medicinal effect of the spirit, and the release of a brain. His mental consciousness cannot be accepted all at once. It circulates all over the body, spills out from the pores, and is wasted.

Banyetian is a golden sacred body, and its physique and spiritual power are extremely strong. It has such a strong response. If it is a general monk, even if it does not die, it may be crippled.

"Sinfulness, so much of the soul-building material is all wasted. I knew I had left that flower of the soul-building flower." The Blackscale Eagle said sadly.

Meng Yao's nerves were tense and nervous again.

"Relaxed, nothing will be wasted," Ye Tian said suddenly.

"Chaotic God Realm, open!"

As he roared again, a golden field opened, and he was surrounded by a circle, guarding him.

The crystal wall boundary film of Chaos Divine Realm can block the dissipation of Soul Light material, and all are intercepted in Divine Realm.

Then ~ ~ He sat cross-legged in the domain of Chaos, and exhibited the "Chaos Refining Techniques", refining the medicinal effects of the Rejuvenating Soul Grass, refining the Rejuvenating Soul Material, and strengthening his spiritual power.

His flesh is like a stove, shrouded in chaotic golden light.


There was a strange noise in his body, like a thunder roaring and deafening. Later, the voice became smaller, but the frequency was higher, like a blacksmith's shop was opened, and steel was being hammered, clanging.

The medicinal effects of Zhuangshen Grass have been continuously tempered by his physical body, and through "Chaos Refining the God", it has been transformed into the source of spiritual power and stored in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

In just a few moments, his mental energy consumed by manipulating the flying sword was recovered, and more spiritual energy was still converging in the sea of ​​knowledge.

His body is no longer lingering in the light, but the glory of the frontal bones of the eyebrows is better and qualitatively changed. It is no longer the brain surge like that just now, but it is condensed into a bunch of beams, just like a sword gas blasting, and even Turned into a fierce lightning that easily tear the sky.

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