Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1195: Sword chopping satellite

"People helped you catch it, let it be interrogated, and give my teacher an innocence." Meng Yao said, his face cold, like a goddess of ice and snow, filled with a cold breath.

"You are so sure that they are the murderers? In case they are not?" Polina said with a lip, and said lightly, as if sneering.

A lot of ice crystal snowflakes fell around her body, flying in a swirling motion, the whole person looked colder than Meng Yao.

But her personality is more unrestrained than Meng Yao. She is avant-garde in clothes, cool and moving, never stingy to show the beauty of her body, and gives a warm and hot illusion.

Two ice beauty, one is the goddess, the other is the queen, you can see the difference from the title alone.

Meng Yao was holy and dusty, and she had an immortal spirit on her body.

Polina's aura is very powerful, as if she is a fighter in the royal sister.

At this moment, she surrendered to Ye Tian and became a prisoner of the rank, still holding her head high, and she was very disdainful to Meng Yao.

She surrendered to Ye Tian, ​​and naturally it was impossible to lower her posture in front of Meng Yao, even though Meng Yao was Ye Tian's apprentice and chief disciple.

"Yes or not, it will be known after the first trial. If you don't try, then I will try it."

Meng Yao glanced at Polina, then walked to a captive frozen into an ice sculpture.

Polina snorted softly and returned a big eye to Meng Yao.

Then, when Meng Yao approached the ice sculpture captive, she suddenly protruded her slender jade hand and grabbed it violently. She even grabbed the ice sculpture captive across the air and swooped across, falling over. In front of myself.

"You ..." Meng Yao Xing's eyes widened, her pretty face tightened instantly, very angry.

Polina's behavior was clearly provocative, and she could not tolerate it.

"I'm a captive of the fighting nation, so I won't bother you to interrogate. Just look around." Polina said lightly, still disdainful.

"What is your captive of the fighting nation, I also have a contribution. Is at least half of the captives mine?"

It seemed to be breathing out, Meng Yao walked over to another ice sculpture captive, not to be a spectator, but to interrogate a captive himself.

The ice crystals are clear, and it can be clearly seen that the seal inside is a woman with blond hair and delicate facial features. She is a very iconic woman, wearing a steel exoskeleton armor, some of which have rotted and her face is pale.

There is only one woman in the spy team, and that is Kailisi who is the captain.

The captive that Meng Yao is walking now is Kai Lisi.

"Meng Yao, be careful not to go!"

Just then, suddenly Ye Tian's voice came.

Accompanied by this voice, a figure flew away, raising a thunderlight between his hands, covering the ice sculpture captive in front of Xiang Mengyao, Kai Lisi.

Ye Tian suddenly had a bad hunch, so he rushed over.


Just when Ye Tian's words fell, three of the four ice sculpture captives in the field suddenly burst open.

It was as if three high-energy squeezing medicine bags had exploded. The destructive power was amazing. The three living people were instantly shocked into blood mist, then swallowed by the sea of ​​fire, and turned into ashes.

Even the alloy steel armor worn by them was torn apart, and the horrific effect of the bombing was imaginable.

"Ah, **** it!"

It happened so suddenly that Polina couldn't react at all, only made a sharp, high-pitched, screaming scream, and then flew out of her body.

She only felt that her body seemed to be hit by a heavy shell, and all of a sudden it was bad for the whole person.


She flew out for more than 100 meters, and fell heavily on the ground. Her bones were broken and her bones were broken. I didn't know how many, and half of her body was **** and fainted.

Watching the tragic appearance of Polina flying out, and then looking at the female captive in front of her, Meng Yao's small heart suddenly thumped, her face pale with fright.

Her footsteps flicked, and she turned into a floating light, rushing to the distance in an instant, a safe enough distance.

Contrary to her, Ye Tian walked past Kelly.

"Why doesn't one explode?"

On the other side of the ocean, in the combat command room of the Liberty City and the National Defense Center, Hopkins, the head of empire, questioned angrily.

"It's the young devil, he seems to have discovered something, shielded the electromagnetic waves with a beam of lightning. We can't control the self-detonation device." General Elson said with a black face.

At this time, Ye Tian suddenly looked up in the live satellite camera, glanced at the endless void, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, everyone in the combat command room was startled.

All the important members of the fighting national authorities in the Imperial Palace meeting room were also stunned.

And then, a horrible scene happened. In Ye Tian's left eye, a golden light suddenly shot out, swept to a thousand kilometers in an instant, and manifested a giant sword with the sun, moon and stars.

The people of the fighting nations and the people of the current empire are no strangers. This is Ye Tian ’s flying sword magic weapon, which is controlled by spiritual power, such as the command of the arm, and can kill the enemy from a distance.

"What is he going to do? Won't he want to cut our satellites?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. The height of the military spy satellite is at least one hundred kilometers, and his flying sword cannot reach this altitude."

"Is it really impossible to fly at this height? Do you still remember that in the battlefield of Vatican City a few days ago, his flying sword once flew more than 20 kilometers, and it still looks like a rainbow."

"More than 20 kilometers away from a distance of 100 kilometers. It is far away. Moreover, flying to high altitude consumes more energy than flying horizontally."

"I don't think he can do it, it must be frightening us. If his flying sword can reach a height of fifty kilometers, I admire it.

"Fifty kilometers is one hundred miles. What altitude is this? Are you looking at him too high? I bet he can fly less than thirty kilometers."


Seeing this scene, no one could calm down and talked loudly. Not only the people of the great empire and fighting nations, but also people of other countries, because there are military spy satellites of other countries above this airspace.


A sword of light, like a rainbow, runs through the world, the sword is full of illusions, cold and biting, and the sky is dazzling.

The whole piece of Tianyu seemed to be cut open and split into two.

Ten kilometers, twenty kilometers, thirty kilometers ...

The speed of the flying sword was too fast. In just a few fingers, it reached a height of tens of kilometers, and the momentum was like a rainbow, and there was no decline.

Ye Tian's thoughts spread out and could only cover a radius of a hundred miles. Naturally, there was no way to get a spy satellite at least 100 kilometers high. But when his mind was gathered and fired in one direction, the distance he could reach was far more than a hundred miles.

When he was in the hall of heaven, he did this once. His mind was straight, and the limit exceeded the height of 330 miles. At this height, half of the spy satellite orbit has been covered.

At that time, his mind was not at its peak, and he had consumed a lot of mental power before.

Now he has been in retreat in Siberia for a few days, UU reading Jingqi is at the peak.

"Gosh, 80 kilometers, five times the speed of sound, what a freak this guy is, so powerful?"

Someone exclaimed.

At this time, everyone's face is not good-looking.

There are a total of eight spy satellites above this airspace, of which there are three of the current great empire, two of the fighting nations, one of our eastern powers, one of the sunset empires and one of the Bourbon empires.

Ye Tian's mind is naturally indistinguishable from the nationality of the satellite, and all of it is simply cut off.

Boom, Boom, ...

From the 100-kilometer orbit to the 200-kilometer orbit, seven spy satellites were not spared, and all were split in half.

At this moment, the five major countries in the world are collectively stunned!

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