Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1184: Blazers

The beautiful girl who was forced into desperation was naturally Meng Yao, and it was the super organization of the fighting nation, the violent bear team, that chased and blocked her.

The Bear Clan is a powerful squad organization. Both its fame and strength are above our Chinese Dragon Guardian, and it is second only to the Imperial Divine League of the current great empire in the world.

There are two gods in the bear team, one is the captain Nikolai. It is said that he has a super war beast in the age of ancient mythology, and the origin of the earth bear bear.

Another **** realm is this woman who shot against Meng Yao, named Polina, nicknamed the Snow Queen, born with a powerful ice and snow ability talent.

With just one idea, she gave birth to endless snow and cold wind, forming a tyrant snow storm.


The wind was roaring, the snow was flying, and the sky and the sky were white, filled with cold currents, and the earth, which was originally full of spring, entered the winter in a second.

She seems to have changed the world in a single thought, and has controlled the four seasons of reincarnation, so strong that it makes people feel palpitations

The snowflakes flying all over the sky, like blades of swords, can easily penetrate the armor of the main battle tank under the wind, and the broken cold current can turn stone into powder and iron scrap.


In an instant, Meng Yao's ice crystal long river and Polina's ice and snow storm collided together, and a loud blast was made, and the whole world shook violently.

Then, I saw an amazing scene. The torrent-like long river of ice crystals was instantly crushed, forming a sky of broken ice chips. After being swallowed by the snow storm, he turned back to Meng Yao and covered the sky as if a mountain was rapidly advancing The power of crushing the heavens and the earth is terrifying to the extreme.

"What?" Meng Yao's pupils shrank suddenly, and his hair burst into flames.

This is the first time she has encountered an ice power who is more powerful than her, and it feels incredible.

But she said that although she merged half of the holy product ice soul pearl, but after all, it was only the acquired ice ability, not born, and there is no ice spirit root in her body. And Polina is a natural ice power, with an ice root in her body, and a high level, with a natural talent.

Rumor has it that she could freeze a big lake in one thought.


The Zidian Yin Thunder Knife came out of the sheath, and the surging mana poured into it.


The blade shook, the blade screamed, the brilliant light bloomed, and the thundering Lehman beat.


Meng Yao ’s teeth were clenched, her pretty face was Pang Yan Ruo Tao Li, but she was cold as well. She held the knife in two hands and slammed it down with a knife. , With the momentum of breaking through the world, slashing into the overwhelming snow storm.


Baizhang Daogang, chopped into the huge snow storm in the mountains, like a broken bamboo, instantly split it in half.

As if a large mountain had been split open, a sky was formed in the middle.

Meng Yao stood in the "grassland", clenched her teeth, and remained motionless, letting the broken snow storm pass through both sides of her body, and the torrent generally rushed into the cliff behind her. After a long time There was an echo.

After the flood, the mountains on both sides of her body were abruptly short, forming two huge grooves, as if washed by rain for thousands of years, setting her as if standing on a long and narrow "stone platform".

Even this "stone platform" is also turned into stone powder, and after freezing, it has become unstable.

"I have heard about the name of the fairy Mengyao. I saw it today. It really deserves its reputation. However, if you can't escape today, go with us, don't force us to die." Polina said with a smile. .

"Tell her so much nonsense, either hack to death or catch alive!"

In the angry roar, a two-meter-high tall man with a muscular knot, like a copper cast iron, is as strong as a violent bear. A muscular man walks out deep and steps towards Meng Yao.

He was wearing only animal skin shorts and a pair of animal skin boots, with thick hair, like a savage walking out of the virgin forest.

His forehead was bare, without a hair, and he held a bizarre sword in his hands, half his height, with a twisted blade, a blade like a big axe, and a chain of chains wrapped around the handles of both swords. On his thick arm.

Bang, boom!

Every time he stepped out, a clear footprint appeared on the mountain and stone ground, three points into the ground, the earth thundered and shook.

Even more frightening is that this footprint was not only stepped on by him with brute force, there were signs of melting, redness like a soldering iron, and a little magma was visible.

His body seemed to contain a volcano, a heat wave, accompanied by a mad and sharp breath, scrolling the world and swept away to Meng Yao, forcing the mind.

His name was Kalk, a natural fire ability, nicknamed the Lava God of War.

"You can't hack to death, just catch alive." Said a tall and thin middle-aged man in a black metal suit and a short sword hanging from his waist. His voice was clanging, like a metal knocking, throwing loudly.

He was blond, with a slender and tall figure, tough facial features, and a very handsome appearance. His eyes shone like stars, and his suit shone with a cold metallic luster.

It can be seen from the diffuse breath that this is also a powerful man, although with an idol face.

He just hung up a phone call from the imperial palace.

"Who the **** are you? Why did you catch me? Did I offend you?" Meng Yao gritted her teeth and said angrily.

She and Blackscale Hawk came here to find Ye Tian, ​​and were suddenly attacked. They still don't know what happened.

"You didn't offend us, but your teacher offended us. Last night, I killed more than 5,000 people of my fighting nation. All of them drew up the blood and turned into corpses. Now, you need to go with us to help investigate . "

This is an old man's mouth, wearing a military coat. Although his hair is white and his body is a bit rickety, there is a terrifying and violent atmosphere in his body, which stirred the hunting of the military coat.

His skin is pale gold ~ ~ There is a divine light cover vaguely, the whole person is like a bottomless abyss, able to devour everything, extremely compelling.

He is the captain of the violent bear team, the famous Onu Rif, a great god, and is rumored to be the bloodline of the ancient war beast earth violent bear.

"This is impossible, you must have made a mistake. My teacher will not kill the innocent indiscriminately, and all the people he killed should be killed." Meng Yao was surprised, and then retorted.

"Yes or not, we can't rely on you alone. We have some evidence to point to the young devil. Now we need you to cooperate with our investigation. If he is innocent, we will give him innocence." Road.

Immediately afterwards, he said to Polina: "Pollina, grab her, don't hurt her too much."

"No, it's impossible. I know my teacher better than anyone. You want to use me as a bait to frame my teacher. Don't think I don't know. I won't let you succeed."

As soon as the words fell, Meng Yao turned around and jumped to the cliff behind him.

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