Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1183: Battle Nation Rage

Overnight, thousands of people died in several small towns deep in the Siberian virgin forest, most of them were in the state of corpses, and their blood was sucked up.

The news is still in a state of blockade, the outside world is not yet known, but the high-level authorities of the fighting nation have been shaken.

The emperor was furious, and an iron man shed tears of sorrow, and ordered that the matter be strictly investigated and the dead people be given an explanation.

In fact, the direction of the culprit is already very clear, the young devil.

There are several survivors in every slaughtered town, and these survivors have all seen the murderer.

"Damn the young devil, do you really think my fighting nation is bullying? Dare to massacre my people in my territory."

"It was a mistake for us to allow him to enter the country. He should be intercepted abroad."

"Five thousand lives must be paid for with blood and blood. I suggest to file a solemn representation with the authorities of the great eastern countries now."

"What's the use of negotiation is the behavior of the young devil, and the Eastern Powers will definitely refuse to be responsible for this matter."

"Then behead the young demon king, at all costs, even if the world's nuclear weapons are used."


In the splendid palace, many high-level authorities were called here early in the morning.

When they heard about the massacre of thousands of people, they were all furious, and they pointed at the young devil one after another, threatening to kill and then quickly.

However, some people remain rational and not emotional.

"There's something wrong with it. Have you noticed that there will be several survivors in every town that was slaughtered, and all of these survivors have seen the murderer, would it be a coincidence? Or intentionally? Why do you do it deliberately? "

"Yes, the flaws are too obvious. With the ability of the young Demon King, if you want to kill someone, it is impossible to leave flaws, and let others know that he did it."

"I have never heard that the young demon has done the work of sucking human blood, which is more like the blood race."


"What do you mean? Excuse for the young devil? The culprit is so obvious that there is nothing to question at all. I seriously doubt your position!"

"There is really nothing to discuss, declare war directly to the young demon king, endlessly. It is time for the nuclear arsenal of my fighting nation to pull out to meet the sun."

"The young devil has n’t used human blood before, but it does n’t mean he wo n’t. Who knows that the Vatican City has been turned upside down in World War I. It is very expensive and needs to replenish blood gas, and replenishing blood gas is no faster than smoking human blood As for leaving a living mouth, it is also very easy to explain, accident. After all, he is not a fairy, everyone can find it. "

"The analysis is very reasonable. Great Emperor, please order, my fighting nation's 20 million people work together to declare war on the young devil."

"Although the young demon king is powerful, but who has my fighting nation ever been afraid of? As strong as Germanic, it has not been defeated by us in the end."


The sound of reason is ultimately a minority, suppressed by most emotional sounds.

The emperor rubbed his temples without saying a word, his eyes condensed, and he seemed to be thinking about something, and his face was ugly.

Even if things are true, declaring war on the young devil is a difficult choice.

Because the fighting nations are poor and weak, and they cannot afford to fight big wars. A bad one will bring down the country.

When the great empire declared war on the young demon king, it made his nose gray, and the **** lesson was in front of him.

"Emperor, the head of the current great empire called."

Suddenly, an assistant came and said to the emperor.

Everyone was shocked. When the world empire calls at this time, the timing is very sensitive.

On the phone, the head of the world's great empire, Hopkins, came to the fore, and once again proposed to join forces with the fighting nations to deal with the young devil.

"Your news is really well informed." The emperor said coldly.

Although the head of the great empire did not explain, he must have known about the massacre of thousands of people of the fighting nation, so he called.

Although the fighting nations blocked the news, it is not difficult to know the news with the intelligence network covering the world with the current empire.

"I am sincerely seeking cooperation with you. The young demon is the common enemy of you and us. Only when we join forces can we kill him. I now want to know whether the female disciple of the young devil has been killed. Did you catch it? "

"What do you want to do?"

"As far as I know, the young demon is very concerned about this female disciple. I have a plan to lay out a nuclear weapon massacre and use this female disciple as a bait to lure the young devil to take the bait and use nuclear weapons to kill him. I am a great empire. Willing to lend a helping hand and provide all help, including the world-class nuclear warhead, to complete the layout of this massacre. Even all the costs can be borne by the world empire. "The voice of the head of the world empire clanged, and it was very cold .

The emperor pondered for a moment, and said, "Let me consider this matter."

"What else do you have to consider? The opportunity is not lost, the loss will not come again! As long as this happens, the fighting nation is my most trusted partner of the great empire in the world, we will reduce the economic sanctions on your country, or even remove all sanctions. , Go hand in hand on the road ahead. "

As the head of the great empire, Tong Chan Lianhua, the emperor of the fighting nation eventually hung up the phone.

History shows that the selfish and self-serving empire is not credible, and cooperation with them is often sold without knowing.

"Did the young disciple's female disciple catch it?" The emperor asked an intelligence officer.

"Terror Bear Team is still chasing and blocking, it should be soon."


At this time, in the depths of the Siberian primitive forest, in front of a bottomless cliff, a young girl gasped and was forced to a desperate situation. A group of powerful masters behind him were chasing around.

The girl's ice muscles and jade bones, her looks are peerless, wearing ice holy clothes, Bingjing wings have been smashed, a white dress stained with blood, suffered serious injuries, but her eyes were full of stubbornness, refused to admit defeat.

Suddenly, she rose up, her slender and slender arms waved, and traced the mysterious trajectory. She was suddenly cold all over the body, and the fine ice crystals fell all over the sky. Under the sunlight, it shimmered like a diamond.

"go with!"

The girl shoved her hands violently, and suddenly the ice crystals like ~ converged into a raging glacier, and a group of power experts came chasing and rushing away from the surroundings, like an eruption The torrents were so common that they were covered with rumbling noises, which was terrible.

Where the long river of ice crystals passed, within ten feet, the grass and trees withered and the earth burst.

A long river of ice crystals is coming, a group of masters of power have already felt the biting cold, and even the soul has a sense of freezing kill.

Suddenly, among the abilities, a blonde woman stood out, wearing an ice-blue long skirt with a split hem, revealing a snow-white slender, straight leg, good facial features, deep eyes, and tender skin, The figure is quite hot.

During her walk, there were scattered snowflakes all over her, dreamlike.

With bare hands, she looked at the **** the opposite side with a smile, and turned a blind eye to the long river of ice crystals coming from the mountains and the sea, saying: "Interesting, I dare to display ice power in front of me."

During the talk, she had never seen her start, it seemed to be just an idea, and there were endless cold winds and ice and snow born out of thin air, forming a tyrant ice storm, facing the long river of ice crystals.

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