Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2380: It turns out one by one secret (1)

"I don’t know when they were in contact with the God Realm. Maybe it was before we came to the Underworld, maybe it was even longer ago. Each of the four big families actually possessed four divine queen’s'coercive amulet', and this Once, their team leader carried one each with him." After listening to Ouyang Xiasha's instructions, and seeing Ouyang Xiasha's cold expression, this'squad captain' who likes to calculate is rare, not much talk, old. Honestly, he explained the so-called exchange terms in his mouth. As for not being thorough, then these so-called power holders need to be tested, like Ouyang Xiasha's eyesight.

If she has good eyesight, then obviously, she can get more information, useful or useless, at least much stronger than today’s trivial words, and much more valuable. After all, no one can be sure about those. The so-called useless news, there is no place for people to take advantage of the loopholes.

If you don’t have good eyesight, then I’m sorry. Knowing the existence of the ‘Pressure Talisman’ and their need to face four True God-level ‘Pressure Talisman’ is the only news they can get now.

But fortunately, Ouyang Xiasha obviously belongs to the former. Whether she has the intention to really see something, or is unintentional, it is pure fraud. In short, following Ouyang Xiasha's sentence, ‘Do you think I am fooled? Still don't take your own life seriously? Do you think this bit of news has value in my eyes? Can you take my so-called valuable vow? Haha, I advise you, it is better to tell everything you know, otherwise, I am not sure whether I will kill you! The final result has already been determined by speaking out. Who will let this ‘captain’’s life be in the hands of Ouyang Xiasha? Therefore, even if Ouyang Xia Sha didn't find it, it was just a fraud, even if the ‘captain’ had doubts in his heart, she eventually had to swallow this breath forcibly and honestly confessed it. And this is the reason why Ouyang Xiasha has never been willing to be a mermaid, and of course, it is also one of the reasons why she has been working hard to practice.

We must know that Ouyang Xiasha's most admired life is "freedom, unrestrained, the sky is high for birds to fly, and the sea is for leaps and bounds." How can people who use these two as the benchmark for life be willing to let themselves face What about being persecuted? And if you want to live freely, in this world where the strong is respected and the strength is supreme, the strength is strong and no one can be beaten. It is undoubtedly the fundamental guarantee for everything to ensure that no one can be stronger than yourself. Of course, This is also a necessary ability to protect the person she wants to protect. Therefore, whether it is for herself or for the people she cares about, she has no reason to relax and play or not to make progress.

Okay, pull it a little bit further, having said that, I don’t know if this'squad leader' has a guilty conscience, or was frightened by Ouyang Xiasha’s coldness, or if he was hit by some unknown secret technique. , Ouyang Xiasha just said that, this person couldn’t bear it, and confessed all, and it was still the kind of confession that seemed to be hypnotized, knowing nothing, endless confession, even before confessing, deliberately I took an oath and absolutely guaranteed the authenticity of the news from now on. Everyone who was present was stunned and didn't understand what was going on. Although somewhat inexplicable, it is clear that Ouyang Xiasha is still very satisfied with the subsequent harvest.

It turns out that among the four old-brand families in the underworld, each really has four "coercive charms" given by the old wicked woman.

It turned out that this time the four major veteran families really sent out a small team as the'captain' said, and the leader of the team was indeed just like what he said, two semi-god powerhouses, but the team The members of the team are not just like what he said, they are all wastes that are not on the table, but some family elites who are only one step away from the demigods. It seems that these families are born to the "Golden Lingzi". It’s not like this "squad leader" said, holding a tasteless attitude towards it, but it’s a pity to abandon it, but it’s very concerned about it, otherwise, it won’t be in the dark. On the day of the moon, this stall of the "Hundred Years Big Bi" has dispatched so many elites

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