Rebirth of the Peerless Miss

Chapter 2379: Coercion (2)

As the saying goes,'dogs that bite don't bark', this'squad leader', after encountering such an aggrieved scene, can still continue to look like a dog's legs. Such a person is comparable to those who are full of curses. It is much more dangerous, and its revenge psychology is much more terrifying than those who yell for revenge. This is also the root cause of Ouyang Xiasha's efforts to get rid of him. Such malignant tumors are left behind. , It is too dangerous.

"Coercive talisman? Do you think I will put this kind of thing that cannot be put on the table in my eyes? Are you sure, you want to replace me with this kind of news? Aren't you kidding me? It's not that I heard it wrong?" Ouyang Xiasha’s various performances of this'squad captain' have already turned a thousand times in her mind and thought a lot. Of course, she also understands the reason mentioned by the'squad captain', no It is the "four big old-brand families" of Rao Shizi who agreed with each other to decide how to divide the benefits of the Underworld based on their respective rankings in the "Hundred Years Competition"? However, this'squad leader' is quite advanced and a little clever. Knowing that he is the reincarnation of the Emperor Underworld, he didn't puncture that layer of paper. Although he didn't care about it that much, he had such an attitude. She really likes it. Well, in addition to this, Ouyang Xia Sha also has some guesses about this so-called'coercive talisman' (although I can't talk about how deep it is, I just have doubts and speculations in my heart, but At least it was definitely more ignorant and contemptuous than she showed afterwards), but she did not show it at all, and even showed an attitude of contempt and contempt, if it weren't for Xi Jing, they would treat Ouyang Xiasha. She knows her personality very well, maybe she really thought it was her true thoughts!

"Your Majesty, you heard it right. What I used to trade with you is the news of this'coercive talisman.' Maybe other'coercive talisman', your majesty doesn't look at it, but if this talisman is The divine queen’s is still the coercion that she reserved when she made the strongest blow during her peak period? Although her majesty is extraordinary, she did not take a little divine queen of the gods seriously, but at this time, her majesty has never been strong enough. Before it is fully restored, it must be a certain danger for your majesty! After all, your majesty is to experience entering the world, you can't hide it at all, and you have to go through this process from weak to strong, don't you?!" Although this'squad leader' did not have a positive sentence from beginning to end, every sentence was a rhetorical question and a question, but what he wanted to express was affirmative. Through the words of this'squad leader', it is not difficult to see that he is extremely affirmed at this time in his heart, and is extremely determined, even if Ouyang Shasha’s identity is prominent and his background is profound. , But with her current strength, although she looks extremely powerful and can deal with them well, it is not enough to fight against the'coercive talisman' of that little queen of the gods. I have to say that in order to survive, this ‘squad captain’ is trying to break his brain, even the so-called euphemism of being concerned about face is used.

"Continue!" Looking at this answer, it seems that Ouyang Xiasha is beginning to be interested in the words of this ‘squad leader’, but in fact, only Ouyang Xiasha herself knows! Even if they knew her well, the subordinates around her were not sure what Ouyang Xia Sha thought at the moment. After all, ‘female heart, needle on the bottom of the sea’, a woman’s mind is hard to guess, let alone Ouyang Xiasha, the most complicated woman in the world? Can't guess it, that's normal. However, it is an indisputable fact that Ouyang Xiasha was afraid of the so-called ‘coercion talisman’ after listening to the words of the ‘captain’.

But it’s not difficult to understand that when you think about it, Ouyang Xiasha’s strength has not yet fully recovered. She is not the opponent of that **** queen, and it is not something incomprehensible. After all, that **** queen is one of the best gods in the gods. After all, Ruruo Without the ability, she would not be able to get to this point. After all, she has been at the **** level for so many years. Even if she is a waste material and an idiot, she should have reached the realm of the supreme true **** now, let alone, That **** queen is not a waste, an idiot, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to sit on the throne of a queen, really thinking that a god-ranked queen is so good? Even if it is a successor, there is no exception. From this we can also know how amazing the congenital queen was back then. Therefore, it is a matter of course that there will be a son of a talented stranger like Gui Huangdao.

Okay, pull it a bit further. In other words, according to Ouyang Xiasha's search for'spiritual fragments' and the difficulty of finding'spiritual fragments', I want to restore the strength of the God of Creation in a short time. The above is an impossible thing, and the'coercion talisman' is the coercion that the **** queen used to use the strongest blow, but it is Ouyang Xiasha, at least the current she is, irresistible, even her identity Strong, deep background, and the protection of the'rules of heaven and earth' can't change this, and the coercion, even if it is stored in the talisman, is not long, but it is enough to make her lose the ability to fight and let others. Fish meat. And this situation is obviously something that Ouyang Xiasha doesn't want to see or face, so she will care about it, and it's not difficult to understand the past.

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