Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 79 Escape (please collect and recommend)

At this time, the spear was bounced away by a force, and at the same time, the burden on the giant python's back spread out automatically. A small-arm-high stone statue flew up from the package and floated above the apes.

The water elements in the air began to gather. In everyone's shocked eyes, the gathered water completely wrapped the stone statue inside, and then the water began to squirm. A face protruded from the water ball, with bones on the eyebrows and a mouth. They are all very protruding and look like ape-men.

"Tlande, the apes are just ignorant. The root of their evil is the dragon that bewitched them. I order you to go and kill that evil dragon!"

As a majestic voice sounded in the minds of the apes and monkeys, the mouths of the faces on the water mass also opened and closed at the same time.

"I will obey the will of the Ape King God!" Ye Xun folded his arms over his chest and sweat broke out on his forehead. In fact, he used his mental power to direct and act this scene. Now that Ye Xun's mental power has reached the peak of the third level, he can The weight of the object he controlled reached fifty kilograms, but the water mass plus the stone statue weighed more than fifty kilograms, which made him feel very strenuous.

"No, we have to end it as soon as possible, otherwise we won't be able to hold on any longer!" Ye Xun thought in his heart, then gritted his teeth and controlled the water ball and said, "Apes and monkeys, my people, I feel your pain, and I specially sent my Messenger Tlande is here to save you, may my glory be with you!"

A cloud of mist condensed in the sky, and it stopped when it flew above the apes. Then countless white raindrops fell, healing the physical injuries of the apes.

When the big healing spell dissipated, the water mass in the air exploded at the same time. Then the stone statue fell down, but was caught by Ye Xun. At this time, Ye Xun only felt that his head was swelling and painful, as if it was about to explode. It was obviously due to excessive use of mental power. .

"Congratulations to the great Ape King God!"

After a while, Ye Xun felt that the swelling pain in his head had eased a little. At this time, the ape's eyes looking at Ye Xun were completely different, filled with enthusiasm and joy.

Now the wounds on the apes' bodies have been completely healed, and each of them has recovered. However, they haven't eaten for a long time and appear to be in poor spirits.

With a thought, Ye Xun ordered the giant python to go out and catch some prey and come back. Then he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to recover his mental strength.

Yan and the ape-men consciously picked up dry branches around. During this period, the one-eyed ape-man secretly asked Yan to cut the vines for him. Neither Yan nor the other five apes made any move.

When the ape rescued by Ye Xun saw this, he directly arranged for the reborn ape to surround the one-eyed ape man and them all, and then punched and kicked the one-eyed ape man. When Ye Xun stopped him later, he came. The guy was already bruised and swollen with footprints all over his body.

In an instant, the other apes became obedient. They all closed their mouths and did not dare to make any sound, for fear that they would be beaten up by the angry apes for no reason.

When the giant python came back dragging a giant bird, the apes had already picked up a lot of dead branches. They piled them together to form a hill of dead branches.

At this time, Ye Xun stopped practicing. He was a little surprised. This bird was so big. It was almost as big as a multi-horned rhinoceros, and the claws on its feet were extremely sharp, which made people shudder. It's just that the feathers all over the big bird's body were burnt. It must have been burned by the hot air breathed by the giant python. Otherwise, the big bird would be flying in the air and the giant python would not be able to catch it.

Ye Xun ignored this and directly asked the apes and monkeys to pluck out the bird's feathers together. However, he did not have much salt left and could not pickle the whole big bird, so he did the same as the previous days. They were just marinating a few pieces of meat that he ate.

Soon the big bird was finished, and Ye Xun used a fireball technique to light the dry branches nearby. The apes were startled, and then looked at the bonfire feverishly.

It was still early in the day, so Ye Xun asked the giant python to dig the foundation pit of the wall. However, the giant python had no arms and legs. It could only hit the ground with its huge head and then slowly push forward. The efficiency of this task was compared to Buffett, who is also at the third level, is far behind.

Ye Xun was thinking about whether to get another third-level ferocious beast to work hard for, but then he gave up after thinking about it. After all, third-level beasts were not cabbage, and they would be met as soon as they could.

As for the apes and monkeys, they all came over with spears to help dig. The one-eyed ape and his men were also released, and they followed them to do cool labor honestly.

There were too few people to hesitate. Even with the help of the giant python, it took a full month to build the wall. During this period, Ye Xun's martial arts cultivation unexpectedly advanced to the late stage of Gang Jin. He was only one step away from entering the realm. The last realm in Chinese martial arts.

Then the apes and the apes spent more than half a month building earthen houses in this new settlement. At this point, the apes finally had a foothold on this land.

Like other settlements, a well was dug here. Above the well is a statue of the Ape King carved by Ye Xun. He took the apes and ape-men to the statue to pray every day.

When the statue was built and began to absorb the power of faith, the power of the feedback from the statue almost allowed him to break through to the fourth level of spiritual power. However, there were too few believers, and the power of the feedback fell short by one level, causing him to only take one step forward now. Half a step, he stopped when he reached the fourth level of the half step.

Today, the apes went out to hunt, and the apes opened up sweet potato fields outside their territory. They used the spears left by the apes to loosen the soil, and then threw the sweet potato pieces into the soil.

While the apes were busy, the hunting apes also encountered several wild boars. They were quite large and weighed over a thousand kilograms each.

Yan and Cyclops led the team, leaning toward the wild boar with their spears lowered. At this time, Cyclops stepped on a dead branch and made a soft sound.

Among the wild boars, a wild boar eating food moved its ears and raised its head to observe the situation vigilantly. At this time, a bird happened to land on the tree. The wild boar was relieved and continued to eat with his head lowered. food in the soil.

Yan looked at the one-eyed dragon with some displeasure. He did not believe that the experienced one-eyed dragon would make such a stupid mistake. However, the arrow was already on the string at this time. He could not question the one-eyed dragon, so he had to wave his hand, lower his body and continue to lean in.

When they were more than thirty meters away from the wild boar, the apes stopped. In the area near the wild boar, there were no bushes to cover the apes' advance.

The wild boar was completely unaware of the ape-man not far away. It still used its stubby hooves in front to dig the soil on the ground and dig out the plant roots underneath.

A wild boar unknowingly dug in the direction of the ape-man. Suddenly it stopped and dug up a large bunch of fist-sized plant roots in the soil.

The wild boar opened its mouth excitedly, bit into the roots and began to eat them.

"It's now!"

Yan shouted and rushed out first with a spear, followed by Cyclops and other ape-men. The wild boar that was eating was startled, nodded and fled in the opposite direction.

Yan grabbed the spear and jumped up at the moment the wild boar turned around. He sat directly on the wild boar's back. At the same time, he raised the spear in his hand and stabbed hard at the back of the wild boar's head.

In an instant, the spear in Yan's hand pierced the wild boar's neck, and hot blood spurted out. The wild boar's stubby limbs alternated even harder in pain. Yan Yi was accidentally thrown off by the wild boar that suddenly accelerated.

Soon, the herd of wild boars disappeared. Only the wild boar with a spear stuck in its neck was still there. Its eyes had turned red. The severe pain aroused the anger in the wild boar's heart. It was not far away. He turned around and rushed towards the apes.

The Cyclops held a spear and stared closely at the wild boar that was charging straight at him. The ape-men behind him were also very nervous. Yan quickly ran over and grabbed a spear from another ape-man.

"Yan, let's rush up and deal with it!"

The one-eyed dragon licked his lips and said to Yan,

Yan nodded and rushed towards the wild boar first. The one-eyed dragon moved slightly slower and followed Yan.

Just as Iwamori's spear was stabbing at the wild boar, the one-eyed dragon suddenly turned around and rushed towards the nearby bushes, then quickly disappeared into the jungle.

The frantic wild boar stared at Yan, blowing out a rapid stream of air from its nostrils, and rushed towards Yan with its head lowered.

Yan was not hesitant, he reacted instantly, twisted his body to dodge to the side, and at the same time stabbed the wild boar's body with the spear in his hand.

The wild boar let out a fierce scream when it was in pain, twisted its huge body, and directly flew out the rock bullet that was holding the spear.

At this time, the ape next to him reacted and rushed over to support Yan with a spear and shouting.

In the end, the wild boar was covered with spears and fell to the ground dead. However, the ape-man also suffered heavy losses. One ape-man was knocked out by the wild boar and lost its life before it fell to the ground.

Except for Yan, almost all the other ape-men had scars on their bodies. This was all because the Cyclops escaped from the battle, which resulted in heavy losses for the ape-men.

Then Yan and the apes dragged the wild boar back. Ye Xun was a little surprised that the two elite apes leading the team also suffered heavy losses, and it seemed that there was still an elite ape and an ordinary ape who had not returned.

Finally, it was learned from Yan's mouth that the one-eyed dragon elite ape-man escaped while hunting wild boars.

Ye Xun was a little angry, as if he was too kind.

Ten days later, a huge lizard led a group of apes in the jungle, and soon they entered Ye Xun's spiritual realm.

leaf , seems to be the leader of this group of apes.

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