Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 78 Encounter on the road (please collect and recommend)

In the jungle, Ye Xun swallowed the heart of the giant lizard, converted it into energy, and passed it directly into the body of the giant python.

The giant python was as if it had been injected with chicken blood, and its whole body turned fiery red. The air nearby was distorted by the high temperature it emitted. It kept twisting its body and rubbing around, and the nearby big trees and rocks were quickly covered by it. Crush and crush.

The apes huddled not far away and screamed in fear. Since Ye Xun was still there, they did not dare to run away, otherwise their heads might be cut off inexplicably.

After the giant python was saturated with energy, Ye Xun still had one-third of the heart energy left in his body. He directly called the ape over and transferred the energy to him. Ye Xun has entered the fourth level, and the second-level monitor lizard heart is no longer of much use to him. It is better to use it to improve the strength of the ape, which happens to be very weak.

As the energy from the monitor lizard's heart flowed in, the muscles and skin of the ape's entire body were torn apart by the violent energy, and scarlet blood kept pouring out. Ye Xun quickly slowed down the infusion of energy, and then threw a big healing spell. Heal the horrific wounds of the apes.

At this time, the ape's condition was getting better, and its breathing gradually returned to steady. Ye Xun breathed a sigh of relief, and the violent energy almost exploded the ape.

The giant python was coiled together not far away. The scales on its body rubbed against each other, making a harsh and sharp sound. Gradually, those hard scales were crushed by its terrifying brute force, and the entangled tree was directly twisted. It turned into mahua, and all the moisture inside was almost squeezed out by the giant python.

Red blood mixed with the sap of the big tree dripped on the ground, and some rock-white scale fragments also fell on the ground. At this time, the entire body of the giant python became bloody and fleshy, as if it had been skinned alive. Same layer of skin.

The ape-men hid behind a big tree and hugged each other. They were so frightened that they did not dare to speak out. After a while, the giant python calmed down and they dared to poke their heads out and take a look.

In Ye Xun's perception, the scales on the body of the giant python have almost fallen off. Although it looks bloody, under the blood stains, there are already scales like granules growing out. At the same time, the body of the giant python also looks like eating. It grows rapidly as if using a swelling agent.

Soon, the sky became dark again, and the giant python showed no sign of waking up. It lay motionless on the ground, and the blood all over its body had dried up into scabs. If it hadn't been breathing very steadily, Ye Xun would have thought it was dead. Warped.

The ape was not sleeping, but his strength had increased too much now, and he often accidentally used too much force. When he went to pick up branches, he would break them every time. The apes were surprised, although they also It can be done easily, but it is difficult for apes to do so.

According to Ye Xun's estimate, the ape has absorbed one-third of the monitor lizard's heart energy, and its body strength should have reached almost 500 kilograms. Although this seems to be a very strong increase, it almost killed the ape. The huge force almost exploded him.

Now that the giant python has fallen into a deep sleep, the ape has not been able to fully grasp the sudden increase in power. If he wants to get some food tonight, he has to do it himself, so Ye Xun threw the sweet potatoes in the bag on the ground, and a life He threw it over, and ten minutes later, dozens of big sweet potatoes appeared in the jungle soil.

Under Ye Xun's instructions, the apes dug along the vines with spears. It took them more than half an hour to dig out all the sweet potatoes in the soil.

After the sweet potatoes were roasted, the apes took the sweet potatoes and didn't know what they were. Finally, after seeing Ye Xun eating them, they learned to peel them and eat them.

The ape held the sweet potato and exerted force, and the huge force instantly squeezed the sweet potato in his hand into sweet potato puree. The ape was so depressed that he licked the sweet potato puree squeezed out of the gap between his fingers before carefully picking up the second one.

This time he learned the lesson wisely, and with just a little bit of strength, the sweet potato split into two halves obediently, and no longer contradicted him. The ape got his wish and ate the whole roasted sweet potato, feeling very excited, and then With a pop, the roasted sweet potato in the palm of my hand turned into mashed sweet potato again.

The ape continued to lick the mashed sweet potatoes in frustration until he was full. He didn't even bite a single sweet potato, but only licked it until he was full.

It wasn't until the third day that the giant python woke up from its deep sleep. When it opened its eyes, the giant python felt that its body was full of power. It felt that it could easily destroy itself a few days ago.

Then the giant python found that its body was covered with black blood scabs, so it twisted its body. The blood scabs that dried up and became stiff turned into countless fragments, and peeled off the giant python's body piece by piece.

After a while, the giant python completely changed its appearance, and its scales took on a new look, from the original rock white to a faint fiery red, and those scales still looked shiny, shining in the sun.

The body of the giant python has also expanded a circle, and its diameter has almost reached one meter. Its length has increased by six to seven meters, but it has not yet bulged out, otherwise Ye Xun would think that it was a half-step fourth-level snake. The giant python is reborn.

Now that the python woke up, Ye Xun sat on its back again. Now that the horny scales on the python's head began to become sharp, Ye Xun did not dare to sit on the python's head. *risks of.

The team set off, with six apes walking in front. They looked at the short ape next to them with fear. Two days ago, Ye Xun ordered them to have a fight, and all six apes were beaten to the ground by one ape. The oldest among them Even a strong squad leader is no match for an ape.

The apes fought with a desperate attitude, jumping up and down, scratching whenever they got the chance, and attacking their weak points with all their might. After the fight, the apes all covered their crotches and looked at them with resentful expressions. Looking at him.

After walking for most of a day, in Ye Xun's perception, dozens of apes were tied up by Teng Man, and a dozen apes were walking beside them with spears. One ape couldn't walk, and was directly used by the apes next to it with a spear. Hit with a stick.

The ape suffered from pain and forced himself to cheer up and continue to move forward with the team. There were more or less scars on the bodies of the apes in front of him, and one or two apes were even missing one of their ears and eyes.

"These bastard slaves move too slowly. If we go back, the great dragon may be angry again."

In the team, an ape said to his companion next to him.

At this time, six apes and one ape suddenly appeared in front of them, and the ape-man seemed to be a little afraid of the ape.

"Yan, what are you doing here!"

The leading one-eyed ape said loudly.

Ape Man Rock did not answer, but took the other five ape men to the side. Just when the one-eyed ape man was puzzled, a huge head emerged from the bushes behind.

"Yan! You actually betrayed Lord Halls..."

At the same time, the one-eyed ape man tightened the spear in his hand and shouted, "Get ready to fight!"

The apes rushed behind the one-eyed ape with weapons, but they did not dare to move forward. The tied apes moved back, thinking in their hearts that the devil could eat these apes.

At this time, a majestic voice came to everyone's mind. Whether it was an ape or an ape, they could all hear it clearly.

"They are not betrayers, they just returned to the embrace of the Ape King God. And you, actually believe in the damn four-legged reptiles, you will be punished by the gods!"

A green vine suddenly emerged from the ground and rushed toward the ape-man crazily. Before the one-eyed ape-man could recover, his body was tightly bound by the vine.

The other ape-men were no exception. They were tied up by Teng Man along with the spears in their hands.

In an instant, all the apes lost their ability to resist and fell straight to the ground.

The one-eyed ape-man raised his head and stared at Yan, but saw that the guy's eyes were full of fear, his head was lowered, and he did not dare to move.

The ape who came with Ye Xun stepped on the body of the one-eyed ape and walked towards the tied apes. He directly grabbed the tough teng vine and tore it off with a force. Soon, all the apes recovered. freedom.

After the apes were freed, they all gathered together. They stared at the giant python not far away in fear. It was not until the apes who came with Ye Xun comforted them that they calmed down a little.

The giant python squeezed through the bushes blocking the road, drove directly to the side of the one-eyed ape man, opened its bloody mouth and screamed. The one-eyed ape-man felt a fishy wind coming, and there was a look of deep fear in his eyes. If his whole body was not tied up by the vines, he would have been trembling all over.

Ye Xun jumped off the back of the giant python. At this time, the giant python contracted its muscles and retreated back. Its ferocious head stood behind Ye Xun like a bodyguard.

The one-eyed ape-man was shocked and opened his mouth but did not make any sound.

Ye Xun stopped in front of the one-eyed ape and stared at him condescendingly.

"I am the divine envoy Tlande under the throne of the Ape King. You are all my god's people and you should return to my god's embrace!"

"Impossible, ape-man, I don't know how you controlled that giant snake, but if you anger the great dragon Hols, it will definitely tear you and your pets apart!" The one-eyed ape-man shouted, thinking of the dragon totem, his heart was filled with determination.

Ye Xun didn't take it seriously, "A giant dragon? It's just a weak four-legged reptile. I, Tlande, can easily destroy it without the help of the great ape king god."

Then Ye Xun waved, and the spear in Yan's hand suddenly flew up and shot towards the one-eyed ape man's eye that was not blind. The one-eyed ape man closed his eyes in fear. For a long time, he didn't wait until the spear pierced his eye. The one-eyed ape-man opened his eyes with confusion, only to find that the sharp edge of the spear was staying not far from his eyes, floating there strangely.

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