Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 6 Dome and Advancement

One morning a week later, Ye Xun woke up from his sleep. A gust of wind blew in, causing the oil lamp he hung on the stone wall to flicker.

After a week of Ye Xun's hard work, the stone platform had changed drastically. Two wooden stakes as thick as arms propped up an awning, and at the entrance of the cave he made a simple wall with sticks and mud. Although it didn't look very strong, it was still barely adequate for keeping out wind and rain.

A heavy rain five days ago extinguished the bonfire on the stone platform. During those two days, Ye Xun lived like a newly reborn man. He gnawed raw meat and occasionally ate some fruit. There was not a single dry part of his body. Fortunately, the deerskin short skirt and mandarin jacket he wore continuously radiated heat, otherwise Ye Xun might have caught the wind and cold.

Later, the rain stopped, and Ye Xun began to tidy up the stone platform after practicing. He spent a day making the rain shelter and the windshield wall at the entrance of the cave, and then made an ugly clay pot out of the wet mud from the river. Fire it into a rough clay pot.

Later, when Ye Xun was processing the ingredients, he put the fat in a clay pot and saved it. Two days later, Ye Xun discovered a cotton-like plant in the jungle, brought some cotton back and made it into a wick. From now on, Ye Xun only needs to add grease to the oil lamp on time.

Ye Xun walked out of the cave, stretched out on the stone platform, picked up the spear from the side, and performed a set of stick skills to move his body. After a while, his stomach growled, and he took out a hard mud ball the size of a watermelon from the cave. This is the method of storing physical objects that he has summarized in the past few days. Just like making a beggar's chicken, he wraps various meats and edibles in large leaves, wraps them in wet mud, and buries them under a bonfire for a long time.

Ye Xun arrived outside the stone platform and slammed the mud ball hard. The hard mud shell outside was immediately smashed to pieces. A meaty aroma emanated from the leaves. Ye Xun peeled off the leaves with his hands, picked up the meat inside and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Ye Xun then threw the gnawed bone down the stone platform. The saber-toothed cat that appeared at some point jumped up, bit the bone in its mouth, and started eating it.

After eating and drinking, Ye Xun started a new day of practice. First, he used Tongbei Quan to stretch his muscles and bones, and then he still practiced standing postures. After a week of training, Ye Xun's physical strength has improved a lot and has reached 300 kilograms. You should know that his weight is only more than 60 kilograms.

About an hour later, Ye Xun's body reached its limit and he lay on the stone platform. Ye Xun was breathing heavily, and there was another growl in his stomach. He thought that the training just now had exhausted the energy in his body.

After lying down for a while, Ye Xun entered the cave and took out another mud ball. This was the last food he had stored. After finishing this portion, he had to go out to continue hunting, otherwise he would be hungry at noon today.

After replenishing his strength, Ye Xun lay down on the stone platform to rest for a while, then picked up his spear and climbed down from the stone platform. The saber-toothed tiger on the ground saw him coming down and hurriedly hid in the bushes nearby. Ye Xun had a nonchalant expression. Obviously this was not the first time.

Carrying a spear on his shoulder, Ye Xun walked into the jungle. Today he was going to the territory of the one-horned deer. It happened that he thought the clothes on his body were too small, so he planned to capture an adult one-horned deer so that he could use its skin to make a suitable leather coat.

"Gulu..." "Gulu..."

Ye Xun paused while walking in the jungle, and some slight noises reached his ears. The spiritual power spread out quietly, and Ye Xun followed suit, taking a few steps to reach behind the big tree in front of the shrub.

An oviraptor rolled an egg the size of a watermelon and entered Ye Xun's mental field, looking cautious.

Ye Xun recognized this guy instantly. Two days ago, Ye Xun went to the waterfall to collect fish, and happened to encounter this guy stealing his fish. After that, he also wanted to destroy the vine net he had set up. At that time, Ye Xun chased after him with a spear, but the oviraptor was very fast and disappeared into the jungle in a few clicks.

Ye Xun, who was hiding behind the tree, licked his mouth, jumped over the bushes in an instant, and rushed towards the oviraptor. At the same time, the spear in his hand hit the oviraptor with a whistling sound.

The vigilant oviraptor instantly spotted Ye Xun rushing toward it, dropped the giant egg, and jumped to the side, out of Ye Xun's attack range.

After Ye Xun landed on the ground, he rolled his body to slow down the impact of landing. The spear in his hand was not idle, and he thrust it towards the oviraptor.

The oviraptor screamed in surprise and didn't dare to touch it, so it went straight into the bushes and disappeared. Ye Xun stood up and scanned it with his mental power for a moment. After confirming that the cunning oviraptor had really left, he retracted his spear and picked up the unknown creature's egg.

Ye Xun took the egg in his hand and weighed it. It was quite heavy and felt cold to the touch. He tapped it again with his spear and found that the eggshell was quite thick.

Ye Xun was confused. The largest egg he had ever seen was an ostrich egg. Unexpectedly, he had an egg in his hand that was bigger than an ostrich egg. A creature with such a big egg would probably not be small. Unconsciously, Ye Xun thought of the place where he was reborn. Could this egg be related to there?

It shouldn't be possible. Ye Xun then shook his head. If the dome was really related to that place, the oviraptor might not dare to steal it. After all, he was still a little frightened just thinking about the horror there.

Then Ye Xun picked up the dome and walked towards the mountain wall. With it, Ye Xun's lunch was finally settled. After eating this egg, go to the territory of the one-horned deer in the afternoon.

Ye Xuan went to the stone platform, used a wooden stick to open the bonfire, put the dome inside, and then put some firewood on it.

After doing this, Ye Xun went to the waterfall with his spear and caught two fish in the vine net. After returning, Ye Xun took out the baked eggs from the bonfire, just in time to process the fish, wrap it in leaves and mud, and throw it into the bonfire.

After burying the fish, Ye Xun rolled the giant egg aside and found that the eggshell was still white. Then he touched it with his hand and found that the dome, which had been in the fire for almost an hour, was still cold to the touch.

Is there something special about this dome? With doubts, Ye Xun turned the egg over and over for a long time, but found nothing special except that it was all white.

"Gugu..." At this time, Ye Xun's stomach was bulging. He picked up a stone and smashed it on the egg. He found that only a white mark was left, but a corner of the stone was missing. However, this was not a problem for Ye Xun. He picked up a hard stone and drew a circle along the outer shell, then kept rubbing it and cutting back and forth.

Half an hour later, the stubborn eggshell was finally broken through due to his unremitting efforts. Putting down the stone, Ye Xun inserted his dagger along the gap and pried it hard, and the eggshell on it was lifted like a lid.

Suddenly a fragrance came from the egg, and Ye Xun stood up and looked in through the big hole. I saw a bluish-white egg yolk inside, suspended in the transparent egg white.

This was the first time Ye Xun had seen such egg yolk. He took a little of the egg white with his fingers and put it into his mouth. The taste was a bit thick, and it was ice cold and a bit icy.

Then Ye Xun took a big sip directly on the edge of the eggshell with his mouth, and suddenly a cool feeling slid from his mouth into his throat, and then entered his stomach through his esophagus. Ye Xun suddenly felt a chilling feeling in his heart.

In this hot summer day, Ye Xun felt so comfortable that he drank up all the egg liquid in one go. Then he lay down on the stone platform to rest with his round belly.

After a while, Ye Xun discovered something was wrong. After the egg liquid that entered his stomach was absorbed by his body, a chilly gas rushed through his body as the blood rushed through his body. Ye Xun felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Feeling the cold air rushing through his body, Ye Xun's thoughts were spinning rapidly, "Damn it, let's fight! If you die in a bird's nest or in the sky, if you don't die for tens of millions of years, I don't believe that I can't refine you. !”

Ye Xun stood up from the ground with difficulty and assumed a triangular stance, his chest heaving. At the same time, the mental power in the brain also became active, helping the breathing method to guide the cold air in the blood vessels.

Gradually, the cold air left the blood vessels guided by breathing techniques and mental power, and suddenly violent energy poured into the body of the whole body. Ye Xun felt a chill coming over him, as if his whole body was freezing.

Fortunately, Ye Xun had the cheating artifact of mental power. The moment the cold air entered his body, the muscles all over his body began to tremble continuously, and force after force continued to be generated from the muscles.

The cold air is absorbed through the muscles and converted into mild energy, which is then re-transported to the muscles through the blood vessels. With this virtuous cycle, Ye Xun's pressure was greatly reduced instantly.

The muscles are getting stronger and stronger under the nourishment of strength, and Ye Xun can feel that the strength in his body is constantly improving. At the same time, the bones of his legs began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye under the stimulation of mental guidance. Ye Xun only felt a tearing pain from the body of his legs.

I don't know how long it took, but the cold energy was completely transformed. Ye Xun still didn't take any time off. He was constantly absorbing the transformed energy. Ye Xun's body underwent tremendous changes as his strength was consumed. The most intuitive thing was that his legs had grown by a full ten centimeters.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Xun panted and climbed up from the ground. The severe pain in the muscles of his legs almost made him fall to the ground. At the same time, he was very excited. This time, his physical strength had nearly doubled, reaching 600 kilograms. In addition to his legs, his body has also grown by one section, and his overall height has reached 1.4 meters.

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