Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 5 Cultivation

When Ye Xun woke up, it was already the next morning. He picked a few wild fruits from the tree and climbed down the mountain wall with his spear. Now he has to go out and get some breakfast. He ate all the fish in one go last night, and now he has no choice but to go find some more food.

After coming down from the mountain wall, Ye Xun walked in the jungle holding a spear. After a night, he planned to go to the waterfall to see if there were any fish caught in the vine net, which would save time for hunting.

After walking through the familiar woods, Ye Xun came to the waterfall. In an instant, his mood became less beautiful. The vine net he had strengthened yesterday was gone, leaving only a section of the vine that had been chewed off by the water's edge.

According to Ye Xun's guess, there should be a fish caught in his vine net, but it was discovered by some passing animal and had its beard cut off by him. Although Ye Zong was angry in his heart, there was nothing he could do about it. The jungle was so big that it was difficult to find him, and he might not be able to defeat him even if he found him.


After cursing secretly, Ye Xun could only leave here empty-handed. Carrying the spear, he went to get something else to pad his stomach. Finally, Ye Xun found two jubilant pheasants on a big tree. In line with the principle of not wasting money, Ye Xun climbed up the tree directly. It had to be said that these two pheasants were too stupid to hide when they saw him going up. The two pheasants were still trying to attack him, but Ye Xun stabbed them to death one by one.

Ye Xun, who was about to climb down the tree, accidentally discovered that there was a pheasant's nest next to him. No wonder the pheasants did not run away when they saw him coming up, but dared to rush up and attack. It turned out to be to protect the eggs in the pheasant's nest. Ye Xun counted them carefully and said to himself, "Hey guys, there are ten wild eggs." In this way, Ye Xun not only had breakfast, he didn't even have to worry about lunch.

Although the harvest was not small, the wild eggs were not easy to take away. Ye Xun frowned and disposed of the eggs on the spot in the henhouse. Then Ye Xuncai walked toward the cave with a big pheasant in one hand.

Halfway through, Ye Xun spotted two feathered dinosaurs hunting. The two dinosaurs were not very tall, about the same height as Ye Xun, estimated to be 1.23 meters tall, and they looked very much like the ancestor of birds, the Oviraptor.

Opposite them was an elephant-like creature the size of a wild boar, with long brown hair but no ears as big as an elephant. A long nose kept hitting the oviraptor, making it impossible for the two guys to get close for a while. Moreover, this long-haired elephant barks loudly from time to time, as if calling its companions.


Sure enough, a high-pitched cry suddenly came from the far side of the jungle. The two oviraptors paused for a moment, and then the attacks began to become more fierce. At this time, Ye Xun noticed a tremor on the ground, as if some kind of large creature was running towards here.

Secretly thinking that the thirty-six strategies were the best way to go, Ye Xun suppressed the curiosity in his heart and quickly left here with two big pheasants. Not long after, there was a loud noise from the place where the oviraptor and the mammoth were competing, and it seemed that the entire jungle ground shook.

After a while, the place became quiet, and Ye Xun didn't know what happened in the end. Anyway, it has nothing to do with you, as long as you can survive, nothing else matters.

Ye Xun climbed up the stone platform with two big pheasants and hung them on the fruit trees. Then take out the bone dagger from the cave and climb along the vines on the mountain wall to the ground.

He plans to weave another rattan net and place it at the waterfall so that he can occasionally pick up some fish and change the taste.

So Ye Xun came down and started to cut the vines. The sharp white bone dagger easily cut off the vines. Compared with the first time when the bones were not polished, the dagger this time was undoubtedly much easier. Ye Xun cut a lot of vines in ten minutes. .

After cutting the vines, Ye Xun climbed onto the stone platform and pulled up the vines. He didn't dare to weave a vine net on the ground, otherwise an animal might sneak up on him and his life might be lost.

This time Ye Zong spent an hour weaving the vine net. He also used the extra vines and wooden sticks to make a vine ladder, which made it easier to get up and down the stone platform.

Ye Xun went to the waterfall, rearranged the vine net, moved some stones and placed them on both sides of the vine net, and built two one-meter-high walls to see if he could prevent the fish in the vine net from being eaten.

After doing all this, Ye Xun returned the same way. After arriving at the bottom of the mountain wall, Ye Xun climbed up the stone platform along the newly made vine ladder. Compared with climbing the vines on the mountain wall, the vine ladder was undoubtedly more convenient and faster.

Ye Xun looked at the sun in the sky, it was almost noon. Taking out the bone dagger, Ye Xun processed the two big pheasants, impaled them with wooden sticks, and placed them next to the campfire to roast.

After finishing the pheasant, Ye Xun began to squat on horseback. His muscles all over his body trembled, and a numbing feeling spread throughout his body. After adding the breathing method, Ye Xun's horse steps improved a lot. Because the breathing method can induce qi and blood to relieve muscle fatigue and improve the body's endurance. So before reaching the limit, just control the muscles to continuously generate force.

According to the realm of national martial arts, the limit of pure physical strength is one thousand kilograms, and because Ye Xun has mental strength, he can train his body while cultivating his dark strength. Use mental power to guide dark energy to enhance physical strength. The two complement each other to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

This is like repairing a house. Others repair it first and then sell it for money, but Ye Xun repairs it and sells it at the same time. He can also use the money from the sale to hire more workers to repair the house. Not only is the speed increased, but the final efficiency will be increased by nearly half. You must know that after Ye Xun broke through Ming Jin in his previous life, he directly entered the middle stage of Dark Jin.

While practicing, Ye Xun controlled the vibration frequency of the body's muscles while performing the breathing method, and weak strength was generated from the muscles one after another. Ye Xun's mental power guides these forces into the blood vessels, combines with the energy converted from food, and is finally absorbed by the muscles to enhance the body's strength.

Half an hour later, Ye Xun exhausted all the energy stored in his body and his stomach began to growl again. He stopped practicing and turned over the two big birds roasting on the campfire. I picked a wild fruit from the tree to relieve my hunger.

At this time, the two saber-toothed cats from yesterday appeared under the mountain wall again. They looked at the stone platform where Ye Xun was sitting and let out a low growl, as if they were greeting Ye Xun and saying that they were coming.

Ye Xun looked down at the saber-toothed cats on the ground, twisted off the heads and necks of the two birds with his hands, and then threw them at the two saber-toothed cats. In Ye Xun's opinion, the bird heads didn't have much meat anyway. It doesn't have much energy after eating it, so it's better to throw it away and feed it to two saber-toothed cats.

Although Ye Xun didn't like the bird's head, the two saber-toothed cats liked it very much. The moment the bird's head landed, the two saber-toothed cats swooped over and opened their mouths, so that the two heads were evenly divided.

With a burst of chewing sounds, the two saber-toothed cats instantly solved the bird's head and neck. Then the two saber-toothed cats stood on the ground and looked at the stone platform, looking like they were still unfinished.

Ye Xun was a little funny. He hadn't even eaten yet, but these two beasts tasted it first and looked like they were still unsatisfied. So Ye Xun picked up a barbecue and shook it by the stone platform, jealous of the two saber-toothed cats.

The saber-toothed cat roared, looking at the barbecue in Ye Xun's hand with a hint of greed in his eyes. One of them licked its mouth, lowered its body and prepared to rush towards the mountain wall.

Ye Xun picked up the spear on the side nonchalantly. From such a high place, it was still a problem for the saber-toothed cat to get up. Even if he could get up, he could still pierce the saber-toothed cat's throat with a spear the moment it climbed onto the stone platform.

Unable to withstand the temptation, the saber-toothed cat jumped onto the stone wall, but because its claws were too sharp, the vines were easily broken by it, and its body was unable to use its strength, so it had no choice but to fall to the ground.

Unwilling to be reconciled, the saber-toothed cat continued to try several times, making a mess of vines on the stone wall. Ye Xun couldn't stand it. Are you climbing a mountain, or are you destroying my stairs? So Ye Xun directly picked up a stone and threw it at the saber-toothed cat.

Now the guy was honest and no longer climbed the stone wall, but his eyes were still staring at Ye Xun, obviously he had a grudge against him.

Ye Xun was not angry, and continued to shake the barbecue in his hand, pulled off a bird leg and ate it. Then Ye Xun threw the almost-gnawed bones to another saber-toothed cat, which looked at it eagerly.

After finishing a whole roast chicken, Ye Xun continued to practice. His body had not reached its limit today, so he naturally would not stop practicing. In this dangerous jungle, if you want to avoid becoming food for others, you must only make yourself stronger. The only way to make Ye Xun stronger is to practice, so he can't relax and can't afford to waste it.

The two saber-toothed cats under the mountain wall kept growling lowly, trying to get more barbecue bones from Ye Xun. However, they were destined to be disappointed. Ye Xun, who was practicing, ignored them. After waiting for a long time, the two saber-toothed cats finally couldn't stand their hunger and left.

Ye Xun's body on the stone platform reached its limit, and he staggered and lay on the ground. This time the practice drained the energy out of the body again, and his stomach growled again. Ye Xun raised his aching right hand, took the roast chicken roasting by the campfire, opened his mouth and gobbled it up.

More than ten minutes later, Ye Xun finished eating the roast chicken and his stomach was almost full. Then he lay down in the cave to rest and wait for his physical strength to recover.

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