Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 55 Transforming the Black Rock Tribe (please collect and recommend)

All the apes were stunned. They couldn't believe their eyes that an ape could actually ride on the back of the totem beast. The temperament of the totem beast. The apes of the Black Rock Tribe all know that during a sacrificial ceremony, an ape sneezed. The giant totem beast that was enjoying the feast became furious and slapped the apes on the ground with its four arms, quickly slapping down dozens of apes. Just this impact made Ye Xun's figure deeply imprinted into the minds of the apes.

Erduo shouted in disbelief, "Oh my God, the giant totem beast was actually subdued by the Ape King God. This terrifying guy was actually subdued..."

Pan also couldn't believe it. In terms of size, the totem beast could kill an ape with one slap. It turned out that Ye Xun, who was just a little taller than an ordinary ape, could actually make it surrender. This was simply incredible. The visual impact is so great that it cannot be described in words.

Ye Xun naturally understands this truth. Just like comparing a million in a bank card to a million in cash in front of him, the impact cannot be compared at all. That's why he deliberately went to see the totem beast. He could kill it if he couldn't subdue it. As long as he got it back, he could easily scare these apes.

Scar and the apes of the Rock Tribe calmed down, and even put away the spears they were holding tightly in their hands. To them, this was just a small scene. They had killed the totem giant with Ye Xun. I have seen all the scenes of beasts, that’s what it’s called exciting.

Under Ye Xun's deliberate order, Buffett was so depressed that he performed various actions, just like playing monkey tricks. The apes below were stunned to see it, and a few of them still clapped their hands and applauded. Buffett got angry, but before he could get angry, he was slapped by Ye Xun and fell to the ground. He couldn't get up for a long time.

Changya fell to the ground and held his belly in his hands, grinning widely. This guy totally thought he was watching a good show. But Buffett didn't dare to move. He was afraid that if he moved, he would be beaten again.

Soon, Ye Xun finished his monkey trick and ordered Buffett to go out and hunt for some blood food. Ye Xun was not afraid of it escaping. As long as the long fang was there, it could not escape from his grasp. It just so happened that Ye Xun still lacked the power core of a level three ferocious beast. If Buffett escaped, he could kill it with peace of mind and use its power core to attack the later stage of energy transformation.

Buffett happily accepted this task and walked deep into the jungle with heavy steps. As for escaping, it absolutely did not dare. For the sake of its own life, it wisely chose to do as Ye Xun said. It was originally an ordinary lizard. After accidentally eating something, it opened up its intelligence. It lived cautiously in this jungle.

Unknowingly, its timidity and fear of death saved it countless times. Gradually, it grew to the level of a third-level ferocious beast. Only then was it adopted as a totem beast by the nearby Black Rock Tribe. However, it was only a totem beast in the Black Rock Tribe. Just take action when there is danger. On weekdays, it just sleeps in its lair and waits for food sacrifices from the Black Rock Tribe.

In the jungle, after wandering around for a long time, Buffett finally found his target. A multi-horned rhinoceros that was five meters high and more than seven meters long came into his sight. However, Buffett was too big to approach quietly, so the multi-horned rhinoceros turned around and ran away when he heard Buffett's footsteps. Its huge size squeezed through the bushes and small trees in the jungle, and kept running towards the distance.

"Damn it, you actually want to run away!" Buffett's narrow pupils shrank, and he instantly locked onto the multi-horned rhino's escape route, and then pursued it with huge steps. Buffett's body has undergone mutations, from walking on four limbs to a body structure that can walk upright. Even two arms have grown on his shoulders. Its body was covered with blue-gray scales, and the trees blocking the road were unable to break the defense of the scales, but were easily broken by it.

Soon, Buffett caught up with the multi-horned rhinoceros that was escaping in the jungle. Its huge mouth opened and bit into the multi-horned rhino's neck. At this time, the multi-horned rhino's body was filled with fluctuations of earth elements. It turned around and opened its mouth to spit out a flow of dark brown mud.

With a bang, Buffett, who had no time to dodge, was hit by the mudslide. The stones mixed in the soil hit its scales, making a sound of metal collision. The angry Buffett roared, and the rich wind element spurted out from its mouth, turning into a huge wind blade.

Before the multi-horned rhinoceros could react, its head was severed by the wind blade. Its body ran forward for dozens of meters before falling to the ground and sliding.

Buffett stopped and roared on the spot, venting his anger, and then threw the dead polygonal rhinoceros on his back with his thick arms. He thought that such a big polygonal rhinoceros should be enough for the apes to eat. .

Soon, Buffett returned to the territory of the Black Rock Tribe, carrying a multi-horned rhinoceros and a one-horned deer on its back. The one-horned deer was met by Buffett on the road. Not wanting to be beaten, Buffett killed the one-horned deer that had finally grown to the second level.

As Buffett put down the multi-horned rhinoceros and the one-horned deer, the apes were all excited. Not to mention eating these giant beasts, they had never seen them. In fact, it should be said that the apes who had seen them were all dead. .

Ye Xun nodded, very satisfied with Buffett's performance, at least it did not take advantage of this opportunity to escape. Then Ye Xun arranged for Scar to deal with the two second-level ferocious beasts, while he jumped up to the big tree next to him alone.

Ye Xun just tapped his toes, and his body climbed upwards like a cannonball. After a while, he stood on the top of the huge ancient tree.

Ye Xun looked into the distance. Everything he could see was covered by forest, and he couldn't see the boundary at all. At the limit of his vision in the distance, he saw something vaguely rising from the ground to the sky. Because it was too far away, he could not see the boundary. Even the enhanced vision cannot see clearly.

After enjoying the scenery at the top of the tree for a while, Ye Xun simply sat there cross-legged and began to practice meditation. A trace of the power of faith as thin as hair floated from the bottom of the tree. It was the power of faith generated by the apes of the Black Rock Tribe.

As Ye Xun practiced, the apes under the tree were busy, but under the leadership of Scar, they were all in an orderly manner. Some collected firewood, and some processed the carcasses of multi-horned rhinoceros and one-horned deer.

Soon, all the apes were eating barbecue made from the meat of the second-level ferocious beast. Buffett was also very happy. The apes gave him a quarter of a multi-horned rhinoceros and a quarter of a one-horned deer. Buffett moved all four arms together, grabbed two large pieces of barbecue and put them into his mouth. I don’t know if it was so delicious that Buffett even ate the bones in the barbecue.

After the apes had eaten and drank enough, Scar arranged for the apes to start transforming the place. Ye Xun also thought about taking these apes back to the rock tribe, but there were countless apes in the forest. Do they all have to gather together? Ye Xun simply built villages and towns just like the world in his previous life. As for the power core of the two ferocious beasts, Ye Xun transformed it into energy and transmitted it to Scar and Longtooth, subtly strengthening their bodies.

Buffett tasted the sweetness of barbecue, and also helped dig out the soil and the foundation of the wall. In just half a day, Buffett dug out a super large circular foundation. Then Buffett began to clean up the trees in the circle. He saw it hugging a tree with its four arms, exerting force with its body, and instantly uprooted the tree.

The apes work together to collect grass leaves and dead branches under the snow. Since Buffett had dug up a lot of dirt and piled it there, they didn't have to dig out the dirt for a short time. After the other apes got the water back, Scar led them to start building the wall.

The apes were busy until night before they stopped building the wall. In order to get barbecue, Buffett went out twice more when it was getting dark. It wasn't until he got more than thirty ordinary beasts back that he lay down on the ground and took a nap.

It was completely dark, and Scar took out the glowing stone brought from the Rock Tribe. In an instant, a dozen luminous stones drove away the darkness nearby.

In the clearing cleared by Buffett, the apes built a huge bonfire, and seven or eight various animals were roasted beside it. Now the ape king Amba no longer looks aloof, he follows Scar to help. Anba was also helpless. Even the tribe's totem beast had surrendered, so who was he to say no? But what makes him happy is that he can finally eat delicious barbecue every day.

Soon, the apes were full and they gathered around the campfire to keep warm. Since the fire went out a month ago, some of the thin apes in the tribe have been eliminated.

Ye Xun sat cross-legged on the tree and continued to practice meditation. As for his own statue, he planned to carve it after the territory was established.

Gradually, the night became darker and darker, and all the apes fell into a deep sleep. With the campfire to keep warm, the apes all slept comfortably. Buffett didn't leave here either, lying directly under the big tree where Ye Xun was sitting cross-legged to sleep. With it here, nocturnal predators would dare to come.

Soon dawn came, and the apes began to work again. With yesterday's experience, the apes of the Black Rock Tribe knew their jobs. Today, under the leadership of Scar, they quickly went to their posts.

With the hard work of more than 300 apes and spending more than half a month, the territory of the Black Rock Tribe was finally successfully constructed. Like the Rock Tribe, it was divided into four pieces, except for the temple in the middle. A huge open space.

Buffett's home was also moved here. Because of its size, the main roads in the territory had to be wide. And its nest is also surprisingly large. In those low earth houses, it looks like it stands out from the crowd.

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