Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 54 Totem also has to lie down for me (please collect and recommend)

Soon, all the barbecue was consumed. Due to the large number of apes in the Black Rock Tribe, fourteen one-horned deer were not enough to eat, and many apes were still not full.

This is what Ye Xun wants. If you are full of food, it will no longer be food, and its appeal will naturally be greatly reduced. Nowadays, the apes are eager for barbecue and want to get barbecue. In their hearts, there is only barbecue left.

"Do you still want to eat barbecue? Do you want to eat all you can eat barbecue?"

Ye Xun's spiritual power enveloped all the apes, and his majestic voice sounded in the hearts of the apes.

When the apes heard about the barbecue, their eyes turned red, and they roared with excitement. "Yes! Yes! We want barbecue! We want all-you-can-eat barbecue!"

"Then come and believe in me, praise me in your heart, and call me all the time. I, the Ape King God, will give you delicious barbecue..."

Ye Xun's mental power continued to bewitch and seduce the apes.

"Ape King God! Ape King God! Ape King God!"

The apes began to cheer, with only the words "Barbecue" and "Ape King God" remaining in their hearts. The heads of a few apes began to surge with the power of faith, but it was not strong.

Ye Xun secretly said that he was still a little overheated, and then sent a message to Scar. So Scar stood up under his instruction and started shouting loudly. "Praise the Ape King God! You have given us light, food, and strength. Praise the Ape King God! Thank you for your selflessness, thank you for your protection, thank you for everything you have given us..."

Scar's voice carried far away, and almost all the apes could hear it, so they followed Scar's voice and began to praise Ye Xun and thank Ye Xun.

This time, the power of faith was condensed on the tops of most of the apes' heads. They were tumbling over the heads of the apes. When they gathered to a certain extent, the countless power of faith pulled out countless filaments and floated towards Ye Xun's head. Soon, all the power of faith gathered by more than three hundred apes entered Ye Xun's mind.

Ye Xun half-squinted his eyes and was in a very good mood, but in order to consolidate his position in the hearts of the apes of the Black Rock Tribe, he planned to meet the totem beast in the tribe.

"Anba, take me to meet the totem beast of your tribe!"

"I will obey the will of the Ape King God." Anba responded respectfully,

Later, Ye Xun followed Anba and left here. Scar and the others originally wanted to follow, but Ye Xun ordered them to stay here, and Scar could only obey the order.

Anba was walking in front and broke into a cold sweat. The totem beast in front of him was not a good-tempered master. He might have disturbed its dormancy and slapped himself to death.

Seeing the totem beast's lair getting closer and closer, Anba wanted to run away, but due to Ye Xun behind him, he had no choice but to bite the bullet. He was afraid of angering Ye Xun and being cut into a pile of minced meat by the strange invisible blade.

"Amba, wait for me here..."

Just when Anba was scared to death, a majestic voice sounded in his head. His feet softened and he collapsed directly on the ground.

Ye Xun didn't care about him. He moved his feet and jumped over easily. In his mental perception, a lizard covered with scales and with four forelimbs was taking a nap underground. Judging from the size, this giant lizard beast is just an ordinary overlord-level ferocious beast. Compared with the giant python and the ecstasy flower in the ruins, it is much weaker.

Ye Xun came to the top of the giant lizard beast and directly gathered a force of energy to stamp on the ground. With a bang, a huge hole was dented in the ground. In the soil, a silver-white energy surged towards the sleeping giant lizard beast.

Buffett was awakened from his sleep by a loud noise, and then a strange force surged over him, causing his skin to tingle. Buffett was so angry that his huge body twisted and struggled out of the soil.

"Humble ape! How dare you disturb the great Buffett from his rest! I will shoot you to pieces!"

Buffett stared at Ye Xun with his huge eyes, blew out a stream of air from his nostrils, and slapped Ye Xun with his huge palm.

Ye Xun did not dodge, his consciousness moved, the energy in his body circulated, he raised his right hand and struck towards the giant palm that covered the sky.


A loud noise was heard in the distance, and a terrifying air current surged in the air, causing the trees everywhere to sway.

Buffett felt a huge pain in the palm of his hand, and there was a look of disbelief in his huge eyes. He couldn't understand why this weak ape wasn't flattened by him and even hurt his palm.

"Little reptile! Surrender or be destroyed!"

At this time, a majestic voice sounded in Buffett's mind, and at the same time, a terrifying aura erupted from Ye Xun's body. Buffett's eyes widened and he stared at the little guy in front of him in disbelief. He couldn't believe that the terrifying momentum was caused by him.

"Little reptile! How dare you ignore me? In this case, I will grant you destruction!"

Ye Xun saw that the giant lizard beast was stunned. He directly imitated the tone of voice of the god in the movie of his previous life. At the same time, with a movement of his mental power, his body began to expand to a huge size. In just a moment, Ye Xun's body became four meters tall, and an even more terrifying aura erupted from his body.

Buffett's heart contracted violently, and a fear filled the bottom of his heart. He felt a huge pressure pressing down on his body like a mountain, and even the temperature nearby dropped a lot.


Buffett roared angrily, trying to drive away the fear in his heart, but his body fell to the ground instead. Then Buffett gave up the resistance. This terrifying aura could only be possessed by a fourth-level ferocious beast, so it trembled and lowered its proud head.

"Great God, Buffett is willing to surrender!"

"Very good! Buffett, your choice is wise!"

Ye Xun nodded in appreciation. Originally, he planned to beat the giant lizard beast violently. If it didn't surrender, he would kill it directly to improve his strength.

In the distance, Anba was horrified as he watched the self-proclaimed ape king stamp down a piece of ground, waking up the giant totem beast from the soil.

The furious totem beast raised its huge palm and slapped the ape king god, and Anba covered his eyes in fear. He knew that the ape could not bear the totem's slap, but the result was beyond his expectation. After a roar, Amba released his hands, only to find the ape king standing there unharmed. Instead, the totem beast covered his hands with a look of horror and disbelief in his eyes.

Anba held his breath and stared over there without blinking. He was afraid that if he blinked, he would miss something wonderful.

Just when Anba couldn't help but blink, the body of the ape king in the distance more than doubled strangely, and his body was almost half the size of the totem beast. Suddenly, a terrifying pressure hit him, and with a snap, Anba fell to the ground.

Anba felt that his body could not move, and his heart was full of ghosts. Could he be dying here? No! Lord Ape King, help me! I don't want to die yet!

Just when Anba felt like he was going to die, the pressure suddenly dissipated. He felt that his body could move again, and he quickly got up from the ground. Suddenly, his body froze, and his eyes stared at the totem beast with an expression of disbelief.

The giant totem beast actually knelt down before the ape king god and lowered its proud head. Is this still the incomparably powerful totem beast? In Anba's view, the ape king just stamped his foot, threw a punch, and then his body expanded to a huge size. The totem beast that could easily destroy a tribe surrendered.


The sound of huge footsteps came, awakening the shocked Anba. He quickly knelt down and shouted, "Great Ape King God! Congratulations on conquering the totem beast!"

Buffett, who was walking, stopped, blew out a stream of air from his nostrils, and roared, "Humble ape, you are blocking my way, the great Buffett will give you destruction..."

Before Buffett could finish showing off, Ye Xun gathered all his energy and slapped it on the head.

"Humble little reptile! Do you dare to claim to be great in front of this God?"

The two arms on Buffett's shoulders quickly hugged his head, his eyes filled with grievances, "Great Ape King God, I don't dare anymore..."

As a result, he was greeted with another slap.

"Little reptile, if I see you bullying an ape, I will chop you up!"

Buffett quickly begged for mercy, "I don't dare anymore. Great Ape King God, stop fighting. I was wrong... I was really wrong..."

Anba was so frightened that he couldn't move. He thought he was dead when he heard the totem beast's words. Unexpectedly, the ape king slapped it twice, and the totem beast shouted for mercy.

Then Ye Xun said to Buffett, "Little reptile, take Anba with you, let's go to the territory of the Black Rock Tribe!"

Buffett quickly said respectfully, "Yes, the great ape king..."

After speaking, Buffett waved his arm on his right shoulder and caught Amba on the ground in his hand. Anba screamed in fear, thinking that he would be crushed to death by the giant totem beast. As a result, he struggled and screamed for a while, and found that the totem beast did not crush him to death, but instead led him towards the territory.

In the territory of the Black Rock Tribe, all the apes stayed there. Without the order of the Monkey King, they did not dare to leave there.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound came from a distance, and the apes made a commotion, and they hugged each other in twos and threes in fear. The apes of Scar and the Rock tribe did not panic, but they all took up weapons.

Not long after, a ferocious head appeared, and the apes of the Black Rock Tribe shivered in fear. They naturally recognize this huge head, it is the totem beast of their tribe. However, this totem beast is not a kind person, and once killed dozens of their tribesmen in a rage.

As the totem beast continued to move forward, the apes discovered the monkey king Amba, who was being held in its hands. The apes were so frightened that even the monkey king was captured by the totem beast. I was afraid that their tribe was about to perish. The anger of the totem beast was not something that apes like them could bear.

At this time, the totem beast suddenly put down Amba in his hand without harming him, and the apes breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the totem beast lowered its proud head, and a not tall figure walked along its neck to the top of its head, and finally crossed to the ground.

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