Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 51 Monkey King Amba’s decision (please collect and recommend)

The apes didn't dare to express their anger and waited quietly, waiting for the Monkey King's decision.

After a long time, the Monkey King finally said, "Uh, Duo, you said that the Rock Tribe taught you how to make something called barbecue. Why don't you try it here? I am very interested in this."

Erduo didn't understand what the Monkey King was paying attention to, but since the Monkey King had orders, he would naturally follow them. So Erduo said to the Monkey King, "King, this requires a lot of dead branches. I will take people to pick them up."

Pan next to him immediately stopped him and said, "It's not a bother, captain, just let me take people to collect dead branches."

The Monkey King nodded and agreed with Pan's suggestion. Erduo didn't object. It happened that he needed time to process the crocodile and tiger, and then marinated it.

He stood up and came to Erduo's side, and whispered, "Captain Erduo, help me get some barbecue tonight." After saying that, without waiting for Erduo to react, he waved and left with a dozen guarding apes.

Er Duo smiled bitterly, took out Scar and gave him sharp teeth, and began to process the one-horned deer carcass next to him.

Erduo was just doing it for the first time, so he didn't do it very quickly, but when Pan led the apes to get the dry branches back, he had just finished processing the one-horned deer's fur and internal organs. He then cut the thicker part of the one-horned deer meat, sprinkled some salt on it, and marinated the one-horned deer. Among the rock tribes, he saw the apes roasting a whole animal in this way.

The Monkey King was a little curious about what Duo sprinkled on the venison. He came over and dipped a little of it into his mouth. Suddenly, a salty and bitter taste spread in his mouth. He quickly had someone bring him some water to drink. Dropped it, and then I felt better.

The Monkey King was very confused, could such a delicious barbecue really be made from such an unpalatable food?

After the one-horned deer was marinated, he started to use wooden sticks to start a fire. The monkey king is like a curious baby, spinning the stick around. However, the Monkey King did not say anything. He was worried that it would affect Er Duo, and it would be terrible if he couldn't make that kind of delicious barbecue.

Not long after, green smoke came out of the wooden stick. Well, I wish I knew better. Not only did the movements of my hands not decrease, but they actually increased a lot.

After a while, Erduo threw away the wooden stick in his hand and quickly placed some fine velvet grass leaves pulled from nearby on Mars. Not daring to delay, Erduo quickly lowered his head and blew air near Mars.


A group of flames burned, startling the monkey king next to him. Then a hint of excitement appeared in the monkey king's eyes. The last time the tribe's flames were extinguished more than a month ago, they thought they wouldn't be able to get flames to keep warm this winter. Didn't find it? Now that I can make the flames with two sticks, it's amazing.

The flames started to burn, and Erduo quickly put a lot of firewood into it. Wanting to roast such a big one-horned deer was not something that a small bonfire could do. Erduo Ke clearly remembers how big the bonfire in the Rock Tribe was, and they could grill six one-horned deer at the same time without feeling crowded.

After setting up the bonfire, Erduo called the apes to carry the one-horned deer onto the bonfire and propped it up with wooden sticks prepared in advance. Er, keep turning the one-horned deer to heat it evenly. Soon, the water on the surface of the one-horned deer will dry out. Er, take out the bamboo tube, pry out some animal fat that has solidified into white, and apply it evenly on the one-horned deer.

Suddenly, a strong smell of meat began to spread, and all the apes present swallowed their saliva. The Monkey King was even more excited. He smelled the aroma of barbecue and seemed to see those earthen houses and walls that Erduo mentioned.

Two hours later, Erdo used sharp animal teeth to cut open the one-horned deer's meat and found that the blood-red color inside had disappeared. He concluded that the roasted meat was already cooked, and quickly called two apes over to get the roasted deer down.

The monkey king jumped over excitedly, couldn't wait to tear off a piece of barbecue, and put it directly into his mouth without caring whether it was hot or not.

"It's so delicious..." the Monkey King exclaimed exaggeratedly.

At this time, the ground suddenly began to shake, and a huge head stretched out from behind the tree next to it.


The head opened its mouth and roared. The apes quickly knelt down on the ground, including the monkey king.

"Great Totem Lord, I wonder what you have ordered here..." The monkey king lay on the ground and chattered in a language that other apes could not understand.

The giant totem beast said, "I smell something delicious. Humble apes, please offer me that thing quickly!" Its voice was irresistible.

The monkey king endured the heartache and waved his hand, asking the apes to carry the roasted deer to the totem beast.

The giant totem beast opened its mouth and bit into the one-horned deer, clicking and chewing it in its mouth. "It's so delicious. I have never eaten anything so delicious." The totem beast praised in his heart.

Within a moment, the one-horned deer was swallowed by the totem beast, and it licked its mouth with some lingering thoughts. The huge eyes looked around to see if there was any such delicious food. But it was disappointed. Apart from the apes, there were only a few carcasses of one-horned deer on the ground. These things were definitely not the things they had just eaten.

The giant totem beast blew out a stream of air from its nostrils and said angrily, "Amba! Hand over the things you hid, I can smell them!"

Anba is the name of the Monkey King. When he heard the totem beast calling him, the Monkey King's heart couldn't help but contract violently. In the end, he could only grit his teeth and let the apes take out the remaining barbecue from the fur bundle.

The Totem Beast's eyes lit up. It was just trying to scare the Monkey King, but it didn't expect that the Monkey King was really hiding that thing. The totem beast was in a great mood and ate all the barbecue in the fur bundle in one bite. However, it has not eaten for a month. Although it does not consume much energy by dormant in the cave, it is still difficult to fill its stomach, at least not with the little barbecue it eats.

"Amba, is there anything else? I feel so hungry..." the totem beast said, patting his belly.

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the Monkey King. There was nowhere for him to get barbecue, so he just said bravely, "Master Totem, there is no barbecue anymore. If you like to eat, Anba will definitely prepare enough barbecue for the next sacrifice ceremony..." …”

The giant totem beast savored the taste in his mouth and said with some disappointment, "Okay, Anba, I want the barbecue that Shitou just had..." Then the conversation changed, "If I can't see it, you just wait. I slapped it flat." At the same time, the totem beast raised a huge palm and slapped it heavily on the ground.

There was a roar, and the ground shook. After the totem beast raised its palm, a huge handprint suddenly appeared on the ground.

Then the totem beast took heavy steps and left here step by step, returning to its cave to continue sleeping. Unless it waits for the next sacrifice ceremony or the ape tribe is in danger, it will not wake up easily. As for today, it was totally an exception. It happened to feel hungry and was ready to go out to find something to eat. Unexpectedly, he smelled a strong fragrance, which attracted him.

The Monkey King was depressed because all his barbecue was gone, but there was nothing he could do. This totem beast is like a god in the Black Rock Tribe. Every once in a while, they would sacrifice some blood food to the totem beast in exchange for the totem beast's protection. It's like a deal, I provide you with food and you keep me safe.

When the giant totem beast's footsteps disappeared, the Monkey King quickly said to Er Duo, "Uh Duo, let's bake some barbecue again. Pan, you lead the guard team to get some dry branches and come back!"

"Yes, King!" Erduo and Pan agreed, and then began to do their own work.

It took more than two hours, and the barbecue was ready again. After nearly five hours, the Monkey King was hungry again. It was already midnight, but with the bonfire shining, the woodland was not dark.

The Monkey King quickly filled his stomach. He looked at the remaining barbecue and then at the eager apes nearby. Finally, the Monkey King gritted his teeth and said, "Well, it's good to make more barbecue. I will reward him with the remaining barbecue!"

When the apes heard this, their heads turned, and they all stared eagerly again. Erduo smiled bitterly and had to use animal teeth to cut the roast into pieces, and then distributed them to the apes.

Pan quickly ran over and said, "Oh, there's so much, give me a piece quickly, I'm starving to death..."

Er, without any nonsense, he took off a piece of meat and threw it on the plate. Pan held the barbecue with joy and started eating it with big mouthfuls. Pan thought this thing called barbecue was so delicious, better than anything he had ever eaten. "It would be great if I could eat it every day." Pan thought to himself, "In order to barbecue, I have to find a way to get the king to agree to the conditions of the Rock Tribe. Anyway, it will not be a disadvantage to our tribe, and we can still eat such good food every day."

The apes all got their own barbecue and ate happily. At this time, his stomach growled loudly, and he quickly got himself a piece of meat to eat. I don’t know if I’m hungry, or if my skills have improved, but I think this barbecue is much more delicious than the one in the Rock Tribe.

Before long, the roasted deer was eaten up by the apes, and not even a trace of meat on the bones was left.

The Monkey King sat on the tree and said to Er Duo and Pan, "Uh Duo, Pan, you two come here. I want to see what your opinions are about the Rock Tribe."

Erduo said, "King, I still insist on this matter. I hope the king can agree to the conditions of the Rock Tribe, so that our tribe can become stronger."

Pan Ye said, "King, I think what you said is very reasonable. I also ask the king to agree to the conditions of the Rock Tribe..."

"Please agree with the king..." The apes knelt on the ground and said in unison. They are all conquered by barbecue, and they are willing to go all out in order to eat barbecue every day.

The Monkey King pondered, the conditions of the Rock Tribe were indeed very attractive, but in three days there would be a sacrifice ceremony for the giant totem beast, and they had to find a way to get enough barbecue. So the Monkey King said, "I have decided to agree to the conditions of the Rock Tribe! Tomorrow morning, uh, take more people to talk to the people of the Rock Tribe and find a way to get ten roasted one-horned deer back, otherwise we will not be able to withstand the anger of Lord Totem." .”

"Yes, King!" Erduo responded respectfully.

The apes screamed excitedly and kept calling Wang Wang Wang in their mouths, as if they had seen the beautiful days of eating barbecue every day.

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