Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 50 Conquered by BBQ (please collect and recommend)

On the way, the apes walked cautiously. Fortunately, the barbecues were wrapped tightly in animal furs by Scar before leaving, so they could not emit any fragrance. Otherwise, I am afraid that many carnivores will be attracted along the way.

"Captain, I'm so hungry after walking all the way. Can you share some barbecue for everyone?" An ape holding a spear walked up, staring closely at the barbecue carried by the apes in front.

Er Duo knocked on his head, "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat. This is brought back to the Monkey King. If you eat them all, what else will the Monkey King eat? How will the King of the Rock Tribe be completed? Something to explain?"

The ape lowered his head when he heard this, and the monkey next to him couldn't help but look at the fur bundle containing the barbecue and said. "The captain is right. Let's endure it for a while and complete the task. From now on, we can eat barbecue every day."

There was a twinkle in the eyes of the other ape, "Captain, it seems that the totem beasts of the Rock Tribe are not strong. Why don't we go up to the Monkey King and invite the Totem Lord to capture the Rock Tribe..."

Snapped! Well, I turned around and slapped the ape on the head, "The Rock Tribe is not as simple as you think! Their king is very mysterious, and his aura gives me the feeling that he is more tyrannical than the totem master of our tribe!" Uh Naturally, Duoxin didn't want to see this scene. After all, his brother Kara was still in that tribe.

"Breathe..." The apes took a deep breath. Some of them didn't believe it. Well, if there are many, the apes can grow to be on par with the totem beasts? This is obviously impossible. If the apes can really emerge as strong as this, they won't need to rely on overlord-level totem beasts to survive.

Well, there is no need to explain. At least in his opinion, the mysterious king of the rock tribe is no worse than the overlord-level ferocious beast.

The apes have their own thoughts, but they all revolve around the barbecue. As for what they want to say, they forget about it. They believed everything else, except for the king of the rock tribe, they did not believe that any ape could compete with the overlord-level totem beast.

The sky is getting dark, and many teams have arrived at their destination. When the apes of the Black Rock Tribe saw the hunting team coming back, they unconsciously surrounded them. When they saw the apes of the hunting team carrying seven one-horned deer, they all cheered loudly.

"Er Duo, that's great! I didn't expect you to gain so much!" An ape about the same height as Er Duo squeezed past the apes and came to Er Duo's side and said. He is Pan, the guard captain left behind by the tribe. The entire group of young and strong apes, except the hunting team, is all under his control.

Erduo grinned, "Pan, take me to see the king quickly. I got some good things this time. I think the king will definitely be interested!"

"Good thing? What is that?" Pan was a little curious, "Can you let me take a look first?"

Erduo grinned and said with some pretense, "Originally, I brought this back to the king, but since you take good care of me, I'll give it to you, but you have to keep it a secret for the time being, otherwise... be careful of the king. punish you!"

Pan nodded nonchalantly. It was not like he had never eaten anything brought back by the hunting team. Due to his achievements, Wang always turned a blind eye and never punished him.

Er Tajian Pan nodded in agreement, and then he pulled out a small piece of barbecue from the fur bundle, and then handed it to Pan carefully. The whole process was like being a thief, but this was not hidden from the apes in the hunting team. They all stared at the plate eagerly. It made Pan look embarrassed, and at the same time he was also curious in his heart, what on earth could this be that could actually make the apes in the hunting team look like this.

Immediately, with the man-eating eyes of the ape in the hunting team, he threw the thing handed over by Erduo into his mouth. Pan was stunned for a moment, and he instantly understood why the apes in the hunting team looked at him like that. It tasted so delicious, better than anything he had ever eaten.

"That's great...this...wuwu..." Pan couldn't help but open his mouth, but unexpectedly, Erduo covered his mouth with his hand. He couldn't say the next words and could only make a whining sound.

This action attracted the attention of the apes, who all stared at Erduo and Pan. Pan then closed his mouth, and then took Erduo to prepare to see the Monkey King.

Along the way, there were fewer and fewer apes, with only one or two guarding apes left nearby. Pan whispered in Er Duo's ear, "Uh Duo, what was that just now? Can you... give me some? I ate too fast just now, and I haven't tasted it yet."

Erduo said, "Yes, there is, but this is for the king, so don't think about it, otherwise the brothers in the hunting team will not agree!"

Pan looked around, and sure enough, all the apes in the hunting team were staring at him. Pan was confused, why not just eat some barbecue? Anyway, it’s all prepared for the king, and you can’t eat it, so why can’t you let me eat some. Then he was stunned again. How could the apes in the hunting team resist the smell of that thing?

"That's not right. This food is so delicious, why didn't you eat it secretly?" He asked, expressing his doubts.

Erduo said, "We have never eaten the barbecue here, but unlike you, you have no self-control at all!" But Erduo added in his heart, "We can eat all the other barbecues!"

"Yes, I endure it in order to be able to eat barbecue every day in the future!"

"Yes! We've all endured it, so Chief Pan, please don't be careful with this barbecue, otherwise our brothers in the hunting team will not agree!"


The apes in the hunting team cheered.

Pan was stunned, what does it mean to be able to eat barbecue every day in the future? What does this have to do with me eating it secretly? Besides, what is that barbecue?

Then Er Duo briefly talked to Pan. Suddenly, Pan was shocked. The delicious food was actually called barbecue, and it was baked with blood food. What shocked Pan even more was that there were apes that could grow to be as powerful as the totem. This was simply a fantasy.

In any case, Pan has temporarily given up the idea of ​​eating barbecue. I plan to meet the Monkey Queen, and I'm thinking of ways to get some to eat. Looking at such a big fur bundle, I thought there was a lot of barbecue in it, and the Monkey King would probably not be able to finish it all.

Not long after, Pan led the hunting team into the area where the Monkey King was. There is a huge open space here, and there is a huge tree next to it. The leaves also grow very strangely, and they are similar to the shape of an umbrella. The ape, who had always been strong and strong, was sleeping on the branch of the big tree. Several apes next to him were feeding him fruits, blood food and other food.

The hunting team stopped under the tree, and Panze climbed up the tree, waved his hands to drive away the feeding apes, and then leaned in front of the monkey king and whispered something.

Not long after, the monkey king opened his eyes, sat up from the tree and looked down the tree. Sure enough, the hunting team gained quite a lot this time, a total of seven one-horned deer, which could also improve the food of the tribe.

Then, the Monkey King's eyes were fixed on the fur bundle carried by the two apes.

"Well, Tingpan said, you brought back some good things? Bring them up quickly, I can't wait to try them..."

Erduo said quickly, "Yes, bring it to the king immediately..."

Then with a wave of his hand, the apes put down the fur bundle and opened it. Several nearby apes made a grunt and swallowed. Then an ape picked up a piece of barbecue weighing about two or three kilograms, climbed up the tree trunk, and delivered it to the monkey king.

The Monkey King was a little confused. Is this food really so delicious? The Monkey King sniffed it with his nose, and a strong fragrance poured into his nostrils. With a gurgle, the Monkey King swallowed his saliva unconsciously. The Monkey King shouted in his heart that he couldn't stand it anymore, so he grabbed the roasted meat and put it into his mouth. Then his hands seemed to be possessed and kept putting the roasted meat into his mouth.

Soon, the piece of barbecue was eaten by the Monkey King. Before Er could say anything more, the Monkey King jumped down from the tree, came to the barbecue, grabbed the barbecue and put it in his mouth.

Half an hour later, the monkey king was full and sat on the ground with his round belly.

"Um, this thing is good, I like it very much. I have decided to reward your hunting team with a one-horned deer!"

"Thank you, Monkey King! Thank you, Monkey King!"

The apes of the hunting team prostrated on the ground and cheered loudly. Now that the raw meat was available, as long as Captain Erdo was roasting it, their hunting team could enjoy a whole one-horned deer barbecue privately.

"Put away the barbecue and save it for me to eat next time!" The monkey king burped and ordered the nearby apes.

Pan was so miserable that he originally wanted to get some barbecue to eat, but unexpectedly the Monkey King put it away. Don't even think about eating it, don't even think about seeing it. Later, Pan was very excited to see Erduo and the apes in the hunting team. Did they still have barbecue hidden? In order to avoid trouble, Erduo did not tell Pan that he could make barbecue, so he had no idea what it meant for the Monkey King to reward the hunting team with a one-horned deer.

After the ape put away the barbecue, the monkey king remembered that Pan said Duo had something to report, so he asked, "Uh Duo, Pan said, you have something to tell me. Is it related to this delicious food?" "

Erduo quickly said respectfully, "Yes, it is indeed related to this thing. I believe the king likes its taste very much. This thing is called barbecue, and it is made by a tribe called Rock. The apes there live in a kind of food called Among the things in the Tsuchiya, there are..."

He told the Monkey King in detail about his experiences in the Rock Tribe. The Monkey King and the nearby apes listened with great interest, and the idea came to their minds that they wanted to visit the ape tribe called the Rock Tribe.

"Well, according to what you said, the number of people in the Rock Tribe is not as large as ours. Tell me, if we attack them, what are our chances of winning?" The Monkey King pondered for a while, and he had a desire to occupy the Rock Tribe. Thoughts for oneself.

Erduo was startled. This was what he least wanted to see, and he quickly said to the Monkey King, "Monkey King, no, according to what I saw when I met the king of the Rock Tribe. Their tribe is not simple. If they want to attack by force, I'm afraid We will also suffer heavy losses. It is better to follow their monkey king's advice, believe in him and worship him, so that we can get what we want without any effort."

At the same time, Er Duo winked at Pan, who quickly got down from the tree and knelt on the ground, "I think what Er Duo said is right. It is winter now and our tribe is weak. Why not follow the requirements of the Rock Tribe and exchange for those things? Strengthen our tribe.”

"This..." The Monkey King hesitated, and then said, "Let me think about it first..."

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