Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 44 Preliminary planning of the territory (please collect and recommend)

The apes looked at Ye Xun with admiration. They saw everything that happened just now. It was the seemingly harmless king at this time, covered in silvery white light, who killed the terrifying mammoth.

"Scar, integrate the team and prepare to go back!" Ye Xun sent a message to Scar.

Scar responded respectfully, "I will obey the king's will!"

Then the apes were summoned to pick up the spears on the ground. These weapons were not disposable items and naturally had to be recycled for use in the next hunt.

Just looking at the huge mammoth carcass, Scar felt troubled. With their strength, they could only take it back into pieces by breaking it into pieces. But now that the king has ordered to integrate the team and go back, naturally he can't waste time on this. Scar could only reluctantly give up the mammoth carcass, and when the king was returned to his territory, he would bring the apes over to clean it up.

Ye Xun saw Scar's thoughts and drove directly to the mammoth's body without revealing it. He grabbed the mammoth's trunk and used his strength to drag the five to six ton mammoth easily. His current pure physical strength of more than three tons can be doubled after running Qi Jin, reaching more than seven tons in an instant. Pulling a mammoth weighing five or six tons is no longer a problem.

Longtooth rushed forward to lead the way, and Scar led the apes to guard on both sides to prevent sudden attacks by predators.

More than half an hour later, Ye Xun dragged the mammoth's body back to the territory. Under the admiring eyes of the apes, he lifted the mammoth's body. He did this deliberately. If he wanted to gain the power of faith, he had to let the apes worship him and believe in him.

Ye Xun then threw the mammoth's body to the ground with a loud noise. The spiritual power in his head enveloped all the apes and said in a majestic voice.

"My people, today the King of Japan returns and celebrates a great day. You can eat barbecue and drink broth as you like..."




The apes put down what they were doing and cheered loudly. Tuba's mouth watered unconsciously when he thought of the fragrant barbecue.

Ye Xun looked around and found that the territory had changed a lot. The furs of many animals were stretched out beside the bonfire and dried with the heat of the bonfire. A nearly 100-meter wall stood not far away. Ye Xun nodded secretly. This Scar was really smart and already knew how to restructure the territory.

Ye Xun's mental power continued to expand until he was a thousand meters away. Then he began to scan the terrain structure, intending to design a reasonable fence based on the terrain.

Not long after, he had the answer in his mind. He planned to build the entire territory with a radius of one kilometer. The whole thing is made into a circle, surrounding the temple in the middle. For convenience, it is natural to build four gates.

The plan was almost complete. Ye Xun called Scar and conveyed his ideas to him, asking him to command the apes to build the wall first. As for the rest, we are making plans after the wall is built.

With the explanation almost finished, Ye Xun entered the temple. He wanted to study how the statues could absorb the power of faith.

After entering the temple, Ye Xun found that the ground was very clean and all the supplies were in neat order. It seems that Scar had deliberately told the apes to clean them up.

Walking under the statue, Ye Xun sat cross-legged on the deerskin, recalling the images in the murals in the ruins, and a ball of spiritual power surged towards the statue. According to his understanding, the giant dragon should have separated a group of spiritual power into the statue, absorbing the power of condensing faith on his behalf.

After the spiritual power entered the head of the statue, Ye Xun cut off the spiritual connection with the inside of the statue. Then he extended his spiritual power and called an ape in.

Today, the king returns, and Tuba volunteers to guard outside the temple. He looks at the busy apes and lives a happy life. However, no ape paid any attention to him, they were all busy with their own tasks.

A dozen apes skinned the mammoth together, and the meat was given to other apes for roasting. Tuba was thinking about eating barbecue when a majestic voice suddenly came to his mind.

"Come in and see me!"

Tuba's heart trembled, and when he realized that it was the king's voice, he quickly turned around and walked towards the temple.

After entering the temple, he was cautious and lowered his head, not daring to look at the king carefully. He arrived in front of Ye Xun, knelt down and said respectfully, "King..."

Ye Xun stood up, stood aside, and said to Tuba, "Tuba, come here and pray to this statue..."

"Pray?" Tuba's mind went blank and he had no idea what praying meant. He raised his head carefully and said respectfully to the king, "King, what is this prayer?"

Ye Xun thought for a moment and realized that although these apes are very smart, they are still far behind humans who have accumulated countless years of culture. Ever since he was able to communicate with the apes mentally, he subconsciously treated them as equal beings. Perhaps this was what he expected in his heart.

After thinking for a while, Ye Xun said to Tuba, "You regard the statue as me, worship it sincerely, think of me in your heart, and praise me..."

Tuba did not dare to question and immediately did as the king said. He looked up at the huge statue and forced himself to regard it as the king. Thinking and calling in my heart.

Ye Xun's mental power was always paying attention. He could clearly see that the power of faith condensed on the top of Tuba's head, which kept rolling over Tuba's head, getting bigger and bigger, and finally flew towards the head of the statue. past.

Success! Ye Xun was so pleasantly surprised that he asked Tuba to go out first. He wanted to prepare for a thorough study.

Tuba did not dare to question, and slowly backed away, walking towards the outside of the temple.

After leaving the temple, Tuba found two people to guard the door so that the king would not be able to find anyone if he needed anything. Then Tuba went to the place where the wall was being built. He wanted to go over and help. There were more than fifty apes, and Scar couldn't command them by himself.

The fifty apes were roughly divided into five groups. One group of apes dug holes and made foundations, one group of apes collected grass leaves and dead branches, one group of apes went to the river to fetch water, one group of apes was responsible for digging and stirring the soil, and the remaining group Then the mixed soil is cast into a wall.

Their division of labor is very clear, but due to the lack of tools, the efficiency of construction is relatively slow. At the end of the day, only about a hundred meters in length can be built.

The height of the fence was built according to the previous small camp. As for the fence, there were still many sharp animal bones embedded in it. At the location designated by Ye Xun, Scar asked the apes to leave a door. Above the door, there was still a sentry post, but the height was much higher.

As time passed, the territory began to be filled with the rich aroma of meat again, and the meat was simmering in a large pot. A dozen apes gathered around the campfire, and pieces of mammoth meat were grilled on top.

From time to time, some animal fat is smeared on it and some salt is sprinkled on it. The roasted golden mammoth meat crackles and exudes a charming fragrance. Changya had been standing by for a long time, eating a piece of barbecue from time to time.

When it was almost done eating, it ran into the temple with a round belly. After entering the temple, Changya found his master sitting under the stone statue, motionless. It didn't bother him, just took out a piece of deerskin and spread it on the ground. He stretched out his paws, lay down on it and began to take a deep sleep.

Time passed quickly, and it was almost noon. Scar called the apes to stop working and prepared to go back and start enjoying lunch.

Tuba was so happy that he had to eat three big pieces of whatever he wanted to eat today. On weekdays, a piece of barbecue and a bowl of soup can fill the stomach, but there is always a feeling of unsatisfaction.

When the apes who built the wall came back, the ground next to the bonfire was already filled with divided barbecue. As for the broth, it is tumbling in a large earthen pot, and the apes who need it will naturally scoop it up.

Nowadays, most of the apes wear clothes made of fur. In this cold winter, they have something to keep out the cold. In the past few years, some of the weak apes would freeze to death in winter. Unlike now, they have no worries about food and drink.

Two apes entered the temple carrying two large bowls of barbecued meat and broth. These were naturally food sent to the king. Now that the fruits have been eaten up, at this time in previous years, another group of apes who could not hunt prey would starve to death.

The food for the king has been delivered, and the rest is naturally food for the apes. They intuitively take it one bowl at a time. Some apes took out the roasted meat in the bowl and went to scoop up some white broth from the clay pot. Some started eating directly, planning to ladle out the broth after finishing the barbecue.

Balu felt very uncomfortable as he ate the barbecue, thinking that he, the former number one warrior of the dynasty, actually fell from the tree twice during this hunting, which was a huge embarrassment. If Wang hadn't appeared in time, he might have been beaten to death by the mammoth's trunk.

He made up his mind that he must grow up, at least, not behave so badly when hunting.

The two apes who entered the temple placed the food behind the king. They did not dare to disturb or make any noise, and left the temple cautiously. Changya raised his head and looked up warily, and found that they were just two apes delivering food. He put his head down again and fell asleep. Anyway, this is inside the temple. No matter how dangerous it is, it is not our turn to come here. After all, there are so many apes outside.

Ye Xun's spiritual power was silent in the statue. Looking at the shrinking power of faith inside, he felt very good. Unexpectedly, it was so simple to solve the problem of the idol absorbing the power of faith, so that he could expand his territory and gain more faith. Thinking of this, he seemed to have seen countless powers of faith coming towards him.

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