Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 43 Prepare to return (please collect and recommend)

Finally, Ecstasy Flower handed the dragon crystal fragments and inheritance to Ye Xun. He closed his eyes and carefully comprehended it, and found that there were three memory balls in the dragon crystal fragments, three less than the ones he got from the angel's body.

He didn't try to touch the memory balls. He thought some of them should have been taken away by the Ecstasy Flower. With his current mental strength, he couldn't touch those memory balls at all.

Then he sorted through the memories that came from the mental power of the Ecstasy Flower. There were three parts in total, two of which Ye Xun was more optimistic about. One part is about the knowledge of combination magic, which can combine two or three kinds of magic together to explode with terrifying destructive power. The other part is for condensing magic rune seeds. It can condense magic runes in advance and store them in the sea of ​​consciousness of oneself or others. When using it, just throw it out and it will feel like a grenade.

Ye Xun didn't value the remaining memory. To be precise, he even disliked it. Because this is a memory about refining a lich. It relies on sucking blood to refine a new body, the lich body, in the body. The power of the Lich body is very powerful. Like the dragon, it can practice fighting spirit and magic at the same time.

Ye Xun was not interested in this. He killed countless people, condensed a new body in his body, and then gave birth to himself. Such heavy-flavored things were not his cup of tea at all, so Ye Xun simply sealed this part of his memory in a corner to prevent him from seeing it from time to time and making himself sick. Besides, he already has Qi Jin and Spiritual Power, and there is no conflict between them, so this Lich Body is useless to him.

Ye Xun then collected the dragon crystal fragments, turned around and left. The Ecstasy Flower lying on the ground breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, her heart was filled with anger and hatred. "Damn ape, one day... I, Master Tulu, will suck all your blood!"

At this time, a terrifying magic wave suddenly erupted in the air. The fire element particles and the wind element particles were entangled with each other and fell from the air towards the roots of the enchanted flower.

"No! Sir... I was wrong... I beg you to forgive me..."


"No! My great Lord Tulu will not die..."

The Ecstasy Flower screamed in horror, searching for her spiritual power everywhere, and found Ye Xun's spiritual power in the void. It quickly begged for mercy, but Ye Xun didn't respond to it at all. He just used his mental power to lock all the roots on the ground.

The dual magic combination of wind and fire burst out with terrifying destructive power, and when it landed on the ground, it swallowed up the roots of the Ecstasy Flower in an instant. As the flames burned, the roots of the Ecstasy Flower continued to struggle and twist, and the fluctuations in mental power became weaker and weaker. In the end, the Ecstasy Flower kept cursing Ye Xun. Slowly, its mental power fluctuations became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared into the air.

Ye Xun scanned it with his mental energy and made sure that all the roots were burnt to ashes before he emerged from the big tree next to him. He naturally understands the truth of cutting grass without eradicating the root, and the spring breeze will regenerate it. Therefore, it is impossible to let the Ecstasy Flower go, and he may not know what other methods it can use. To kill it now is to prevent it before it happens.

Ye Xun then went to the Lich's body and burned it to ashes with fire magic. I mentally scanned around to make sure nothing was missing before I left here.

In the ape's territory, Scar led the young apes to practice Zamabu. If he wanted to lead the apes to survive better in the jungle, it was natural to improve their individual strength.

The king has been gone for three days, but Scar is not worried at all. In his heart, the king is the most powerful. Even the overlord-level ferocious beasts are no match for the king.

The other old, weak, sick and disabled apes were not idle either, preparing food on the flat ground outside the temple. There they built a huge bonfire, where all the animals that the strong apes had hunted were placed.

They use tools made from scars to peel the skin, and hold up the fine fur with wooden sticks. The offal parts of the animals were taken out and thrown away, leaving only the meat and bones, which were pickled with salt.

The salt used by the apes now was mined by Scar, who led the team, and met other groups of monkeys on the way. Scar showed great power and used his long fangs to drive away the guys who were blocking the way.

When they arrived at the giant stone forest, Scar spent all his efforts to get a piece of rock salt. In the end, he had to go out and use his keen sense of smell to find the location of the rock salt underground. The other apes were responsible for digging.

They spent a long time getting hundreds of kilograms of rock salt rocks. Each of the dozen apes took a little and moved them back to their territory. The weight of several hundred kilograms is not heavy for Scar and Longtooth, but they can be considered small bosses, so naturally they cannot take them all, leaving the other apes empty-handed.

After returning, Scar followed Wang's example and made a large stone pot. He crushed the rock salt and soaked it in clarified water, put it in and boiled it, and successfully refined table salt. The other apes were all confused, and they didn't realize the importance of this thing until they saw Scar using some newly refined salt to make barbecue. The apes who originally complained about running so far to pick up stones shut up instantly. This thing can make delicious barbecue, and they are very willing to let them go a few more times.

Tuba strode forward, turned his head quietly, smelled the fragrance floating in the air, and swallowed with a rumble. What it looks forward to most every day is barbecue that is delicious and delicious.


As Scar shouted, all the apes collapsed on the ground. Tuba rested for a while, got up from the ground, ran to the bonfire and squatted. Like it, there is also Long Tusk, but Tuba's treatment is much worse than Long Tusk. The apes who are roasting meat will cut off some roast meat for it to eat whenever they see the tusk coming. Basically, this way, teething can be full and there is no need to wait for meal time.

Tuba stared at Changya helplessly. He had no choice but to do so. His status was much lower than that of Changya. This is the king's pet, even the second king, Scar, loves it very much.

As time passed, the aroma of the barbecue became stronger and stronger, and Tuba swallowed his saliva. Most of the other apes gathered around and waited by the campfire, holding ugly earthenware bowls in their hands. It was made by all the apes in Tuba's tribe, and the purpose was naturally to make it easier to hold food.

A large earthenware pot was placed on another bonfire, with snow-white soup boiling in it. Like the prey returned from hunting, the heads, limbs, and parts with less meat were thrown into the pot, and some water and salt were added. The soup cooked in this way not only tastes delicious, but also warms the body.

Scar walked around the camp. There were apes on guard in all directions, and a wall dozens of meters long had been built on the east side. However, if you want to enclose this area, it will take at least a thousand meters. This is a huge project.

Chang Ya followed up and roared, and Scar naturally understood what Chang Ya meant. He also missed the king, but the power of the king was beyond their reach. With their current strength, they can't help at all. All they did was take care of the tribe for the king.

Scar sighed and punched the tree next to him. The force of several hundred kilograms caused the tree to sway. It instantly alerted the nearby apes who were on sentry duty. They came closer with their spears, and then quietly retreated after realizing that Scar's Five Longtooth was here.

"Langya, let's go back and have barbecue. We will continue to work hard to build the wall in the afternoon. When the king comes back, we will give him a surprise." Scar looked at the jungle in the distance and said to Longya.

Changya tilted his head, not understanding what Scar meant. Seeing Scar turn around and go back, it jumped behind him. One ape and one cat returned to their territory and came to the campfire. At this time, the barbecue and broth were ready, and all the apes were waiting and looking at him eagerly.

Scar looked around and shouted, "Let's eat!"

Several strong apes took off the roasted meat and placed it on the stone platform aside. Several others gathered around with tools and cut the meat. The apes lined up to get their own barbecue.

Then they took the earthenware bowl, scooped up a bowl of broth from the earthenware pot, squatted in the corner and began to enjoy the food. The apes are very conscious and no one dares to cause trouble. Last time, an ape tried to snatch food, accidentally injured the ape, and was trapped in a tree and starved for a whole day. The apes still have fresh memories, that guy is the former little leader Balu.

Now Balu is much more honest, squatting under a big tree, holding broth and barbecue, eating and drinking. He also participated in yesterday's hunt, but he didn't help in any way. The frightened one-horned deer rushed over and was almost impaled by its sharp horn, but it was the seemingly weak second king who saved him.

After eating, the scar tissue apes continued to build the wall. The water source here was a bit far away, and all the water was transported by the apes in pottery bowls containing food. The apes work together and are supervised and directed by Tuba. Scar selects a dozen strong apes to go hunting. This time there is still Balu.

Not all 12345 went away, 123 stayed in the territory to prevent the apes from being able to hunt when predators attacked the territory.

Scar and Longtooth walked in front, and Longtooth still used his sense of smell to find prey. More than a dozen apes followed, clutching the spears in their hands. Scar's eyes suddenly lit up, and he started running forward crazily.

Not long after, a huge figure appeared in the eyes of the apes. It was a mammoth, with a body height of nearly three meters. His thick feet stepped on the ground, making a loud thumping sound.

The apes swallowed their saliva. For such big creatures, let alone hunting them, they would have to run away all the way from a distance. Their bodies are not big enough for someone to step on them.

Scar waved his hand to signal the apes to disperse. At the same time, he took a thick vine from his shoulder and gave one end to Changfang, while he held the other end tightly.

Then he and Longfang looked at each other and rushed out from behind the hidden bush, with an ape and a cat running quickly around the mammoth. After two rounds, they pulled Teng Man hard. With a bang, the mammoth's huge body fell to the ground. The scattered apes jumped out and stabbed the mammoth's throat with their spears.

The two chapters were posted together

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