Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 710 Trust Needs No Explanation (5)

Chapter 710 Trust Needs No Explanation (5)

We have a very good relationship, so don't worry. Su Yanyi also knew that her mother was concerned about herself, so she finally softened her tone and said to comfort Su's mother.

Okay, that's good. You see that you have children now, but don't make yourself unhappy because of a little misunderstanding. To be a human being, you must know how to be content and happy. Jiran is a very good husband. You have to trust him to be a good husband. After hearing Yan Yi's words, Mother Su was also satisfied, as a mother, what could be more important than seeing her children happy.

Su Yanyi nodded, and also agreed with her mother's words. To be a human being is to know how to be content. Jiran treats her very well, and she has always known it.

That night, when Su Yanyi and Qin Jiran had a routine phone call, Su Yanyi accidentally thought of Su's mother chatting with her, and then asked Qin Jiran jokingly: You don't plan to gossip. Explain to me?

After the other end of the phone paused for a second, Qin Jiran said in surprise: I thought you knew it, and I don't need to explain anything at all.

Hehe, you do understand me. Su Yanyi smiled softly after hearing this. Jiran is indeed the person who understands her best, understands her character, her habits, and even her life. Little by little, how could she not love such a man!

Naturally, you need to understand, and I think you should also trust me. I only like you alone, and I will never do anything to anyone else. Qin Jiran took this opportunity to confess a little more Mind, he likes Yan Yi so much, Yan Yi should understand.

I know. A long time ago, she had already given her rare trust to this man, and since then, she has never doubted anything about him.

Hearing Yan Yi's words, Qin Jiran smiled silently, very satisfied.

The relationship between two people, trust is really important, just like when he saw the report of Yan Yi's scandal abroad not long ago, although there was a little bit of anger and jealousy, but there was absolutely nothing Suspicious and sad, because his anger is made out of nothing to the media, and jealous because that man can stand beside Yan Yi, but he can only work hard to film in places where Yan Yi can't be seen, but other than that, just No more negative emotions, just like Yan Yi trusted him, he also trusted Yan Yi very much, but the reasons for their trust were a little different.

Su Yanyi trusts Qin Jiran because of her previous life, and also because of her meticulous emotions after being together in this life, Su Yanyi trusts Qin Jiran incomparably, and trusts how dedicated and dedicated Qin Jiran's feelings for her are. careful.

But Qin Jiran trusts Su Yanyi because of Su Yanyi's own pride and strength. Yan Yi will not lie to him, and he doesn't bother to lie to him, and there is no need to lie to him. If Yan Yi really likes her Others will definitely separate from him immediately, there is no need to hide or cheat, because Yan Yi is such a proud and strong person.

So to be honest, what Qin Jiran believes in Yan Yi is not because Yan Yi's feelings for him will remain unchanged, but because he believes that if Yan Yi really changes, he will tell him as soon as possible, instead of lying to him, or because he doesn't know This kind of trust is not a kind of trust.

In fact, perhaps it is really because of the deep love, in this relationship, Qin Jiran occasionally still feels uneasy, although he has completely believed that Yan Yi also loves him, but this kind of love is If it is not true that life and death can last forever, then it is not something he can be sure of. After all, there is still such a long time in the future, so who can say for sure about feelings.

However, such uneasiness and anxiety only come up occasionally, and as the relationship between the two deepens, and then there are two babies, the occasional opportunities are becoming less and less. After all, for Qin For Ji Ran, it is useless to think too much about the future, it is better to do a good job in the present, starting from the little things in life, to be good to Yan Yi, to be better to Yan Yi, to make Yan Yi better and better. The more you love yourself, the more you hate yourself. This is the most important thing.

It's not that you don't care about the eternal love, but you have to care more about the little things when you have it. Don't regret it until you lose it, and then blame yourself for not doing well enough. Instead, you have to be serious when you have it. Do everything well so that there will be no regrets in their love.


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