Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 709 Trust Needs No Explanation (4)

Chapter 709 Trust Needs No Explanation (4)

Mom, what do you want to say? Just say it. Su Yanyi couldn't figure it out, so she said it directly, her mother's expression was a bit strange.

I'm just talking straight, don't you still understand? I'm just telling you not to misunderstand, do you understand? Ji Ran is definitely not such a person, Mom can assure you! You have to trust him, he is not bad in this line of work. It's easy, but if you don't understand it, it will be difficult for him. Mother Su explained with her eyes wide open, as if she was very dissatisfied with her daughter's slowness.

I didn't misunderstand. And there is nothing worth misunderstanding. Su Yanyi also understood what her mother meant at this time, but she only felt that her mother was worrying for nothing. How could she misunderstand such a thing? Well, in this world, there is probably no one who believes in Qin Jiran more than her, so why would she misunderstand him because of such a trivial matter.

Is there really no misunderstanding? He explained it to you? Mother Su looked at Su Yanyi's face seriously, as if she was confirming whether her words were true, but Su Yanyi was usually expressionless. With a rather cold look, Mother Su couldn't tell any difference.

No. One did not answer two questions.

He didn't explain it to you? Mother Su understood the sentence and asked in a curious tone.

Su Yanyi looked at her mother's gossip with some distaste, and couldn't help but think that, as expected of being in the media industry, the spirit of gossip didn't disappear even at home.

I don't think there is any need to explain this matter. What does he need to explain to me? The matter between them is just a random report by reporters. Just like Green's matter, she did not explain it to Qin Jiran, she He felt that Qin Jiran didn't need to explain this matter to her. The most important point in their relationship was never love, but trust, at least for her, it was like this!

Of course, for Qin Jiran, the most important thing between them is love, love at first sight, never regret until death, this is Qin Jiran's love for Su Yanyi.

So, there are really many kinds of love, some love is to let go, some love is to hold on tightly, different people choose different ways, just look forward to it, all love will end up with happiness.

You didn't explain to him the incident in country Y, did you? Mama Su is also very intelligent, and she immediately thought of another incident related to the scandal that happened not long ago.

Of course, there is no need to explain at all. Su Yanyi replied very positively. She once saw a sentence on the Internet. Although it was not absolutely reasonable, at least there was still a little truth, that is, explain It is always redundant, because people who understand you don't need to explain, and people who don't understand you don't need to explain.

Then Jiran didn't ask you anything? Su's mother suddenly had such a headache, what should I say about this young couple, but they didn't even have an explanation when such a thing happened, I really don't know what to envy It's good that they trust each other, but it's better to think that their low EQ doesn't even understand words like jealousy!

No, he's not as gossipy as you are. Facing a mother who likes to talk and gossip, Su Yanyi's indifferent temperament really has no way.

Where am I goingssip? I'm concerned about you! Am I afraid that your husband and wife will not be in harmony? If you don't handle the scandal, it's a trap. You must know that there are many people in the entertainment circle I just fell into such a pit and couldn't get out. In fact, Mother Su didn't mind being called a gossip by her daughter, who told her to be a little gossip, but more of it was her concern and concern for her daughter. Love, there will be many problems in the relationship between husband and wife. She is a person who has experienced it, so she always needs to pay more attention to her daughter, so as not to really go down a bad road.

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