Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 669: NASA’s deceitful words

It is unimaginable for ordinary people. In the small space of a spaceship, you need to stay for a long time. The length of day and night is completely different from that on the earth. You do not have a comfortable bed. You feel like you are wearing a blindfold when sleeping and have to be tied up with a seat belt. The body will not lose weight and float up and bump into other things. There are only so many foods you can eat, and you can't eat more.

This kind of environment is definitely harsh, even worse than in Antarctica.

After many years of professional astronauts, it would be unbearable, let alone three temporary astronauts.

NASA does not need these astronauts to carry out various space experiments. They only need to stay in the spacecraft, wait until the spacecraft arrives on Mars, the landing module lands on Mars, and they can get out of the landing module.

They felt alone and lonely in this small space of the spaceship. They seemed to be going crazy. This was how the quarrel was born. After all, it was normal to quarrel in this situation. If they quarreled, they would regard it as boring. A little spice for the journey.

"Christiana, you bitch, if you weren't wearing this nasty spacesuit, I would have let you taste my power." Brown looked a little rude.

"Hey buddy, don't think too much!" Another astronaut 'Alves' sneered: "In this weightless environment, we eat those damn things. Let's pray, pray that we reach Mars smoothly, Then we can successfully complete the mission to Mars and return to Earth smoothly, so that we can live a rich life in the future and play as we want, young models, Hollywood stars, and sports athletes."

"If we are unlucky and die in the universe or on Mars, the money can also allow our family to live a prosperous life." Alves said: "This boring universe is not beautiful, it will make people madly!"

"Alves, you boring man, if you can beat Brown up, I won't mind having a wonderful night with you when we return to Earth!" Christiana gave Alves a wink.

Unfortunately, since entering the universe, many things have changed in the weightless state, including desires. And if you want to have a show while wearing a space suit, you can’t do it.

"It is said that China's aerospace technology is very advanced. Their aerospace plane takes less than 60 days to fly from the earth to Mars. If we were flying a space plane, we would have arrived at Mars long ago." Yar Weiss said: "NASA and Space Every word is a lie."

"Come on, Alves, do you dare to say that? Our lives depend on their thoughts. Our families, as long as you dare to say it, they will be in danger and even disappear from the world inexplicably. You know, There are always many people disappearing from this world every year." Brown laughed: "With so many unemployed homeless people and so many dead, no one will care. Anyway, there will never be fewer people. This world is the worst place. What is lacking is people. All it takes is an opening at the border, and hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people will soon be added."

Since the economic downturn, there has been an increasing number of unemployed people. Spending money is needed in all aspects. Naturally, it is impossible to support lazy people. As for receiving large unemployment benefits every month even if you are unemployed and not working, that is too much to think about. Well, if it were that good, there wouldn't be unemployed homeless people digging through trash cans in the movie.

These will always only exist in some small compositions and some people's minds, but will never appear in real life.

NASA, the control center, monitors the dynamics of the spacecraft at all times. The words of the three astronauts were transmitted back to the control center verbatim. There is a relevant research team that will use this as a sample to study the field of space life. Of course, according to what they said Meaning, someone will naturally formulate corresponding measures to ensure that no problems occur.

"It's very bad. The signal delay becomes more obvious as the spacecraft is farther from the earth." A staff member frowned slightly. The problem of signal delay always exists, and it will continue to intensify as the distance increases.

"Our quantum communication technology is still far behind China's." Another staff member shrugged and said, "Their communication quality is excellent!"

"God bless the three of them, so they can return to Earth smoothly instead of being buried in the vast universe!" The staff member made gestures and prayed silently.

"Well, I don't know when it started. We are so far behind. It is probably difficult to catch up." The staff member was full of pessimism: "Look at their space station. You can see it with a telescope. We said we would build it. The funds for the space station are currently being delayed and cannot be allocated. If the US$800 billion in funds were allocated, our life would be much easier and we would have more benefits."

Inflation makes life difficult for everyone, and there have been troubles, but unfortunately it is of no use. According to those people, it is good to be able to maintain positive growth. Many countries have had negative growth for ten consecutive years, and their work is already great. Okay, I can't ask for more.

The sound of the collapse of a building continues to circulate in society. I don’t know how many people miss the beautiful life 50 years ago, 30 years ago, 20 years ago, when a person can easily live in a villa and drive a car while working alone. Compared with the bleak days of today, luxury cars and raising a family are really a world of ice and fire.

This problem is very difficult and even unsolvable. No one would have thought that the building would collapse so quickly. The building that seemed to be a good building before turned out to be a dangerous building. Several reinforcements seemed to have no effect. not ideal.

The three pillars of the building have almost lost their function and cannot support this huge building. The building has become precarious. Everyone is afraid that the building will collapse overnight. The people in this building do not know how miserable it will be. end.

It's not that they haven't thought about leaving this building, but you have to know that many buildings in this world have collapsed, making it even more miserable. Amidst the turmoil, life is much more miserable than theirs. This was once a beautiful country. The outbreak of a war directly destroyed all the good things and released the negative and ugly side of people. The war was not as beautiful as previously expected and a better system was established, but the people were displaced.

People who are accustomed to zero-sum games will never understand that there are other ways to go besides zero-sum games.

If you are willing to give up, there is nothing to gain if you are not willing to give up!

Unfortunately, only a handful of people can see through this.

"Shit, Carter, look at this news. CNSA has made another move. They have released the latest news. This year, more than 40 astronauts will be stationed in the 'Double Ring Space Station' and join the construction of the 'Double Ring Space Station'. Aren't they afraid? Is there any accident that will lead to a major engineering accident?" The staff member named 'Colin' suddenly noticed something and couldn't help but stand up: "That's in space. Once something happens, there won't even be time to save people. No!"

As a person in the aerospace field, Colin knows very well what it means to add more than 40 astronauts to space. It means that CNSA is taking greater actions. It is accelerating the construction of the 'Double Ring Space Station', and it also represents CNSA's commitment to itself. We have sufficient confidence in our aerospace capabilities.

"Don't be too surprised, Colin, they are infrastructure madmen. Look at the previous International Space Station. It took ten years to build it, but they built one much bigger than the International Space Station in less than a year. Once completed, it is said that the size and weight of the 'Double Ring Space Station' will be more than a hundred times that of the International Space Station. It is a real big guy!" Carter said: "You know, I once had a classmate who was in Massachusetts. We studied together at the Provincial Institute of Science and Technology, and later he returned to China. As a result, he is now a technical director of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, and I am still doing these small things. I envy him very much. He has good opportunities, but I do not!"

"Carter, who said our talents are limited? Damn it, I think if Borg had not studied law but studied aerospace, with his smart mind, he would have made a good contribution." Colin Said: "Those smart people major in finance, law, and business administration. Only those of us who are dumber major in engineering."

It's really sad to say that since the implementation of 'de-industrialization' in the 1980s and the transfer of low-end manufacturing industries, the Four Asian Tigers and the Four Asian Tigers have already emerged. By the end of the 1990s and after the millennium, the situation has further accelerated. De-industrialization', more mid-range manufacturing industries have also been transferred. As a result, through its own efforts, China has completed the construction of modern industry and started industrial upgrading in the second decade of the 21st century. It only took more than ten years. It has completed industrial upgrading, and miraculously led other countries to enter the fourth industrial revolution. With the productivity improvement of the fourth industrial revolution, the entire country's economy and other fields are developing rapidly, and one achievement after another has been achieved. A miraculous achievement that caught the world's attention.

On the contrary, in the past few decades in the United States, smart and talented people chose to study finance, lawyers, and business administration. Only a few people chose to study engineering or theoretical research. In the beginning, there were other people who stayed in the United States and settled there. Big, but the problem soon became apparent.

Up to now, I am still swallowing this bitter pill, and I don’t know how much time it will take to make up for it. Maybe there will be no chance to make up for it in the future, but it is not impossible.

Maybe this is life!

Sometimes, they have to think that this sentence is really the truth! I can only comfort myself with this sentence!

And the world is witnessing once again how quickly a building collapsed. Thirty years ago, it was claimed that even if this building stayed there, it would take others at least 100 years to catch up. But now the taller and bigger building has collapsed. The building has been built on the opposite bank, but it has tilted and the cracks are clearly visible.

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