Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 668 Energy Lifeline (please vote for me)


Their goal is to achieve continuous confinement of ultra-high temperature plasma for 30 minutes. Achieving this goal means that controllable nuclear fusion technology can be commercialized.

As for whether the major giants are willing to spend huge investments to build fusion nuclear power plants, it has nothing to do with them. Breakthroughs and improvements in this technology cannot be achieved overnight, unless they obtain the 'Golden Crow Device' and conduct reverse engineering. This will undoubtedly speed things up a lot.

It can be said that with the current strength of the United States, it is impossible to obtain controllable nuclear fusion technology and the 'Golden Crow Device' from China, and both parties are getting along. So far, China has not exported the 'Golden Crow Device' and corresponding materials. It still adopts the policy of controllable nuclear fusion. High level confidentiality.

The further they entered the deep-water area of ​​controllable nuclear fusion, the more difficulties Zhang Dun and others felt and faced many problems, many of which required great efforts to solve, which involved huge financial, material, and human resources. .

Of course, the most important thing is an extremely outstanding leader. The role that an extremely outstanding leader can play is unparalleled.

There is only one Qin Yuanqing!

But America, no!

"Start the experiment!" Zhang Dun said, and then everyone headed to the control room.

What they can do is to keep trying and making mistakes, constantly spending money to explore the way, and then solving problems when they encounter them. This is a normal phenomenon in scientific research. But what is much better than before is that they know magnetic confinement nuclear fusion. It is a feasible path, which is much better than walking in the darkness before, not knowing whether the darkness has an end.

In the control room, after pressing the button, the experiment started again. In the past five years, they had launched dozens of experiments. It was through trial and error step by step that they moved forward slowly instead of standing still.

This 25-minute experiment is the third 25-minute experiment. Although the first two experiments also achieved a continuous running time of 25 minutes, many problems occurred. This time, hundreds of technical difficulties were overcome, and this time again The target attacks.

Time passed by, and all the scientific researchers were anxiously watching the experiment. Finally, when the time came to 25 minutes, no abnormalities occurred, which meant that they succeeded and cut off the power input immediately. The base burst into warm applause. They finally took another step on the extremely bright but bumpy road of controllable nuclear fusion. Countless people cheered and celebrated.

"Jonathan, we succeeded. We successfully achieved stable and safe continuous confinement of high-temperature plasma for 25 minutes. We only have the last 5 minutes left to reach the 30-minute goal!" Zhang Dun contacted Jonathan immediately to tell him the good news.

At the same time, Jonathan, who was attending an important meeting far away in Washington, heard the good news. His frown finally relaxed, a relaxed smile appeared on his face, and then he said with relief: "Zhang, you are Well done, I think those sons of bitches have nothing to say now."

Then Jonathan hung up the phone.

As the person in charge of the 'Helios' project, Jonathan Maynard is actually under a lot of pressure. As the person in charge, the 'Helios' project has burned 300 billion US dollars in funding so far, and the result has not exceeded 25 minutes. This Jonathan was under pressure from his sponsors and the Department of Energy. This time he came to Washington to attend the meeting. In fact, there was a resolution, which was to give in and allow the Asian Power Group to build fusion nuclear power plants in the United States, agreeing to all additional conditions, and handing over the energy. Let people continue to work hard to create their own controllable nuclear fusion.

Naturally, everyone is willing to have their own controllable nuclear fusion, so that they will not be stuck at critical moments. After all, handing the energy lifeline to others is equivalent to handing your destiny into the hands of others, and you will speak weakly when talking to others. Three points.

They are most familiar with this aspect. They have done this for almost half a century.

However, if controllable nuclear fusion technology fails to break through, the patience of all parties will be limited, because everyone wants to use this clean, safe, and unlimited energy instead of expensive energy. Look at every time they participate in an environmental The General Assembly will be constantly criticized. If they just criticize and criticize, that's it. Their face is not that thin, and they have a face thicker than the city wall. Naturally, they won't care. Anyway, others will do everything they can to them.

The most important thing is, profit!

Yes, when other places start to use controllable nuclear fusion energy and they are still using traditional energy, then their products are not competitive at all. If this continues, they will have no hope and lose everything.

This is definitely not an exaggeration, but a fact!

Look at China's rapid growth of 6%, and look at the most dynamic economies in the world in East Asia and South Asia. These are not without reason, but have very close economic ties.

In the three regions of Northeast Asia, due to their control, the economy has maintained negative growth for many years.

"Everyone, I think before initiating the vote, I have some good news to tell you. After everyone hears the news, it will not be too late to vote!" Jonathan walked into the conference room with brisk steps.

"Oh? Jonathan, what's the good news?" An energy giant looked at Jonathan calmly and said.

"Gentlemen and ladies, the good news is that we have achieved continuous confinement of ultra-high temperature plasma for 25 minutes in one operation. This is very close to our goal of 30 minutes, and only the last 5 minutes are left. "Jonathan said.

"Jonathan, don't talk to me about those professional terms. I don't understand. Just say it in words we can understand." Another energy giant said impatiently. In the past five or six years, oil and natural gas prices have been hit hard. Although There are still profits, but the profits are already very thin, which makes giants who are used to making huge profits very uncomfortable.

Officially faced with the risk that their wealth might be wiped out, the energy giants joined forces and invested heavily in the 'Sun God' plan, even going so far as to offend other interested parties and reduce their funding.

Also joining forces are manufacturing and other industries, because they have already felt the huge impact brought by controllable nuclear fusion technology. Their opponents often use the low cost created by cheap energy to carry out operations at a much lower price than them. Competition snatches orders one after another, but the profit margin is still higher than them.

If we lose controllable nuclear fusion technology, we will lose the present and the future. The collapse of the building has reached a critical point. This is already a dangerous building and may collapse at any time.

Very helpless, but no one can stop it.

If you want to turn on the money printing machine and print money like crazy, there will be a flood, but unfortunately this road has long been blocked. Once this is done, the building will truly collapse, and no one will dare to really knock it down.

"Yes, it can be said that maybe in another three to five years, we will completely master the controllable nuclear fusion technology!" Jonathan said: "Gentlemen and ladies, after another three to five years, we will once again consolidate Building, let the building continue to stand. I think we should continue to hold the lifeblood of energy in our hands instead of handing it over to others. In this case, when we are choked, we will be super uncomfortable and even collapse and die."

As Jonathan said, he stopped talking. There was a lively discussion in the conference room. The discussion lasted for an hour before the formal vote was held. As a result, those in favor of waiting for a few more years accounted for the majority, and received 5 more votes. A 55% majority resulted in victory.

Seeing the voting results, Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief.

As a scholar who has been engaged in controllable nuclear fusion research all his life, Jonathan knows very well that controllable nuclear fusion must be mastered. If you don't master it, you will be a piece of fish on the backing board and will be slaughtered by others, unless it is a matter of life and death. Otherwise, you should master this technology as much as possible. Only with this technology can you have a future, otherwise you will lose everything.

And just when the United States was confident that it had achieved a 25-minute major breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion research, the three astronauts inside the spacecraft after a long journey in the Earth's fire migration orbit were quarreling.

When they first launched, they were nervous, excited, and excited. Once they set foot on Mars, they will become warriors for mankind to conquer Mars. Just like Columbus who discovered the New World, they will be recorded in the annals of human history. They will also Become a hero of mankind and be famous all over the world.

And since they agreed to become astronauts to Mars, each of them has received 10 million US dollars. As long as they successfully return to Earth, they will be heroes and rich people. They will live a wealthy life instead of unemployed homeless people.

"Damn it, I think we were deceived. The technology for landing on Mars is not mature at all. They are using us for experiments!" Brown said angrily. In the narrow space of this spacecraft, it was fine at first, but as time went by, It simply makes people go crazy, and the weightlessness is uncomfortable. Maybe it is night at this time, but it will be dawn the next hour, and you have to wear an eye mask if you want to sleep.

"Brown, can you be quiet? If you talk more, you will consume more supplies. The supplies are very precious. I don't want us to land on Mars and return to Earth, only to starve to death on the way." Christiana said angrily.

NASA claims to the outside world that they are all highly educated astronauts with excellent physical fitness and professional training. In fact, this is not the case. They are highly educated, yes, but they are all unemployed homeless people who accepted the contract after signing the contract. After a period of training, they were sent onto the spacecraft, and then after the BFR rocket was launched, they left the earth and embarked on a journey to Mars.

They never thought that the long journey from Earth to Mars would be so difficult. This was not the first time they had quarreled, it was already the 20th time. This quarrel had become the spice of their lives.

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