Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 511: Making mathematical conjectures?

Qin Yuanqing felt relieved knowing that everyone was living and working at the Mizuki Institute for Advanced Study. Even Perelman, a math geek, had found a cute girl and a love child between them.

In Qin Yuanqing's heart, knowledge is the greatest wealth!

China's rejuvenation and prosperity are inseparable from knowledge. The creation of knowledge does not rely on the Internet in the community or real estate, but on scholars!

Maybe this knowledge cannot be realized immediately, but it can bring unlimited possibilities and future, and can cultivate more talents.

The 21st century is the century of talents. The competition among countries is ultimately the competition of talents. Talents are the source and driving force for social development.

If Shuimu wants to develop further, it cannot do without talents, whether they are talents cultivated by itself or talents recruited. Similarly, China's development is also inseparable from talents. Now China is already exerting an inverse siphon effect, with more and more talents coming to China and settling in China. It's not always easy to get a Chinese ID card.

It is easy to leave one's nationality and immigrate to another country, but it is not easy to get a Chinese ID card. It does not require you to have money, unless you are really rich, a world-class scholar, or have special talents.

However, it is obviously not difficult for scholars who come to work in Huaxia universities. After all, many of them are world-class scholars, and there is also the implication of buying horse bones for a thousand dollars, making the Huaxia Green Card issued by Huaxia in the past two years. More and more every year.

Of course, although these overseas high-end talents come to China in the tens of thousands, they are still insignificant in the face of China's total population of more than 1.4 billion. There is no need to worry about major changes in the demographic structure. China is still dominated by Han people and five Sixteen ethnic groups are just united in China!

"Perelman, how are you doing with your research on the Riemann Hypothesis? Can you cap the Riemann Hypothesis building?" Qin Yuanqing looked at Perelman, curious about Perelman's research progress on the Riemann Hypothesis. .

They previously collaborated on the Riemann Hypothesis and completed the proof of the quasi-Riemann Hypothesis. This step is equivalent to 1+1 of Goldbach's Hypothesis. Only the final complete proof is left. It can be said that the building of the Riemann Hypothesis is close to its ceiling. It's only one step away.

And Perelman, after Qin Yuanqing turned his attention away, became the forefront of the world's research on the Riemann Hypothesis.

"Oh, it's really nerve-wracking. Although the roof of this building is clearly visible according to Riemann's hypothesis, it is extremely difficult to cap it. I always feel powerless!" Perelman shook his head and said, "Maybe this The capping work of this building has to wait for you to complete! The crown of the mathematical conjecture Riemann Hypothesis, the bright pearl on the crown, is probably destined to be yours!"

In recent years, there are not many people who have promoted that they have completed the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis, and even uploaded papers to professional mathematics websites. However, it turns out that these people's proofs have major mathematical logic problems, and they have been banned before they were officially published. Some graduate students in mathematics were dismissed by the rebuttal.

Although Perelman has made some achievements in studying the Riemann Hypothesis in recent years, these achievements are not great and are not enough to complete the work of capping the Riemann Hypothesis.

"Speaking of which, the biggest credit for the previous proof of the quasi-Riemann Hypothesis still belongs to you Qin. Whether it is the mathematical tools developed for this or the entire logic of the proof, you completed or formulated it. I am just I'm taking advantage of you!" Perelman smiled and said, "According to what some of you young people in China say, I'm just a tool!"

"To be honest, Qin, you should spare some time to complete the final proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. You know the significance of this conjecture to mathematics, and I think you are the only mathematician in the world who can complete this work. Qin Got it!" Witten said.

"Now I don't have much time to devote to mathematics. Maybe by 2025, if no mathematician has completed this work, I will do it reluctantly." Qin Yuanqing spread his hands and said, his tone full of helplessness: "Mathematics always needs more work. There are too many young people to explore and work hard. If I finish everything, then no young people will be willing to spend time on mathematics, and there will not be too many mathematical problems worthy of young mathematicians’ efforts and challenges!”

As each mathematical conjecture was solved by Qin Yuanqing, although some mathematical conjectures were still born, it did not mean that these mathematical conjectures were world-class mathematical conjectures. What can be called world-class mathematical conjectures are undoubtedly of great significance to the development and research of mathematics.

Therefore, in history, most of the people who can come up with world-class mathematical conjectures are extremely famous mathematicians.

For example, Poincaré, the proposer of the Poincaré conjecture, was one of the greatest mathematicians in France. He was recognized as a leading mathematician in the 19th and early 20th centuries. He was the last person after Gauss to have comprehensive knowledge of mathematics and its applications. one person. He made many creative and fundamental contributions to mathematics, mathematical physics, and celestial mechanics. In his research on the three-body problem, Poincaré became the first person to discover a deterministic system of chaos and laid the foundation for modern chaos theory. Therefore, the Poincaré conjecture he proposed is one of the most famous problems in mathematics, which has troubled the mathematics community for more than a hundred years.

For example, Riemann, the proposer of the Riemann Hypothesis, was a famous German mathematician. He made important contributions in mathematical analysis and differential geometry. He pioneered Riemannian geometry, which later provided the mathematical foundation for Einstein's general theory of relativity. .

Examples like this abound.

The mathematical conjectures solved by Qin Yuanqing in the past ten years have created many mathematical tools, which have led to many branches of mathematics. It can be said that it has greatly promoted the development of mathematics.

But there is also a problem now, that is, as the number of world-class mathematical problems decreases, fewer mathematical geniuses can be attracted. From a long-term perspective, this is not conducive to the development of mathematics.

"Qin, you can think about it and come up with some mathematical conjectures or programmatic documents. I think this is extremely meaningful for the development of mathematics. It can give mathematics greater development potential and a clearer development direction." Shu Ertz suddenly mentioned.

After winning the Fields Medal, Schultz went to the Shuimu Institute for Advanced Study as a visiting scholar not long after. In 2022, he decided to teach at Shuimu University. As a new mathematics boss, no one would naturally accept Schultz's arrival. Rejection, which made Schultz a full professor at Suimu University and a member of the Suimu Institute for Advanced Study.

"This proposal is not bad. If Qin comes up with some mathematical conjectures, I think it can provide a cornerstone for the long-term development of mathematics in the future. Secondly, it can also make more and more young people like mathematics, so as to develop and promote mathematics!" Witten couldn't help but show admiration.

The development of mathematics is always ahead of various natural disciplines, which lays the foundation for various natural disciplines.

Therefore, the development of mathematics is always ahead of the times, and even the tools used in mathematics will have an impact in real life only a long time later.

In the eyes of many great mathematicians, the Internet is actually just an application of mathematics. The mathematical logic and structure of it were solved by mathematicians a hundred years ago, and there is nothing remarkable about it.

Take controllable nuclear fusion, for example. In the middle of the 20th century, theoretical physicists completed a series of theoretical physics work and confirmed from a theoretical perspective that controllable nuclear fusion can be achieved. As for practical applications, only now can we really see the dawn of controllable nuclear fusion.

Qin Yuanqing also showed his emotions. Qin Yuanqing actually knows the importance of mathematics better than anyone else. This is also because a group of mathematicians participated in the research of the controllable nuclear fusion project and the double-ring space station project. Mathematicians have a very, very important role.

The development of society is inseparable from the development of mathematics!

If human beings want to have a future, they cannot do without curiosity and exploration of mathematics. In a sense, human beings can create a brilliant civilization in a short period of time. A very important reason is human curiosity and exploration of mathematics. Never stopped.

Moreover, the proposition of the unification of mathematics has not yet been solved, and even the dawn of it has not yet been seen.

"When I have time in a few years, maybe I will think about it!" Qin Yuanqing thought again that now, he is already busy enough and doesn't even have time to spend with his wife and children. How can he have the time and energy to study mathematics well?

Whether it is controllable nuclear fusion, anti-gravity technology or the "double-ring space station", they are all of extremely great significance and are very urgent, as they are related to mankind's entry into the interstellar era. As for mathematics, when he completes these three major projects, he will have time to complete them.

And to be honest, these three projects have greatly promoted mathematics and physics, and even various disciplines, such as materials science, life sciences, applied physics, and applications. Mathematics and so on.

After drinking tea with some old friends, Qin Yuanqing left the Shuimu Institute of Advanced Studies and went to see several research institutes he founded. These institutes are responsible for many research topics, such as automobile research. The institute is responsible for the research and development of the vehicles used in the "Double Ring Space Station" and the special lunar engineering vehicles that will be used on the moon in the future. For example, in terms of aerospace engines, he is responsible for the research on some space engines of the "Double Ring Space Station" and the further exploration of some materials in space.

And laboratories, whether it is Huaxia Laboratory or Life Laboratory, also have many topics, which makes researchers in these places have to work overtime. Many studies are even more confidential. Even if they go home, they cannot keep it to themselves. The lover revealed half a sentence.

As for the former Desert Management Research Institute, it was officially disbanded. After being appointed by superiors, it officially participated in the desert eradication and management project with new units and institutions.

I’ll update one chapter first, and the remaining 2 chapters will be uploaded around noon! I’m really busy on New Year’s Day

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