Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 510 The Earth and the Cage

But Qin Yuanqing did not attack Witten!

After all, theoretical research is always like this. It is ahead of the development of the times and requires successive generations of scholars to work hard in order to promote the development of society and the improvement of productivity.

As he once said in an interview, it is difficult to solve mathematical problems and study physical theory to immediately produce economic benefits in society, but it promotes the development of society and is human exploration of the universe and nature. It produces The impact is far-reaching, and it will not have a profound impact on society until half a century or a century later.

If this proton lifetime problem can be answered perfectly, it can be said to provide a very sufficient theoretical support for the unification of physics. On the contrary, getting the opposite answer is a fatal blow to the unity of physics. If the entire unity of physics is to be maintained, it must be revised one by one from the underlying logic, which in turn will promote the development of physics.

Just like the Riemann Hypothesis in mathematics, proving it is right can greatly promote the development of mathematics; on the contrary, proving it is wrong can also greatly promote the development of mathematics.

This is the importance of theoretical work, which is like a direction and a foundation, guiding the development of the entire discipline.

"Qin, to be honest, your China is really amazing. Controlled nuclear fusion has made such great progress. It makes me dream of going back to my motherland 30 or even 40 years ago! It's a pity that my motherland can never go back. Until the past." Witten sighed: "It's just that controllable nuclear fusion will bring unlimited, efficient, and clean energy to mankind. It is of great significance for curbing global climate warming. It should not just belong to China. It should belong to the whole world. Some of my friends want to contact you through me and start cooperation in this area, and I also hope that you can promote cooperation in this area between the two parties."

Qin Yuanqing was startled for a moment, and then he realized it. Apparently someone knew that Witten was at the Shuimu Institute of Advanced Studies, and that Witten had a good personal friendship with him, so he wanted to contact him through Witten, hoping to use it to develop controllable nuclear fusion. Reach cooperation.

After all, controllable nuclear fusion, to put it mildly, is a new energy source, comparable to oil in the second industrial revolution and the third industrial revolution. Whoever owns oil has the right to speak in the energy field, and whoever does not have oil will have a say in the energy field. You may face a bottleneck at any time. Once upon a time, the Middle East was a symbol of tycoons, which perfectly explained what tycoons are and what inhumanity is! The root of all this lies in oil. Even if they do nothing, the income from oil extraction, refining, and oil sales can enable them to live a comfortable life.

Therefore, the importance of controllable nuclear fusion is reflected. This is a huge leap in the energy field, truly moving from fossil fuels to nuclear fuels.

In the eyes of many scholars, the third industrial revolution is not recognized at all. A big reason is that the third industrial revolution did not bring about a revolution in the energy field.

What limits human development? Is it that humans have never been able to enter the space age, truly conquer the moon, and start interstellar colonization?

The biggest root cause is that previous fossil fuels were not enough to support spacecraft to this point.

Just like the Age of Discovery, if there were no ships that could sail on the sea, then humans would not be able to conquer the sea at all, let alone start the Age of Discovery.

"China is an open country. So far, China has never closed the door to cooperation. It has always emphasized win-win cooperation!" Qin Yuanqing pondered for a moment and said: "Now it is mainly your motherland that needs to change its attitude. Unfortunately, it has arrived Now, your motherland has not been able to get on the right track, a black swan is still raging, and all kinds of chaos are still happening."

Hearing Qin Yuanqing's words, Wei Teng also smiled bitterly.

From the end of 2020, seeing that the black swan showed no signs of disappearing, Witten was worried about the safety of his family, so he simply asked his children and grandchildren to settle in China. He has been very happy for this decision, because his Many friends have been infected, and even died in the end because they were old people.

For a scholar, dying of old age is very helpless and unwilling. But it is sad, deplorable and aggrieved to be unable to go to the hospital for treatment when you are sick, or dare not go to the hospital when the medical expenses are hundreds of thousands or millions, so that you can't breathe and die!

In addition, the old man who knew better than anyone else had openly raised his flag, making the situation even more chaotic. Many people dared not speak out in anger, and some even left disappointed. This can be seen from the surge in the number of scholars at the Shuimu Institute for Advanced Study and the introduction of many world-class scholars from major universities in China.

As for changing his attitude, Witten felt powerless. He also wrote letters with other scholars. Unfortunately, once something is formed, it becomes irrational. For votes, those people will do anything. As for moral integrity , What is integrity? For them, integrity is not even worth a vote.

The beautiful scenery is constantly being staged, which always makes people dumbfounded and helpless!

"Weiteng, no one can stop the collapse of the empire. There is always a price to pay for what you do. No one can do whatever they want. I think you understand this. We have a saying in China: do your best to obey fate!" Qin Yuanqing looked at it. Witten showed pain on his face, patted Witten on the shoulder and said.

If the world is divided for a long time, it will unite and unite for a long time. This principle has been repeated countless times in China. Many people in China understand this principle. But you must know that this principle also applies to other countries in the world.

Since ancient times, there has never been an eternal dynasty. It is very rare for a dynasty to last for three hundred years!

Witten’s motherland naturally cannot escape this law!

Maybe it was once very powerful and was the leader of the world's martial arts alliance. No one dared to disobey the leader's orders! Maybe it was once arrogant and interpreted the word "hegemony" vividly! Maybe it was once very bright, known as the beacon of mankind, and its culture was popular all over the world. But now, its decline is obvious. Anyone with a little foresight knows that unless it is a powerful man who regains the country and rebuilds the country, otherwise it will be gone. saved!

But looking at the media, two old men in their seventies and eighties are fighting for that position and constantly using various tricks. From one perspective, this is called being old and strong, and being old and ambitious. But from another perspective, the old bald eagle is constantly uncovering scars and letting the old bald eagle continue to bleed from this uncovered scar.

Beautiful scenery, see if this is what people say?

Instead, it was played out in my own home, scene after scene, for the whole world to appreciate what a beautiful scenery is.

Qin Yuanqing called a few of his old friends to come to his office, took out his collection of tea leaves, and made tea and chatted.

Under his influence, everyone in Shuimu liked tea and enjoyed the tea culture. Even Witten, Perelman and others were no exception and also liked drinking tea.

It's just that the tea they drank was still different from the tea Qin Yuanqing collected. The tea he took out was the one he got from his superiors when he won the highest science award last time. He has always been reluctant to drink it.

After boiling the water and counting a few tea leaves, Qin Yuanqing poured a cup of tea for each of his old friends. The whole office was filled with the aroma of tea.

"Qin, you have quietly done something earth-shattering and shocking. Maybe in my lifetime, I can see mankind conquer the moon and get out of the prison of the earth!" Perelman took a sip of tea and exclaimed. said.

It’s unbelievable to think about it, as if after sleeping, the whole world is different.

"Perelman is right. To be honest, I have always been full of worries. I am worried that human civilization will not be able to break through the limitations of the earth and will eventually enter internal friction. Then human civilization will end like other civilizations and become the earth. An inconspicuous speck in a long history," Witten said.

For many people, they have always believed that although the earth has given birth to human civilization, with the development of human civilization to this point, the earth is actually like a cage. This cage has enveloped the human beings on the earth, making human beings have developed to almost the peak. , unable to break through the ceiling. It can even be pessimistically believed that human beings are actually like pigs in a pig pen, raised in captivity by a more advanced life civilization. This view is increasingly popular in the market today.

They are actually aware of the many problems faced by controllable nuclear fusion. They even believe that perhaps until the end of mankind, commercialization of controllable nuclear fusion will not be possible, and controllable nuclear fusion can only remain at laboratory.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yuanqing single-handedly realized the commercialization of controllable nuclear fusion, and even had anti-gravity and double-ring space stations. In their view, this was undoubtedly equivalent to Qin Yuanqing making great strides forward in pushing the times.

It is precisely because of this that they admire Qin Yuanqing even more.

Think about history. Newton made great achievements in academics, so much that he was ahead of his time. Then he was immersed in theological research, wanting to prove the existence of God and the development and laws of the world. In fact, it was God reaching out. His hands are operating all this.

As for Einstein, the first half of his life was brilliant and dazzling enough, but in the second half of his life, he was full of worries about the future of mankind, always worried that mankind would be destroyed by the weapons he created.

Their lives, in the era, are all moving along with the trend of the times, like a small boat in the sea. In fact, they are powerless to follow the times.

But Qin Yuanqing was different. Qin Yuanqing single-handedly pushed forward the development of the times and gave human civilization the opportunity to break through the ceiling. Once humans take this opportunity to enter the interstellar era and realize the upgrade leap of civilization, then Qin Yuanqing's achievements will be He will be completely looked up to by future generations.

He will surpass all scholars in human history, standing at the highest pinnacle, for the world to look up to and admire.

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